Title: In a Glass Darkly
Author and Title: J. Sheridan Le Fanu. In a Glass Darkly
First Edition: London: Bentley, 1872. 3 volumes, post 8vo, 31s. 6d.
- "Green Tea", All the Year Round, 23 October 1869 to 13 November 1869 (weekly)
- "Camilla", Dark Blue, December 1871 to March 1872 (monthly)
- "Mr. Justice Harbottle", Belgravia, January 1872
- "The Room in the Dragon Volant", London Society, February 1872 to June 1872 (monthly)
Summary: Collection of short stories, containing: "Carmilla," "Green Tea," "The Familiar," "Mr. Justice Harbottle" (originally titled "The Haunted House in Westminster"), and "The Room in the Dragon Volant."
Title Tags:
- Genre: Short Story Collections
- Genre: Supernatural Fiction
- Genre: Gothic Novel
- Reprint Series: Oxford World's Classics (2017)
References: BL; EC; Sutherland
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