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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Browse Fiction Titles

The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.


Title Author Year
The Household of Sir Thomas More: Libellus a Margareta More, Quindec... Anne Manning 1851
The Household Skeleton George L. Aiken 1867
Household Troops: or, Small Service is True Service Mary H. Debenham 1893
Hovenden, V.C., the Destiny of a Man of Action: A Novel Frances Mabel Robinson 1891
How a Farthing Made a Fortune: or, Honesty is the Best Policy Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1879
How Annie Bryce Cared for 'One of the Least" Annette Thomasina Lyster 1876
How Charley Helped his Mother Ruth Lamb 1861
How Could He Help It?: or, The Heart Triumphant Azel Stevens Roe 1860
How Cynthia Went A-Maying: A Romance of Long Ago Wherein the Siege o... Marion Andrews 1901
How Dick and Molly Saw England Mary Helena Cornwall-Legh 1896
How Dick and Molly Went Round the World Mary Helena Cornwall-Legh 1895
How Dick Found his Sea-Legs: A Stroy of a Seaside Holiday Mary Elizabeth Palgrave 1896
How Do I Know?: Walks and Talks with Uncle Merton BTAO "What Makes me Grow?" 1869
How England Became a Republic: A Romance of the Constitution John St. Loe Strachey 1891
How Families are Rendered Happy or Miserable Uncle David 1864
How Frank Began to Climb the Ladder, and the Friends who Lent him a ... Charles Bruce 1873
How He Became a Peer: A Story of Modern Politics James Thirsk 1894
How He Won Her: A Novel Elizabeth Darby Eiloart 1879
How I Became Eminent Jean Middlemass 1892
How I Dished the Don and Other Stories Jo Vanny 1898
How I Rose in the World Anonymous 1868
How I Tamed Mrs. Cruiser George Augustus Sala 1858
How I Won my Spurs: or, A Boy's Adventures in the Barons' Wars John George Edgar 1863
How It All Came Round Elizabeth Thomasina Meade 1883
How It All Happened, and Other Stories Louisa Parr 1871
How It Came to Pass: or, Seedtime and Harvest. A Novel Mrs. George Skelton 1871
How it was done at Stow School Theophilus Woolmer 1862
How Jack got into Trouble: or, Lost and Found BTAO "Janet Cameron" 1876
How Jack Mackenzie Won his Epaulettes: A Story William Gordon Stables 1895
How Jarvis got his House: An Incident of Life in the Black Country, ... Sophie Amelia Prosser 1887
How John Bull Lost London: or, The Capture of the Channel Tunnel Edgar Luderne Welch 1882
How Like a Woman: A Novel Florence Marryat 1892
How Little Bessie Kept the Wolf from the Door Elizabeth Youatt 1871
How Little Fanny Learned to be Useful Anonymous 1865
How Marjory Helped M. Caroll 1875
How Martin Drake Found his Father: or, Wanderers in the West. A Stor... G. Norway 1891
How Molly Spent her Christmas H. Rutherford Russell 1877
How Paul Arnold Made his Fortune: A Tale of Peruvian Adventures Anonymous 1873
How Paul's Penny Became a Pound Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen 1866
How Peter Parley Laid a Ghost, and Other Stories Anonymous 1875
How Sandy Learned the Creed Frances E. Reade 1889
How the Children Raised the Wind: A Tale Edna Lyall 1896
How the Home was Won Back: A Story for Mothers Isabel Reaney 1887
How the Strike Began: A Story for Girls Emma Leslie 1888
How the Village was Won Isabel Suart Robson 1890
How They Did: or, Those Four Grace Stebbing 1883
How They Loved Him: A Novel Florence Marryat 1882
How They Mismanaged their House on £500 a Year: A Narrative Mrs. Warren 1878
How They were Caught in a Trap: A Tale of France in 1802 Esmé Stuart 1880
How to Be Happy: or, Every-Day Work, with Other Tales Catherine Douglas Bell 1867
How to be Happy though Hunted: From the Fox's Point of View Florence Foster 1896
How to Build a House: An Architectural Novelette Eugène Viollet-le-Duc 1874
How to Make the Best of It: A Domestic Tale for Young Ladies Anne Bowman 1862
