August 2006 Edition

Eileen M. Curran


This installment of ‘Additions and Corrections’ is larger than any yet published. Partly as a result, it is also more miscellaneous than some have been, and there is no overriding emphasis on a single periodical that might provide a focus for this introduction. I will therefore glance at parts of the process of developing Additions, both here and more generally. The present installment identifies the authorship of some two dozen of the Wellesley Index’s previously unassigned (and occasionally mis-assigned) articles and of many more articles that can be considered ‘almost Wellesley,’ a category discussed at the end of this introduction. In addition, it removes a few of Wellesley’s question marks and ‘probably’s.’ At the same time it argues for the deletion of some earlier attributions, often guesses that have proved to be untenable. It offers a larger number than usual of incomplete attributions: evidence that a person contributed to a periodical with no identification of specific articles. A larger number of additions and corrections falls into Part B, providing or correcting contributors’ dates, occupations, full names, their very identities. Ultimately such details are not mere trivia, particularly when writers share similar or identical names, close family relationships, pseudonyms or initials, or other causes of confusion. Look at Philip Meadows Taylor (1779-1868), in Parts A and B here but not in Wellesley, which rolled two men with the same name into one. Some users of this Index may recognize the Taylor entries as corrections of corrections; it took two researchers, using mss. letters to Richard Bentley at the University of Illinois (available on microfilm) and to Sir Robert Peel in the British Library, to sort out the Rev. Philip Taylor (1747-1831), his son the aforementioned 1779-1868 Philip Meadows Taylor, and the latter’s son, Capt. Philip Meadows Taylor (1808-1876)—and to assign to PMT sr. articles mistakenly given to the son in Wellesley.

Evidence here is drawn, as always, from several sources: authors’ reprints of their articles, usually in book form; manuscript and printed letters; the always informative archives of the Royal Literary Fund (RLF); more recent scholarly work; the searchable online Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB); and from the unsolicited and always welcome help offered by strangers. I am particularly grateful to Professor Nora Crook for alerting me to her work identifying Mary Shelley’s contribution to the Monthly Chronicle. Though it had long been known than Shelley contributed an article there, the article had never been identified, and the identification was made more difficult by Wellesley’s attributing the article to someone else. True, with a ‘prob.,’ and to someone known to have contributed. There are lessons to be learned here that we all forget at times. First, be chary with guesses, which no matter how carefully labeled as such, may convince others by their existence. Second, check out one’s own prejudgments. Here there seemingly was an assumption that, given two contributors with unidentified work, the Italian would have written on Italian literature, not the English woman. However, several English critics read, reviewed, and even translated Italian writers.

The work of identification can depend heavily on plain luck. Somewhat hesitantly I bought a manuscript letter offered online; it was expensive, but the excerpt offered by the bookseller was promising and it was written to Richard Bentley by a known contributor to New Monthly Magazine. After I had deciphered handwriting and references and then read articles and books side by side, that single letter produced ten new attributions, nine of previously unattributed articles and one of a previously mis-attributed article (see under John Carne). Elsewhere evidence is more elusive. As I have argued before now, a claim of authorship of an article published two years previously is usually more credible than a claim made forty years after an article’s appearance, when time and illness may have impaired a person’s memory. Assertions by a third party, whether colleague or friend or widow, and assertions made a generation later need careful examination, but often they are all we have. For some years I struggled with repeated, but it seemed to me unlikely, claims that two men had edited the New Monthly Magazine. Finally I understood the problem; yes, they had been editors—of a new series of the Monthly Magazine.

There are good reasons even for getting seemingly trivial details as correct as possible, if only because the habit of accuracy may forestall significant errors. The exact date of birth, for example, may make no real difference, or it may lead one from a chance remark in an article to identification of the author. For it to do so, it must be read carefully. If an 1835 essay presents its writer as having been born the day of Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar (21 Oct.) and having just turned 30, we know that he was born in 1805 and that ‘the day’ means the exact day. If he said that he was now in his 31st year we would know that he was born in 1805. If, however, he would turn 30 between 22 October and 31 December 1835, he was born in 1804. If one has the author’s age but no day and month, one must give the year of birth as 1804/05. However, the original comment may be a red herring, and the apparent author of an article that presents itself as autobiographical and personal may be a fiction, a persona, untrustworthy. A woman may identify herself as a man, a foreigner as an Englishman born and bred, a young man as a world-weary senior. Still, just in case the author honestly means every word s/he writes, one must investigate every hint.

Finally, to return to the ‘almost Wellesleys’ mentioned at the start. These ‘Additions to and Corrections of the Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals’ have gradually gone beyond Wellesley boundaries, first by including the names of contributors whose contributions have not been identified. Some of these ‘But What?’ semi-identifications appeared in the Victorian Periodicals Review (VPR) but were not included in the first online compilation; now they are all here. The New Monthly Magazine presents a variant of this problem. Though the NMM ran from 1814 into 1884, Wellesley covers only the years 1821 through 1854. Limiting the expanded ‘Additions and Corrections’ to the Wellesley years quickly proved impossible; here I have made some chronological separation, probably a bad idea.

