Title: The Heir-at-Law, and Other Tales
Author and Title: William Russell. The Heir-at-Law, and Other Tales
First Edition: London: Henry Lea, 1861. 1 volume, 8vo., 2s.
- "The Captain's Story", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 10 February 1849
- "An Incident in the Peninsular War", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 17 March 1849
- "Mr. Robert Simpson's Courtship", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 28 April 1849
- "The Dark Chamber", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 19 May 1849
- "The Cadet Branch", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 14 July 1849
- "Estelle St. Ange", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 15 December 1849
- "The Magic Mirror", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 2 March 1850
- "Self-Sacrifice", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 9 March 1850
- "The Unlawful Gift", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 21 September 1850
- "The Wife's Stratagem", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 8 March 1851
- "The Point of Honor", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 13 December 1851
- "The Counter-Stroke", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 22 May 1852
- "The Hunchback of Strasbourg", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 19 June 1852
- "The Beauty of Barbican", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 1 January 1853
- "An Offer of Marriage", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 19 February 1853
- "The Heir-at-Law", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 5 August 1854 to 19 August 1854 (weekly)
Summary: By "Waters."
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References: Bodleian; BL; EC
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