How to Manage It: A Novel Iltudus Thomas Prichard 1864
How to Spend a Week Happily Edwina Jane Burbury 1848
How to Win Love: or, Rhoda's Lesson. A Story for the Young Dinah Marie Craik 1848
How Tom Tomkins Made his Fortune Mrs. L. E. Rees 1868
How We Dine: or, Dinner's Ready Emma Anne Georgina Davenport 1866
How We Learned to Help Ourselves Lalla McDowell 1877
How Will it End? Agnes Strickland 1865
How Will it End?: A Novel BTAO "Willy Morgan" 1878
How Willie Became a Hero: A Tale for Boys Frances E. Reade 1881
Howard Plunkett: or, Adrift in Life Kinahan Cornwallis 1857
Howards of Glen Luna Susan Bogert Warner 1869
Hoya Corney: A Novel Kate Tanqueray 1899
The Hoyden: A Novel Margaret Wolfe Hungerford 1894
Hubert Jacob Abbott 1873
Hubert Ellerdale: A Tale of the Days of Wycliffe W. Oak Rhind 1881
Hubert Ellis: A Story of King Richard's Days the Second Francis Davenant 1866
Hubert Freeth's Prosperity Camilla Dufour Crosland 1873
Hubert Montreuil: or, The Huguenot and the Dragoon Francisca Ingram Ouvry 1873
Hubert's Crusade BTAO "Arthur" 1865
Hubert's Two Anchors: or, Service Chosen E. A. W. 1878
Hugh: A Romance Sarah Jane Mayne 1871
Hugh Axe of Hephzibah John M. Bamford 1889
Hugh Crichton's Romance Christabel Rose Coleridge 1875
Hugh Deyne of Plas-Idrys Vere Clavering 1893
Hugh Errington Gertrude Forde 1889
Hugh Gwyeth, a Roundhead Cavalier Beulah Marie Dix 1899
Hugh Herbert's Inheritance Caroline Austin 1889
Hugh Heron, Ch. Ch.: An Oxford Novel Richard St. John Tyrwhitt 1880
Hugh Moore: or, What is Honour? Hon. Emily Anna Acland 1885
Hugh Nolan, the Lobster-Boy: or, A Foolish Son is a Heaviness to His... Anonymous 1867
Hugh Russell at Harrow: A Sketch of School Life An Old Harrovian 1880
Hugh Talbot: A Tale of the Irish Confiscations of the Seventeenth Ce... William O'Neill Daunt 1846
Hugh Templar's Motto Louisa Emily Dobrée 1879
Hugh Willoughby's Wager: And Other Tales Augusta Mann 1877
Hugh Worthington: A Novel Mary Jane Holmes 1867
Hugh Wynford: or, The Cousin's Revenge Anonymous 1863
Hugh Wynne: Free Quaker. Sometime Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel on the S... Silas Weir Mitchell 1897
Hugh's Sacrifice Cecil Marryat Norris 1886
The Huguenot: A Tale of the French Protestants G. P. R. James 1839
The Huguenot Family in English Village Henrietta Keddie 1867
Hulse House: A Novel Harriet Grove Cradock 1860
The Human Boy Eden Phillpotts 1899
A Human Document: A Novel William Hurrell Mallock 1892
The Human Face Divine, and Other Tales Margaret Gatty 1860
The Human Interest: A Study in Incompatibilities Violet Hunt 1899
Human Odds and Ends: Stories and Sketches George Gissing 1898
A Human Spider: A Novel Edith Henderson 1891
A Humble Enterprise Ada Cambridge 1896
A Humble Heroine Lizzie Ellen Tiddeman 1895
Humble Life: A Tale for Humble Homes Henry Courtney Selous 1876
A Humble Romance, and Other Stories Mary Eleanor Freeman 1890
Humbling his Pride: A Novel Charles Thomas Clement James 1891
The Humbling of Mark Lester Bessie Marchant 1899
Humility: A Tale Barbara Hofland 1837
The Humours of Donegal Seumas James MacManus 1898
Humphrey Dyot: A Novel James Greenwood 1867
Humphrey Merton: or, The Widow's Sons A. I. T. S. 1872
Humphrey Pace and his wife Hannah, and Other Stories Sophie Amelia Prosser 1881
Humpty-Dumpty's Silver Bells: A Story Illustrating the Lord's Prayer Margaret Scott Haycraft 1888
The Hunchback: or, The Cave Castle W. J. Hamilton 1867
The Hunchback Cashier: A Tale of the Last Century Mary Clementina Hibbert-Ware 1876
The Hunchback of Carrigmore: An Irish Tale J. F. Scott 1877
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo 1824
The Hunchback's Charge: A Romance William Clark Russell 1867
The Hundredth Man Frank R. Stockton 1887
The Hungarian Castle Julia S. H. Pardoe 1842