Also edging in now are some of the true ‘Almost Wellesley’s,’ titles on Walter Houghton’s original list of periodicals to be included in Wellesley that in the end were dropped for lack of space. For a discussion of the intended coverage, see Walter Houghton, ‘The Wellesley Index, volumes II and III: Plans and problems,’ Victorian Periodicals Newsletter, [vol. 1,] issue 4 (Apr. 1969), 3-6. (At the beginning the Index was to be complete in 3 volumes; even the addition of volume 4 could not accommodate the entire list.) These ‘lost’ periodicals are the ‘Almost Wellesley’s.’ Eventually Mary Ruth Hiller published an extensive identification of authorship in the Eclectic Review, in a different format than Wellesley’s; it includes titles only of articles whose authorship has been at least tentatively identified, but it covers the Eclectic from 1805 through 1868 in contrast to Houghton’s intended (at least n 1969) restriction to 1823 – 1844 volumes (‘The Eclectic Review, 1805-1868,’ VPR 27 [1994], 179-278). I published a study of the Foreign Review (VPR 24 [1991], 119-136), fully indexing the short run of this periodical. Additions to and corrections of these two VPR articles here join the official Wellesley titles. I have in manuscript or typescript similar treatments of two other periodicals on Houghton’s original list, the Foreign and Colonial Quarterly / New Quarterly Review, 1843-1847, and Cochrane’s Foreign Quarterly Review, 1835, and should eventually add them online. The others dropped from the original list are the Christian Remembrancer, 1841-1868, and the Church Quarterly Review, 1875-1900. Some work on their publishing histories, planned for Wellesley, has been published, but they have not been indexed. Perhaps someone eventually will identify authorship in these journals. Houghton’s 1969 article also discusses other titles that were considered but not added to the original list and titles that would have been included if work on them had not already been published; the primary example of the latter was the Monthly Repository, the subject of Francis Mineka’s Dissidence of Dissent.

Now to the actual additions and corrections.

Periodicals Covered

Add Dublin Review.

Bentley’s Miscellany

BentM 346. The spalpeen (ch. i), 6 (Sept. 1839), 288-295. s/ P. McTeague, Esq. Not the P. Meadows Taylor to whom Wellesley assigns this, but his father, Philip Meadows Taylor (1779-1868), who in letters to Richard Bentley between 3 Aug. 1839 and 5 March 1840 identifies himself as P. McTeague and as the father of Philip Meadows Taylor (1808-1876) [Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois]. See Part B below.

BentM 358. The spalpeen (ch. ii-iv), 6 (Oct. 1839), 396-413. Replace present attribution with P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Evidence for no. 346.

BentM 370a Those sweet days!, 6 (Dec. 1839), 574. P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Delete ‘Rev.’ and ref. to Finkelstein article; see Part B here.

BentM 399. The herdsman. 7 (March 1840), 235-246. Replace present attribution with P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Evidence for no. 346.

BentM 415 Watty Flaherty. 7 (Apr. 1840), 391-404. Replace present attribution with P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Evidence for no. 346.

BentM 448. Father Mathew. 8 (July 1840), 54-68. Replace present attribution with P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Evidence for no. 346.

BentM 466 Irish invention. 8 (Sept. 1840), 238-248. Replace present attribution with P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Evidence for no. 346.

BentM 526. Irish superstitions. 9 (Feb. 1841), 188-196. Replace present attribution with P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Evidence for no. 346.

BentM 674. Gubbawn Seare, the Irish mason. 11 (Apr. 1842), 443-452. Replace present attribution with P. Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). Evidence for no. 346.

BentM 1421a Lilla’s blushes, 22 (Dec. 1847), 536. s/ D.B. Henrietta Euphemia Tindal. Her son, Charles H. Tindal, republished her verse, which had ‘appeared at various times in Bentley’s Miscellany & other leading magazines’ (to [George] Bentley, 16 July 1879 [Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois, reel 53]). ‘D.B.’ were the initials of her pen-name, ‘Diana Butler’ (see ODNB).

BentM: unidentified contributions

Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Apparently an additional contribution 1838-early 1839. EMC, VPR 30 (1997), 328.

Howitt, Mary Botham. Claimed ‘an article in the Miscellany’ (Receipts 51); none identified so far. EMC, VPR 30 (1997), 328.

Blackwood’s Magazine

Bk unidentified contributions

Chatfield, Edward. ODNB, following DNB, claims that he contributed to Bk. Nothing has been identified as his.


Cornhill Magazine

CM 3416 Panics and prices, 77 o.s.; 4, 3rd s. (June 1898), 757-768. Author unidentified. Signed 'George Yard,' undoubtedly a pseudonym, the name not of a person but of a place. Given the subject of the article, the likeliest George Yard in London is off Lombard Street.


Dublin Review

DR 280 Education of the working classes, 14 (Feb. 1843), 141-177. Wellesley assigns this article to Jellinger Cookson Symons on strong evidence—letters from Symons to Bagshawe, the editor. However, James Johnston Auchmuty’s Sir Thomas Wyse 1791-1862 (London: P. S. King, 1939), 306, attributes the article to Sir Thomas Wyse. Auchmuty bases his book on archival sources, including correspondence and other materials still in family possession. He is particularly cautious in identifying Wyse’s anonymously published articles, noting that 'Other anonymous articles presumed to be by Wyse are not included for want of definite evidence of authorship.' Both Symons and Wyse were writing in the early 1840s on education in Britain. Though Auchmuty carefully identifies the article by work reviewed and volume, issue, article, and page numbers of the review, perhaps he confused this with the earlier DR 23, ‘Education in England,’ 2 (Dec. 1836), 1-35, which Wellesley assigns to Wyse on the authority of both Bagshawe and Wiseman. One possible explanation of the DR 280 confusion is a stretch. Wellesley notes that Symons objected that the last paragraph of DR 280 was not his; while Wyse might have been asked to edit an article by Symons, one would expect the careful Auchmuty to note his limited contribution. Wyse was a Roman Catholic; Symons, an Anglican opposed to both Anglo- and Roman-Catholicism, apparently did not contribute any other article to DR..


Dublin University Magazine

DUM 1996 Scholastics of Kerry, in the good ould time, 35 (May 1850), 589-597. Philip Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). s/ P. McTeague, the pseudonym of the father, not of his son, Capt. Philip Meadows Taylor (1808-1876). See Part B

DUM 3894 Dreams, omens, and predictions, 67 (May 1866), 506-522. Alexander H. Grant. Add before present evidence: In his application for RLF assistance, 2 July 1907 (case 2756), Grant claimed ‘Ethics of Dreams’ in DUM; he dated his contributions to DUM as ‘1870 &c,’ but since by 1907 he had no copies of his articles, he often gave inexact dates. Delete section of present evidence after last semi-colon.

