Title: Shafts from an Eastern Quiver
Author and Title: Charles John Jodrell Mansford. Shafts from an Eastern Quiver
First Edition: London: George Newnes, 1894. 1 volume, post 8vo., 3s. 6d.
- "The Diamonds of Shomar's Queen", Strand Magazine, July 1892
- "The Jasper Vale of the Falling Star", Strand Magazine, August 1892
- "The Black Horsemen of Nisha", Strand Magazine, September 1892
- "Darak, the Scorn of the Afghans", Strand Magazine, October 1892
- "The Sword-Hilt of the Idol at Delhi", Strand Magazine, November 1892
- "The Hindu Fakir of the Silent City", Strand Magazine, December 1892
- "Margarita, the Bond Queen of the Wandering Dhahs", Strand Magazine, January 1893
- "The Masked Rule of the Black Wreckers", Strand Magazine, February 1893
- "Maw-Sayah: The Keeper of the Great Burman Nat", Strand Magazine, March 1893
- "The Hunted Tribe of the Three Hundred Peaks", Strand Magazine, April 1893
- "In Quest of the Lost Galleon", Strand Magazine, May 1893
- "The Daughter of Lovetski the Lost", Strand Magazine, June 1893
Summary: Illustrated.
References: BL; EC
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