An Hungarian Nabob Mór Jókai 1898
The Hunger-Pastor Wilhelm Karl Raabe 1885
Hungering and Thirsting Agnes Giberne 1869
The Hunlock Title-Deeds: A Novel Mary Clementina Hibbert-Ware 1872
A Hunt Cup: or, Loyalty Before All. A Novelette Walter Bradford Woodgate 1873
The Hunt for Happiness Annie Vivanti Chartres 1896
The Hunt of the Glenkens William Andrew Ross 1866
Hunt-Room Stories and Yachting Yarns Elim Henry D'Avigdor 1885
Hunted and Harried: A Tale of the Scottish Covenanters R. M. Ballantyne 1892
Hunted Down John Hutton Balfour Browne 1885
Hunted Down: or, Recollections of a City Detective William Crawford Honeyman 1879
A Hunted Life: An Episode Joseph Fogerty 1894
Hunted to Death: or, Life in Two Hemispheres. A Tale of Love and Adv... William Stephens Hayward 1862
Hunter and Tom Jacob Abbott 1873
The Hunter's Cabin: An Episode of the Early Settlements of Southern ... Edward S. Ellis 1862
The Hunter's Escape: A Tale of the North-West in 1862 Edward S. Ellis 1865
The Hunters of the Prairie: or, The Hawk Chief. A Tale of the Indian... John Treat Irving 1837
Hunting for Gold: or, Adventures in Klondyke James Hume Nisbet 1897
The Hunting Girl: A Novel Mary Kennard 1893
The Hunting of the "Hydra": or, The Phantom Prahu Henry Frith 1889
Hunting the Lions: or, The Land of the Negro R. M. Ballantyne 1872
Hurlock Chase: or, Among the Sussex Ironworks George Eliel Sargent 1876
Hurree de Fontenay: or, All Lost save Honour. A Novel Catherine Elizabeth Tylee 1876
Hurricane Dick: A Tale of a North-Country Mission Rev. Forbes Edward Winslow 1877
Hurricane Hurry: or, The Adventures of a Naval Officer Afloat and on... William Henry Giles Kingston 1874
A Hurricane in Petticoats: A Novel Grace L. Keith Johnston 1889
Hurrish: A Study Emily Lawless 1886
Hurst and Hanger: A History in Two Parts Mary Augusta Austen-Leigh 1886
Hurst-Carewe: A Tale of Two Christmases Harriette Elizabeth Streatfield 1880
Hurstleigh Dene Eleanor Grace O'Reilly 1890
Husband and Wife: A Novel Marie Connor 1888
The Husband Hunter: or, "Das Schiksal" William O'Neill Daunt 1839
A Husband of No Importance Eliza Margaret von Booth 1894
The Husband of One Wife Susanna Carnegie Venn 1894
Husbands and Wives Emma Jane Worboise 1873
The Husband's Secret Richard Dowling 1881
Hush Money Jean Middlemass 1895
Hush Money: A Life Drama in Four Acts Charles Henry Ross 1871
Hush!: A Novel Susan Rowley Richmond Lee 1888
The Hussar George Robert Gleig 1837
Hussein the Hostage: or, A Boy's Adventures in Persia G. Norway 1891
The Hut in the Bush: A Tale of Australian Adventure. And Other Stories Robert Richardson 1883
Hwa Tsien Ki. The Flowery Scroll: A Chinese Novel Sir John Bowring 1868
Hyacinthe: or, The Contrast Catherine Maria Grey 1835
Hyde Marston: or, A Sportman's Life William Carleton 1844
Hylton House and its Inmates Harriet Anne Scott 1850
The Hymn my Mother Taught me, and Other Stories Charlotte Maria Tucker 1871
Hymn Stories Edis Searle 1873
Hypatia: or, New Foes with an Old Face Charles Kingsley 1853
The Hypocrite Cyril Ranger Gull 1898
Hypocrites Hugh Coleman Davidson 1892
I Crown Thee King: A Romance Max Pemberton 1902
I Don't Know How Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1873
I Forbid the Banns: The Story of a Comedy which was Played Seriously Frank Frankfort Moore 1893
"I Forgot" Anonymous 1868
I Have Lived and Loved Emily Feake Bridges 1883
I Loved Her Once: A Novel Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1896
I Married a Wife: A Novel Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard 1895
I Must Keep the Chimes Going: A Story of Real Life Emily Steele Elliott 1868
"I Remember": or, Photographs from a Home Album. With Other Sketches Emily Steele Elliott 1870
I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter's Tales Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1892