DUM 4346 Oneirocritica; or, The art of dream interpretation, 76 (Oct. 1870). 427-437. Alexander H. Grant. Add before present evidence: In his RLF application Grant claimed this, his second article (see DUM 3894 for the first), as ‘Oneiromancy.’ Delete all present entry after ‘evidence for no. 3894.’

DUM unidentified contributions

Grant, Alexander Henley. In his RLF application he claimed other articles in DUM in addition to the two identified.


Eclectic Review

[see Hiller, VPR 27 (1994), 179-278]

Eclectic 1415a Brief notices, 66 (July 1837), 118-119. John Grigg Hewlett, who claimed in RLF application, 1 Nov. 1860, that he had contributed ‘Reviews. Brief Notices’ to the Eclectic, 1836-1841. Ten years later, on 31 May 1870, he claimed that ‘in the year 1833 I undertook the Reviews of “the Eclectic Review,” known as “Brief Notices,” and continued that work monthly for several years, occasionally adding a longer article’ (case 1320). ‘Brief Notices’ do not begin until July 1837, in the 2nd vol. of a New Series and of Thomas Price’s editorship. Occasional ‘Notices,’ not called Brief, had appeared in 1833 and 1836, each notice numbered separately; each ‘Brief Notices’ section carried a single number, no matter how many notices were included. When in Jan. 1842 a new publisher brought out the Eclectic, ‘Brief Notices’ continued and Price continued as editor, but Hewlett left the Review. The 1837 through 1841 ‘Brief Notices’ cover topics of interest to Hewlett: religion, education, science. EMC, VPR 34 (2001), 351

Eclectic 1425 Brief notices, 66 (Aug. 1837), 231-232. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1435 Brief notices, 66 (Sept. 1837), 339-341. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1436 Note to the article on Jamaica apprenticeship, 66 (Sept. 1837), 341-344. Delete attribution to ‘Howe Peter Browne.’ Only a letter quoted in the ‘Note’ is signed ‘Sligo,’ not the entire ‘Note.’ Add: Prob. by Thomas Price. It reads like an editor’s note concerning #1411, which Hiller assigns to ‘Thomas Price (prob.).’ EMC, VPR 34 (2001), 350

Eclectic 1446 Brief notices, 66 (Oct. 1837), 455-456. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1457 Brief notices, 66 (Nov. 1837), 557-558. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1465 Brief notices, 66 (Dec. 1837), 668-670. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1474 Brief notices, 67 (Jan. 1838), 118-119. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1483 Brief notices, 67 (Feb. 1838), 237-239. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1492? or 1493? Brief notices, 67 (March 1838), 356-360. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1503 Brief notices, 67 (Apr. 1838), 483-484. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1512 Brief notices, 67 (May 1838), 599-603. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1519 Brief notices, 67 (June 1838), 724. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1528 Brief notices, 68 (July 1838), 121-123. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1535 Brief notices, 68 (Aug. 1838), 244-247. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1545 Brief notices, 68 (Sept. 1838), 364-367. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1555 Brief notices, 68 (Oct. 1838), 486-487. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1564 Brief notices, 68 (Nov. 1838), 605-608. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1574 Brief notices, 68 (Dec. 1838), 721-725. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1582 Brief notices, 69 (Jan. 1839), 118-123. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1599 Brief notices, 69 (March 1839), 363-364. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1608 Brief notices, 69 (Apr.. 1839), 478-484. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1616 Brief notices, 69 (May 1839), 601-607. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1625 Brief notices, 69 (June 1839), 733-734. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1633 Brief notices, 70 (July 1839), 117-119. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1641 Brief notices, 70 (Aug. 1839), 233-239. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1658 Brief notices, 70 (Oct. 1839), 480-481. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1668 Brief notices, 70 (Oct. [sic; actually Nov.] 1839), 603-608. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1679 Brief notices, 70 (Dec. 1839), 731-734. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1688 Brief notices, 71 (Jan. 1840), 118-119. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1697 Brief notices, 71 (Feb. 1840), 230-239. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1706 Brief notices, 71 (March 1840), 361-363. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1714 Brief notices, 71 (Apr. 1840), 482-483. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1724 Brief notices, 71 (May 1840), 603-607. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1733 Brief notices, 71 (June 1840), 725-727. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1743 Brief notices, 72 (July 1840), 118-119. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1780 Brief notices, 72 (Nov. 1840), 599-604. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1788 Brief notices, 72 (Dec. 1840), 725-727. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1796 Brief notices, 73 (Jan. 1841), 114-119. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1805 Brief notices, 73 (Feb. 1841), 246-247. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1813 Brief notices, 73 (March 1841), 364-367. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1823 Brief notices, 73 (Apr. 1841), 485-487. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1831 Brief notices, 73 (May 1841), 603-607. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1840 Brief notices, 73 (June 1841), 719-727. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1850 Brief notices, 74 (July 1841), 114-119. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1859 Brief notices, 74 (Aug. 1841), 233-239. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1869 Brief notices, 74 (Sept. 1841), 362-363. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1878 Brief notices, 74 (Oct. 1841), 485-488. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1888 Brief notices, 74 (Nov. 1841), 602-607. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 1896 Brief notices, 74 (Dec. 1841), 726-727. J. G. Hewlett. See no. 1415a.

Eclectic 2691 Archdeacon Hare and the English Review, 89 (June 1849), 657-669. Richard Monckton Milnes? EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 303.

Eclectic 2932 Poems by W. C. Bennett, 93 (May 1851). 563-574. William Stowell (1825-1877). Claimed in his applications to RLF, 21 Jan. 1862 and later (case 1588). EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 301.

Eclectic 3011 Prentice’s Personal Recollections. The Manchester School of Politics, 95 (Jan. 1852), 84-100. William Stowell (1825-1877). Evidence for no. 2932. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 301.

Eclectic 3119 [Bungener’s] History of the Council of Trent, 96 (Dec. 1852), 704-717. William Stowell (1825-1877). Evidence for no. 2932. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 301.

