Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Mary Ann Serrett Barber

Author: Mary Ann Serrett Barber (1801–1864)

Biography: Author and editor of Children's Missionary Magazine (1847 to death).

Author Tags:

References: Boase

Fiction Titles:

  1. Missionary Tales, for Little Listeners.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1840.
  2. Childhood's Duties: or, Precepts for Little Emma.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1842.
  3. The Hearths of the Poor: or, True English Stories from Real English Life.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1852.
  4. The Lord's Jewels: or, Sketches of Unknown Disciples.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1853.
  5. Sunshine: or, Believing and Rejoicing. A Series of Home and Foreign Missionary Sketches.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1854.
  6. The Sorrows of the Streets.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1855.
  7. The Poor Folk at Home: and What Can We Do for Them?.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1856.
  8. Castle Rag, and its Dependencies: or, The Sins and Sorrows of the Poor.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1858.
  9. Earning a Living: or, From Hand to Mouth. Scenes from the Homes of Working People.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet, 1861.