Title: In the Wrong Paradise and Other Stories
Author and Title: Andrew Lang. In the Wrong Paradise and Other Stories
First Edition: London: Kegan Paul, 1886. 1 volume.
- "The Romance of the First Radical", Fraser's Magazine, September 1880
- "In the Wrong Paradise", Fortnightly Review, December 1883
- "A Cheap Nigger", Cornhill Magazine, August 1885
- "My Friend the Beachcomber", Longman's Magazine, August 1885
- "The End of Phaeacia", Time, January 1886 to March 1886 (monthly)
- "The Great Gladstone Myth", Macmillan's Magazine, February 1886
- "In Castle Perilous", Cornhill Magazine, May 1886
Summary: Besides the serialized stories, contains the stories "A Duchess's Secret" and "The House of Strange Stories." The story "The Romance of the First Radical" is set in prehistoric times.
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