Eclectic 3182. Woodward’s History of Wales, 98 (July 1853), 44-55. William Stowell (1825-1877). Evidence for no. 2932. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 301.

Eclectic 3228 [Spicer’s] Sights and Sounds: The Mystery of the Day, 98 (Dec. 1853), 679-690. William Stowell (1825-1877). Evidence for no. 2932. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 301.

Eclectic 3256 The autobiography of a Dissenting minister, 99 (March 1854), 287-298. William Stowell (1825-1877). Evidence for no. 2932. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 301.

Eclectic 3317 Memoirs of Joseph John Gurney, 100 (Sept. 1854), 299-316. Saxe Bannister. In his RLF applications Bannister said he contributed to the Eclectic from ‘1839 to 1850,’ but he also claimed ‘Memoirs of … J. J. Gurney’ in the Eclectic. This, the only article so titled, bears marks of Bannister’s authorship. It frequently italicizes phrases and uses one-sentence paragraphs (see Hiller 192). It discusses people like Sarah Martin, who appears in Bannister’s list of ‘Biographical notices.’ Most of all, it stresses topics known to be Bannister’s: ‘our progress in civilization’; ‘treatment of aborigines in the colonies’; true philanthropy; brute force as a disturber of sociery; the importance of education, beginning in the county (grammar) schools. Thomas Price was still editing the Eclectic at this point; Bannister contributed only during his editorship. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 301.

Eclectic 3328 Whewell’s History of Moral Philosophy, 100 (Oct. 1854), 435-450. Delete ‘George Gilfillan.’ Add William Stowell (1825-1877). EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3405 Gilfillan’s Third Gallery of Portraits, 101 (June 1855), 674-680. John Stanyan Bigg. Claimed in RLF application, case 1523, 7 Feb. 1862.

Eclectic 3577 Austrian secret memoirs, 104 (Dec. 1856). 576-590. William Stowell. In RLF applications cited in no. 2932, Stowell claimed “Vehse’s Memoirs of the Court of Austria” in Eclectic in 1856 or 1857. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3579 A Vacation in Brittany [by Charles Richard Weld], 104 (Dec. 1856), 599-613. Charles Thomas Browne. In application to RLF (case 1759), 30 March 1868, Browne claimed that he had contributed to Eclectic from 1850 to 1858; in her application of 29 Oct. 1868 his widow identified 9 articles appearing 1856-1858, including this. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3609 Travels in Australasia, 105 (Apr. 1857), 426-435. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for no. 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3653 Life in China, 106 (Sept. 1857), 263-271. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for no. 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3674 Livingstone’s African travels, 106 (Dec. 1857), 505-524. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3691 Brazil and the Brazilians, 107 (Feb. 1858), 155-165. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for no. 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3699 Montaigne the essayist, 107 (March 1858), 243-253. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for no. 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3737 Spain and the Spaniards, 108 (July 1858), 47-54. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for no. 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 302.

Eclectic 3753 Dr. Barth’s travels in Africa, 108 (Sept. 1858), 207-231. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for no. 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 303.

Eclectic 3781 Fiji and the Fijians, 108 (Dec. 1858), 520-535. Charles Thomas Browne. Evidence for no. 3579. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 303.

Eclectic 3863 A visit to Burns’s birthplace, 110 (Aug. 1859), 182-192. George Cupples. Claimed in RLF application. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 303.

Eclectic 3869 The Gospel among the Karens, 110 (Sept. 1859), 258-273. Rev. Joseph Mullens. Attr. in Contents. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 303.

Eclectic 3871 Tennyson’s “Idylls of the King,” 110 (Sept. 1859), 287-294. John Stanyan Bigg. Claimed in RLF application, case 1523, 7 Feb. 1862.

Eclectic 3938 Home tourists, 111 (May 1860), 469-478. Walter G. Thornbury. Attr. on Cover. EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 303.

Eclectic 3971 Modern Bible pictures:--No. I, 112 (Aug. 1860), 180-192. George Cupples. Signed G.C.; claimed as in no. 3863. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 303.

Eclectic 3978 Modern Bible Pictures.--No. II, 112 (Sept. 1860), 261-268. George Cupples. Signed G.C.; see no. 3971. EMC, VPR 28 (1995), 303.

Eclectic 4000 Roman London, 112 (Nov. 1860), 506-513. Eliza Meteyard. Claimed in RLF application, 3 Nov. 1862 (case #1269).

Eclectic 4306 On the sacred poetry of heathendom, 119 (May 1864), 532-554. Alexander Henley Grant. Claimed in RLF application, 2 July 1907 (case 2756).

Eclectic 4321 On the sacred poetry of early Eastern Christendom, 120 (July 1864), 20-46. Alexander Henley Grant. Claimed as in Eclectic 4306.

Eclectic 4517 Vote by ballot, 124 (Nov. 1866), 378-388. Hall Pringle. Delete Hiller’s “Edwin Paxton Hood, prob.” Claimed in Pringle’s RLF application 30 Jan. 1882 (case 821). EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 303.

Eclectic: Unidentified contributions

Cupples, George. In his RLF application he claimed to have contributed 5 articles here 1859-1861. Only 4 are identified above. EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 303.

Hewlett, John Grigg. In evidence for ‘Brief Notices’ above, Hewlett also claimed “longer” articles in the Eclectic. These remain unidentified. EMC, VPR 34 (2001), 351

Pardon, George Frederick (1824-1884). In his RLF applications of 1 May 1864 and 3 Apr. 1872 he claimed ‘Numerous articles 1860 &c.’ EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 304.

Pearce, Robert Rouiere. His widow claimed (RLF case 1317) that ‘For many years he has contributed to … the Eclectic Review.’ EMC, VPR 34 (2001), 352

St.John, Horace Stebbing Roscoe. He claimed contributions from 1849 to 1858 (RLF case 1595). Hiller identifies nothing by him, but several articles suggest St.John authorship.

