Title: The Adventures of Augustus Short
Author and Title: Richard Marsh. The Adventures of Augustus Short: Things Which I Have Done for Others and Wish I Hadn't
First Edition: London: Anthony Treherne, 1902. 1 volume.
- "That Stag I Hunted", Windsor Magazine, illustrated by G. H. Jailand, April 1901
- "How I Drove a Motor Car for Randal", Strand Magazine, illustrated by Tom Browne, April 1901
- "The Fitzroy-Jenkinson's Rooms", Cassell's Family Magazine, illustrated by Lewis Baumer, June 1901
- "McCulloch's Shoes", Cassell's Family Magazine, illustrated by Lewis Baumer, July 1901
- "Griffin's Offspring", Cassell's Family Magazine, illustrated by Lewis Baumer, August 1901
- "The Duel I Fought for Jarvis", Cassell's Family Magazine, illustrated by Lewis Baumer, September 1901
- "Jones's Love Affair", Cassell's Family Magazine, illustrated by Lewis Baumer, October 1901
- "The Address Which I Gave for Rudman", Cassell's Family Magazine, illustrated by Lewis Baumer, November 1901
Summary: Collection of stories.
References: BL
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