I Say No: or, The Love-Letter Answered Wilkie Collins 1884
I Will be a Sailor H. Louisa Bedford 1899
I, Benjamin Holbeck: or, How I Fared at the Siege of Plymouth. A Sto... Mary Anna Paull 1884
I, Thou, and the Other One: A Love Story Amelia E. Barr 1899
Ia Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1896
Ian Roy Urquhart Atwell Forbes 1886
Ianthe of "The Devil's Jumps": A Story of Hind Head in the Old Smugg... Thomas Wright 1900
Icarus Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton 1886
The Ice Party: or, "Trust in God, and Do the Right" Anonymous 1877
The Ice Prison Frank Frankfort Moore 1891
Icebound Walter Thornbury 1861
The Icelander's Sword: or, The Story of Oraefa-dal Sabine Baring-Gould 1893
Ichabod: A Portrait Bertha Thomas 1885
Icon Trevor: A Temperance Tale Mary Milner 1877
I'd Crowns Resign James Maclaren Cobban 1900
Ida: An Adventure in Morocco Mabel Collins 1890
Ida: or, The Last Struggles of the Welsh for Independence Alice Somerton 1858
Ida: or, Living for Others. A Story for the Young Emma Marshall 1865
Ida Cameron Margaret Parker 1893
Ida Clifford: or, The Voice of God in a Dream Anonymous 1865
Ida Craven Jessie Ellen Cadell 1876
Ida Dalton and Other Stories Parker W. Freeland 1877
Ida from India: A Tale for Girls Mary Emma Martin 1897
Ida Hatherly at School Constance Evelyn 1890
Ida May: A Story of Things Actual and Possible Mary Langdon 1854
Ida Milton: or, To be or not to be. A Novel Graham Stephenson 1877
Ida Nicolari Elizabeth Emily Charlton 1886
Ida Vane: A Tale of the Restoration Andrew Reed 1880
Idalia: A Romance Ouida 1867
Idaline: A Story of the Egyptian Bondage Annie Webb 1854
Ida's Secret: or, The Towers of Ickledale Agnes Giberne 1893
The Ideal Artist: A Novel F. Bayford Harrison 1893
Ideala: A Study from Life Sarah Grand 1888
The Idealist Grove Johnson 1901
The Ides of March Gertrude Minnie Robins 1892
An Idle Farthing: A Story Esmé Stuart 1888
Idle Tales Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell 1888
Idlehurst: A Journal Kept in the Country George Forrester Scott 1898
The Idler Out of Doors Walter Raymond 1901
The Idler Reformed: A Tale Rose Ellen Hendriks 1846
An Idol of Bronze Louise Palmer Heaven 1901
The Idol-Maker: A Novel Adeline Sergeant 1897
Idolatry: A Romance Julian Hawthorne 1874
Idols William John Locke 1898
Idols in the Heart: A Tale Charlotte Maria Tucker 1860
Idols of Clay: A Novel Harriet Maria Smythies 1867
Idonea Anne Beale 1881
An Idyll of the Alps Anne Manning 1876
The Idyll of the Star-Flower: An Allegory of Life Alice Coralie Glyn 1895
The Idyll of the White Lotus Mabel Collins 1884
Idylls of Rosehill Ramsay Guthrie 1901
Idylls of the Sea and Other Marine Sketches Frank Thomas Bullen 1899
Ierne: A Tale William Steuart Trench 1871
Ierne of Armorica: A Tale of the Time of Chlovis Jane Carr Bateman 1873
If: A Novel Gabriel H. Harwood 1877
If Either--Which?: A Story T. P. W. 1874
If Love be Love: A Forest Idyl D. Cecil Gibbs 1886
If Men were Wise: A Novel Elizabeth Leila Shew 1894
If Sinners Entice Thee William Le Queux 1898
"If Wishes were Horses, Beggars would Ride": A Tale for Young Folk Mary Ann Seamer 1888
Ilderim the Afghan: A Tale of the Indian Border David Ker 1903
"I'll Try": or, How the Farmer's Son Became a Captain Anonymous 1878
Ill Weeds: A Novel Madame Foli 1880
An Ill Wind Caroline Emily Cameron 1901
Ill-Gotten Gold: A Story of a Great Wrong and a Great Revenge W. G. Tarbet 1897
An Ill-Matched Pair: The Story of a Marriage of Convenience Wilhelmina Martha James 1896
The Ill-Tempered Cousin: A Novel Frances Elliot 1885
Illusion: A Romance of Modern Egypt E. Livingston Prescott 1899
Illusions Marriette Beadum 1887
Illustrations of Human Life Robert Plumer Ward 1837

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