St.John, James Augustus. EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 304.

Stowell, William Hendry (1800-1858). ‘Many papers’ during his editorship. EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 304.

Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke (1816-1869). EMC, VPR 36 (2003), 363.

Worseldine, William (b. 1809). Contributed, perhaps before March 1865. EMC, VPR 29 (1996), 304.


Edinburgh Review

ER 52 Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1 (Jan. 1803), 495-510. Henry Brougham. Delete ‘prob.’ Brougham wrote to James Loch, 28 Jan. 1803, that he had contributed all the chemical and mathematical articles except one (ER 41) in this number; pp. 499-510 discuss mathematical and chemical papers in the Transactions under review. Moreover, same letter, Brougham claimed to have some 70 pages in this number, a claim that requires inclusion of this article. Brougham Early Friends 2:32.

ER 187 Plowden’s History of Ireland, 5 (Oct. 1804), 152-167. James Loch. Delete the ? and add to the present evidence: That Loch did produce the anticipated review is suggested by Jeffrey’s payment to Loch of £16. 10/, ‘which I take to be nearly your quota,’ when this issue of ER was almost ready for publication (Jeffrey to Loch, 7 Oct. 1804: Brougham Early Friends 2:213-215). This sum could not be payment for Loch’s earlier article, ER 163 (July 1804), which would have called for almost double that amount.

ER 1963 Cracow in 1845 and 1846, 85 (Apr. 1847), 261-295. If the evidence cited in Wellesley is to be taken seriously, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha should be given as ‘collab.,’ in boldface, both here and in Part B and Volume 5.


Foreign Quarterly Review

FQR 158 Mythology and religion of ancient Greece …, 7 (January 1831), 33-52. …. (Note vol. 8, p. 225-227, presumably by Lewis.) Add ‘See #193a for note.’ Move information within second parentheses above, deleting ‘presumably by’ in last line, to form new #193a as below.

FQR 193a Notice to correspondents.—Mr. Thomas Taylor and Professor Lobeck, 8 (July 1831), 225-227. George Cornewall Lewis. Macray. See #158, to which this is an addendum.

FQR 256 Murat’s Sketch of the United States, 11 (January 1833), 1-29. Wellesley 3: 986 rejects Macray’s identification of the author as ‘--- Mark Esq.,’ instead suggesting that this article is by William Bridges Adams because it is referred to in WR 1122 (Apr. 1848), which Wellesley gives to Adams. A cross-reference, however, particularly at the distance of 15 years, is highly unreliable evidence of authorship. In 1846 WR acquired FQR and began to appear as ‘The Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review.’ Editors often familiarized themselves with back runs of newly acquired property. Yes, Adams had, like the writer of this article, been in Central and South America, but so had others. In the 1830s a Mr. Mark was British Consul at Malaga as well as a friend of Pascual de Gayangos and interested in Spanish discoveries in the Americas (Gayangos to William H. Prescott, 12 Oct. 1840 [The Correspondence of William Hickling Prescott 1833-1847, ed. Roger Wolcott, p. 164]). No stretch is required to imagine Mark’s having been posted somewhere in Spanish America in the 1820s; many postings to those stations were of short duration. I would reinstate Mr. Mark as the author of FQR 256. Though Macray, the sub-editor, knew little about Mr. Mark, his author identifications rarely err (once he reversed two names in his list).

FQR 866 Indian railways and the Indian press, 36 (January 1846) 306-323. Capt. Philip Meadows Taylor (1808-1876)? Add to what is already in CI: The writer ‘fanc[ies] we have seen quite as much of India as most of these fainéans editors’ (323); Meadows Taylor held various positions in India between 1824 and 1853.


Foreign Review

[See EMC, VPR 24 (1991), 119-136]

ForR 117 Niccolini’s works, 5 (Nov. 1829), 180-187. Change attribution to Antonio Panizzi from ‘?’ to ‘prob.’ Add to evidence: Proposes future article on ‘Italian tragedy generally’; Panizzi had already written 2 articles on Italian comedy. Panizzi’s ‘strong’ language: ‘a most impudent forgery’ (186; see ‘impudent forgeries’ in #42, p. 178, by Panizzi). ‘We have had occasion to complain more than once of the ridiculous judgment passed by our countrymen on foreign literature’ (185; see #72, pp. 190ff. and #105, pp. 409ff.—both by Panizzi). Criticizes Niccolini for being a Florentine rather than an Italian.

ForR 125 Baron Cuvier 5 (March 1830), 342-380. Delete attribution to David Brewster. Add: Robert Edmond Grant. ODNB.


Fortnightly Review

FortR: Unidentified contributions

Teague, John Jessop. Teague to Richard Bentley, 2 June 1888: When Major Griffiths was acting editor of FortR, Teague contributed articles which ‘created some attention & were most favourably reviewed.’ However, ‘all my work until lately has been done anonymously: For private reasons I cannot write under my own name & I had not adopted a nom de plume: Consequently all my best work is lost to me ….: (Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois). Griffiths was acting editor Nov. 1882 - June 1886; Teague, who refers to himself ‘both as an article & story writer,’ was paid for contributions for 2 1/2 years before June 1888. During the months Griffiths and Teague overlapped, Dec. 1885 to June 1886, 6 unsigned and unattributed articles appeared in FortR (not counting the 'Home and foreign affairs' feature ending each issue), at least two and perhaps as many as four of which may be by Teague. The 6 unsigned articles are 2394, The coming contests of the world (Dec. 1885); 2426, Parliamentary proceedings (Feb. 1886); 2430, Law and license (March 1886); 2437, The Scotch crofters (March 1886); 2455, The Liberal saturnalia (Apr. 1886); and 2477, The prospects of the coming election (June 1886).


