Author: William Edward Tirebuck
Author: William Edward Tirebuck (1854–1900)
Biography: Author and journalist. Friend of Hall Caine, who wrote a memoir of Tirebuck's life.
Author Tags:
References: Hall Caine, "Memoir of the Author" (in Tirebuck's 'Twixt God and Mammon [1903])
Fiction Titles:
- Saint Margaret. 1 vol. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1888.
- Dorrie: A Novel. 1 vol. London: Longman, 1891.
- Sweetheart Gwen: A Welsh Idyll. 1 vol. London: Longman, 1893.
- Miss Grace of All Souls. 1 vol. London: William Heinemann, 1895.
- Jenny Jones and Jenny, and Other Tales from the Welsh Hills. 1 vol. London: Simpkin, 1896.
- Meg of the Scarlet Foot. 1 vol. London: Harper and Bros., 1898.
- The White Woman. 1 vol. London: Harper and Bros., 1899.