Title: The Woman with the Yellow Hair and Other Modern Mysteries
Author and Title: Percy H. Fitzgerald. The Woman with the Yellow Hair and Other Modern Mysteries
First Edition: London: Saunders and Otley, 1862. 1 volume, post 8vo., 10s. 6d.
- "At the Sign of the Silver Horn", Household Words, 26 June 1856
- "A Vision of a Studious Man", Household Words, 28 March 1857
- "The Balcombe Street Mystery", Household Words, 8 May 1858
- "The Blood of the Sundons", Household Words, 12 June 1858
- "The Canon's Clock", Household Words, 21 August 1858
- "The Woman with the Yellow Hair", Dublin University Magazine, November 1861
- "A Melodrama in a First-Class Carriage", Dublin University Magazine, December 1861
References: BL; EC
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