Fraser’s Magazine

FM 913 New churches, 13 (Feb. 1836), 249-254. Delete the attribution to ‘David Robinson, prob.’ at Wellesley 3:991. The general comments at FM 670 (3:990) begin with a misstatement: ‘From Apr. 1817 to Nov. 1831, Robinson contributed at least 92 arts. to Blackwood’s Mag.’ Not so. Alan Lang Strout’s ‘Bibliography of Articles’ in the first 18 volumes of Blackwood’s, based on publisher’s records, places Robinson’s first Maga contribution in 1824, and in his application for Royal Literary Fund assistance (11 Oct. 1847, case 1180) Robinson claimed ‘Articles published regularly in Blackwood’s Magazine for eight years, ending in 1831’—therefore beginning in 1824. Robinson was careful in citing dates, and he considered himself a staff member writing exclusively for one periodical at a time. He wrote for a daily newspaper, the New Times, from 1821 through 1823, then moved to Blackwood’s. Disagreeing with Blackwood late in 1831, he moved to Fraser’s. The point is important for any attempt to identify his articles in FM. ‘Writing’ he told the RLF, ‘was my sole employment for fifteen years [1821 through 1835]; for four years after I left Frazer [1836 through 1839] I was wholly disabled by illness.’ Given the wording—‘I left Frazer,’ as he had left Blackwood’s—and his known habits, it seems dangerous to attribute to Robinson this and other articles as noted below.

FM 915 Political memoranda, 13 (Feb. 1836), 259-268. David Robinson? and William Maginn, collab. So Wellesley 3:992; see FM 913 above. This could be an unfinished article left behind by Robinson and completed by Maginn.

FM 934 What is the use of a Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland? 13 (Apr. 1836), 475-487. Delete attribution to ‘David Robinson, prob.’ at Wellesley 3:992. See FM 913.

FM 977 On the principle of church establishments, 14 (Aug. 1836), 131-149. Delete attribution to ‘David Robinson, prob.’ at Wellesley 3:992. See FM 913.

FM 1033 Case of the Protestants of Ireland, 15 (Jan. 1837), 49-61. Delete attribution to ‘David Robinson?’ at Wellesley 3:992. See FM 913.

FM 1037 A point for the consideration of the Conservative leaders, 15 (Jan. 1837), 94-99. Delete attribution to ‘David Robinson, prob.’ at Wellesley 3:992. See FM 913.

FM 1068 The weakness and the strength of the Conservative party (Part I), 15 (Apr. 1837), 515-523. Delete attribution to ‘David Robinson?’ at Wellesley 3:992. See FM 913.

FM 1078 The weakness and the strength of the Conservative party (Part II), 15 (May 1837), 646-653. Delete attribution to ‘David Robinson?’ at Wellesley 3:992. See FM 913.

FM 1097 The philosophy of party politics, 16 (July 1837), 122-129. Delete attribution to ‘David Robinson?’ at Wellesley 3:992. See FM 913.

FM 1493 The greater and lesser stars of Old Pall Mall (chaps. i-ii), 22 (Nov. 1840), 547-559. William Henry Pyne. Delete present evidence, adding in its place: Identified as Pyne’s in his last application for RLF aid (case 624), 1 March 1843, filled in for him by his daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Denis. The 7 articles under this title (also nos. 1517, 1540, 1548, 1575, 1588, 1635), she says, were her father’s last writings. The DNB has errors in its description of the series, and the ODNB does not identify any contributions to Fraser’s by title or date.

FM 4596 Letters from Egypt, 1863-1865 [by Lady Duff-Gordon], 72 (Nov. 1865), 580-588. ?Philip Meadows Taylor (1808-1876). David Finkelstein, Philip Meadows Taylor (1808-1876). A Bibliography (Dept. of English, Univ. Queensland, 1990), 17, 29, attributes this article to Capt. Meadows Taylor. However, Finkelstein cites as his source ‘the Wellesley Guide [sic] to Periodicals,’ but the Wellesley Index does not credit this article (or anything else in Fraser’s) to Meadows Taylor. The book under review was by a cousin of Meadows Taylor; while he may have reviewed it somewhere as a favor to a family member, no evidence yet identifies this article as his.

FM unidentified contributions

Baldwin, Astley Henry. Claimed that he contributed many articles to FM between 1853-1886 in addition to the one identified in Wellesley. EMC, VPR 26 (1993), 185.

Hall, Mrs. Agnes Crombie. Said to have published translations in FM; none identified. EMC, VPR 26 (1993), 185.

Sears, Edward Isidore (or Isadore). Contributed, perhaps both before and after his 1848 move to the U.S. Dictionary of Literary Biography 79:269; EMC, VPR 26 (1993), 185.

Webb, Rev. Thomas William. According to his obituary in The Times, 25 May 1885, 10a, he contributed to Fraser’s.


Monthly Chronicle

MoC 97 Modern Italian romances (Part I), 2 (Nov. 1838), 415-428. Delete Carlos Pepoli. Add Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. MoC list; Nora Crook, ‘Sleuthing towards a Mary Shelley Canon,’ Women’s Writing 6 (1999), 417-424. Both Pepoli and Mary Shelley are known to have contributed to MoC in 1838-1839; see Wellesley 3:115. However, the style here is that of a native English writer and quite unlike Pepoli’s style. Moreover, many lines and phrases, as Crook illustrates, paraphrase or duplicate the thought and even the wording of Shelley’s published writing elsewhere. (My thanks to Professor Crook for calling my attention to this attribution and providing additional parallels between MoC 97 and other work by Mary Shelley.)

MoC 102 ‘Before the curtain’ [Italian actors], 2 (Nov. 1838), 461-463. Carlos Pepoli? Delete final clause, between semi-colon and final period.

MoC 113 Modern Italian romances (Part II, concl.), 2 (Dec. 1838), 547-557. Delete Carlos Pepoli. Add Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. See MoC 97 above.

MoC 132 Austria and the Italian liberals, 3 (Feb. 1839), 153-166. Delete entire attribution. No. 97 was not by Pepoli, and rest of ‘evidence’ is too broad to be useful. Most Italian exiles and a great many English liberals favored Italian freedom from Austrian control.

