Title: Adventures of Susan Hopley
Author and Title: Catherine Ann Crowe. Adventures of Susan Hopley: or, Circumstancial Evidence
First Edition: London: Saunders and Otley, 1841. 3 volumes, post 8vo., 31s. 6d.
- 5 parts, 7d per part, illustrated by Unknown, Edinburgh: William Tait, June 1842 to October 1842 (monthly)
- 18 parts, 2d per part, illustrated by Unknown, Edinburgh: William Tait, 4 June 1842 to 1 October 1842 (weekly)
Summary: Titled Susan Hopley; or, The Adventures of a Maid-Servant during its part issue by publisher William Tait. A young servant woman passes through a whirlwind of murder, robbery plots, abductions, and seductions. (LP)
Title Tags:
References: Caledonian Mercury (ads); EC; Sadleir; Sutherland; Wolff
- Volume 1 from Google Books
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- Volume 3 from Google Books
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