Title: The Experiences of a Barrister
Author and Title: William Russell. The Experiences of a Barrister
First Edition: London: J. and C. Brown, 1856. 1 volume, 12mo., 1s. 6d.
- "The March Assize", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 13 January 1849
- "The Northern Circuit", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 17 February 1849
- "The Contested Marriage", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 31 March 1849
- "The Mother and Son", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 26 May 1849
- "The Writ of Habeas Corpus", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 9 June 1849
- "Esther Mason", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 30 June 1849
- "The Marriage Settlement", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 22 September 1849
- "The Second Marriage", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 22 September 1849
- "Circumstantial Evidence", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 20 October 1849
- "The Accommodation Bill", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 26 January 1850
- "The Refugee", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 1 June 1850
- "The March Assize", Huddersfield Chronicle, 21 February 1857
- "The Northern Circuit", Huddersfield Chronicle, 28 February 1857
- "The Constested Marriage", Huddersfield Chronicle, 4 April 1857
- "The Mother and Son", Huddersfield Chronicle, 11 April 1857
- "The Writ of Habeas Corpus", Huddersfield Chronicle, 25 April 1857
- "Esther Mason", Huddersfield Chronicle, 9 May 1857
- "The Marriage Settlement", Huddersfield Chronicle, 6 June 1857
- "Circumstantial Evidence", Huddersfield Chronicle, 18 June 1857
Summary: By S*** ****** ******, D. C. L. Illustrated. Authorship confirmed by RLF application. In addition to the serialized stories, the collection includes "The Step-Father" and "Lucille Béranger".
References: BL; Emory; EC
- Volume from Google Books
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