MoC 272 General view of modern Italian literature, 5 (June 1840), 518-528. Delete final ‘Cf. no. 97,’ which was not by Pepoli. The attribution to Pepoli should be downgraded from ‘prob.’ to ‘?’ if it is allowed to stand.

MoC unidentified contributions

Tinsley [née Turner], Annie. According to ODNB, she contributed short stories to MoC, though her many applications to RLF do not include this among the many peridicals for which she wrote.


New Monthly Magazine

NMM 1154 A Swiss tour (No. I): Geneva, Chamouni, mountains, glaciers, etc., 22 (Jan. 1828), 76-82. John Carne. In an undated letter to Richard Bentley that was written between Aug. 1829 and January 1830, when he was preparing a book on Switzerland for publication, Carne asked Bentley for copies of the issues of NMM that contained certain of his earlier articles, which he wished to re-use in the new book: ‘I beg you will send me immediately the New Monthly’s in which the Swiss Papers were inserted, in order to revise them for The Tour (the No. was 5 printed in succession a year & half since)’ [letter in private possession]. A postscript to the letter promised Bentley that ‘You shall have the greater part for the Press next week,’ but the book was slow to appear. With ts title changed slightly to Letters from Switzerland and Italy, during a late tour, it was finally published, according to its title page, in 1834, ‘for Henry Colburn by Richard Bentley,’ though Bentley records show that it was actually published in 1833. Carne was not responsible for the delay; in December 1830 he had told his father that ‘Colburn is now retiring from business, and has taken in Bentley as a partner: their affairs are in so complicated a case, that though they owe me money, such is the stagnation of business in the book trade, I cannot get a pound more from them’ [John Carne Letters 1813-1837, ed. Joseph Carne Ross (priv. printed, 1885), 247].

NMM 1159 A Swiss tour (No. II), 22 (Feb. 1828), 129-139. John Carne. See evidence for NMM 1154.

NMM 1170 A Swiss tour (No. III). 22 (March 1828), 209-215. John Carne. See evidence for NMM 1154.

NMM 1198 A Swiss tour (No. IV), 22 (May 1828), 438-444. John Carne. See evidence for NMM 1154.

NMM 1225 A Swiss tour (No. V), 23 (July 1828), 53-59. John Carne. See evidence for NMM 1154.

NMM 1249 English residents abroad (Part I), 23 (Sept. 1828), 242-146. John Carne? See NMM 1289 below; Parts I and II were presumably written by the same person.

NMM 1289 English residents abroad (Part II, concl.), 23 (Dec. 1828), 559-565. Probably John Carne. At the top of the letter quoted at NMM 1154, asking for copies of issues in which some of his articles had appeared, Carne wrote ‘Decr 1828 / May 1829 / July ----.’ May and July 1829 issues both contain articles by Carne; see NMM 1351 and 1378 below. This is the Dec. 1828 article most likely to be his; in his articles and books Carne returns over and over to tales of ‘English residents abroad.’

NMM 1351 Convent of St. Bernard, 25 (May 1829), 452-458. Delete present entry. Insert the following in its place: John Carne. Repr., with slight deletions and rearrangements, in Carne, Switzerland, 172, 175-191. The letter quoted at NMM 1154 continues with a request that Bentley also send ‘the Magazine in which the Paper of Mont St Bernard was inserted.’ See evidence for NMM 1289; this is the May 1829 article that Carne wanted to use. (The first sentence of the article, to which Wellesley refers, but only the first sentence, may be an editor’s or sub-editor’s.)

NMM 1378 Sketches of travelling manners and society (No. I), 26 (July 1829), 55-61. John Carne. Repr., with some deletions, in Switzerland, 96-97 and 161-70. Carne’s request for copies of his articles referred to at NMM 1154 and 1351 continues: ‘there were also, I believe, some of the”Travelling Recollection” Papers inserted while I was abroad this time—be so kind as send me these also, something may be culled from them.’ See NMM 1289 above; this is the July 1829 article of his list.

NMM 1411 Travelling manners and society (concl.), 26 (Sept. 1829), 291-296. John Carne. See evidence for NMM 1378, the first in the series. The style is Carne’s: generalizations and abstractions followed by anecdotal histories of various lengths. As Wellesley notes, this is numbered V, presumably an error for II.

NMM 1460 < 1469: ‘The malt and beer duties,’ 28 (Jan. 1830), 87-89, should be numbered #1460, not #1469.

NMM 1496 Notice of the life of Lord Byron by Mr. Moore, and remarks on those notices by Lady Byron, 28 (Apr. 1830), 377-82. Delete last line of Wellesley’s entry. The article is indeed signed, in all capital letters: THOMAS CAMPBELL.

NMM 1955 The late Mr. O’Keeffe, 38 (May 1833), 35-45. Add: edited by Adelaide O’Keeffe. Wellesley attributes this to John O’Keeffe alone, while the ODNB credits it to Adelaide O’Keeffe alone (perhaps somewhat ambiguously saying that she ‘published’ it). The headnote to which Wellesley refers seems to be by Adelaide O’Keeffe, who in her writings about her father usually refers to herself in the 3rd person singular, as ‘the Editor’ or, as here, as ‘the same affectionate assistant.’ In her ‘Memoir’ of her father prefixed to O’Keeffe’s Legacy to his daughter, being The Poetical Works of the late John O’Keefe, Esq. (London: Published for the editor by G. Whittaker & Co., 1834), she says that in the last years of his life,‘he dictated upwards of sixty pages of additional anecdotes, which, since his decease, the Editor [daughter] forwarded as a present from the Author [father] to Mr. Colburn,’ hoping that she would work them into a second edition of O’Keeffe’s Recollections of his life. These ten pages were perhaps abstracted from those ‘upwards of sixty pages’ of anecdotes. No second edition appeared.

NMM: Unidentified contributions

Barwell [née Bacon], Louisa Mary. Contributed, perhaps from 1830 on. ODNB.

Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. According to Redding, ‘She had contributed several short papers to the Magazine, the first of which was called “The Harp,” a translation from the German, but her contributions were not exactly up to the mark, being rather heavy, and wanting that spirit and buoyancy which were best adapted for a periodical of the character of the “New Monthly”’ (Campbell 2:32). Only ‘The Harp’ (NMM 81) is identified in Wellesley.

Corner, Mortimer. When Ann Corner, his widow, applied for RLF assistance 1 Nov. 1824 (case 525), Henry Colburn rewrote a sentence in her letter to state that Corner ‘assisted in various departments of the New Monthly Magazine.’ Colburn also wrote separately to authenticate Corner’s claim, declaring that Corner had done this work for 4 or 5 years until his death in August 1824. Much of his work may have appeared among the compilations and shorter articles bound into each year’s third volume; Wellesley omits these. See Part B below.

Merle, William Henry. Contributed, possibly verse. ODNB

Tooke, William, 1777-1863. According to Gentleman’s Magazine, ‘In his early days Mr. William Tooke had been an occasional contributor to the “New Monthly Magazine”’ (215 [Nov. 1863], 659). While ‘his early days’ suggests that Tooke contributed to the 1814-1820 volumes not covered by Wellesley, attention should be called to two articles. NMM 3655, ‘Voices from the deep; a yarn,’ 72 (Dec. 1844), 511-515, is signed M.M.M., known to be Tooke’s signature (and his father’s before him, standing for the family motto, Militia Mea Multiplex). Tooke was still publishing in 1844, at 67. An early article, NMM 193, ‘On the state and improvement of the fine arts in England,’ 4 (Jan. 1822), 17-21, is signed W.W.W., perhaps an inverted M.M.M. Tooke had a leading role in the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce and the Royal Literary Fund and was among the founders of the London University, the Royal Society of Literature, and the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.

NMM after Wellesley’s coverage

Gibson, William Sidney. An obituary notice in NMM (n.s. 148 [1871], 244) speaks of ‘his numerous contributions to our pages’; he wrote, according to this account, as ‘a zealous antiquary and archæologist, … a practical geologist and a true naturalist.’ Probably all his articles appeared after 1854.

Mrs. Sullivan. The Deepdale Mystery (Feb. 1867 – May 1868). Claimed by a Mrs. Sullivan to Robt. Bentley, 23 March [1868]; she has retained the copyright and is looking for a publisher to bring this out in book form (Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois). This cannot be Mrs. Frederick (Arabella Jane) Sullivan, née Wilmot (1796-1839), two of whose books were published by Bentley in 1833 and 1835. Perhaps NMM’s ‘Deepdale Mystery’ was the work eventually published by the Religious Tract Society in 1872 as Deepdale End: its joys and sorrows, by the author of “The Cottage on the Shore,” etc.


New Review

NewR 456 Mother’s hands, Pt. 1. 8 (March 1893), 281-289. Add: Translated by Elizabeth Robins Parkes. Sue Thomas, ‘Elizabeth Robins and the New Review,’ VPR 28 (1995), 63-66.

NewR 475 Mother’s hands, Pt. 2. 8 (Apr. 1893), 408-418. Add: Translated by Elizabeth Robins Parkes. As #456.

NewR 485 Mother’s hands, Pt. 3, concl.). 8 (May 1893), 517-526. Add: Translated by Elizabeth Robins Parkes. As #456.

NewR 589 A lucky sixpence, 10 (Jan. 1894), 105-126. Elizabeth Robins Parkes. As #456.

NewR 652 ‘Dedicated to John Huntley,’ 10 (June 1894), 746-758. Signed in Contents: The Author of ‘A Lucky Sixpence.’ Elizabeth Robins Parkes. See #589.


Temple Bar

TBar 1279 Taming of the Shrew, 35 (July 1872), 539-549. Yes, by Charles Cowden Clarke; however, delete everything after reference to Altick’s book and after the final semi-colon. Add: Not only did Mary Cowden Clarke not submit this article; she did not know that it had appeared in TBar until told months later that it and some of her own poems had been published there (M. Cowden Clarke to ‘the Editor of “Temple Bar Magazine,”’ 3 Jan. 1873 and later; Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois, reel 24). The Cowden Clarkes, living in Genoa at the time, said they did not know who gave Bentley a copy of the article; Charles C.C. had never contributed to TBar.

TBar 1931 A Spanish ‘Enoch Arden,’ 54 (Dec. 1878), 553-562. (Miss) Mary Lovett Cameron. Delete ‘prob.’ and rest of entry. Add: In letter to Bentley dated 25 July 1879, Ms. Cameron wrote, ‘You put an article of mine called “a Spanish ‘Enoch Arden’ in the Decr. number [of Temple Bar] last year.’ A sibling, C. F. Cameron, had earlier written to Bentley about the deposit to Mary Lovett Cameron’s bank of payment for this article, perhaps causing Bentley’s confusion.. Both letters are in Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois, reel 24.

TBar 2015 The sealed letter, 57 (Nov. 1879), 372-390. Wellesley follows Bentley in identifying Alfred de Vigny as the author of the original and Henry Carnsew as the translator. Carnsew did not know that he was translating de Vigny. On 2 Dec. 1879 he wrote to the publisher: ‘The paper may be by Alfred de Vigny although I certainly never met with it in his works. I read it in a book called “Contes Populaires”, published in 1838. … I need scarcely say that I had not the slightest intention of misleading you in any way & had I received any notice of the acceptance of the paper, or had the proof been sent to me, for correction I should probaly have [illegible word] it “From Contes Populaires” …’ (Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois, reel 24).

TBar 2080 The strange story of Kitty Canham, 59 (July 1880), 341-350. Henrietta Tindal. Signed. In place of ref. to Allibone, insert the following: A note in The Academy, vol. 4 [?Sept. 1880], identified this as a reprint of a story in Once a Week 7 (1862). In a subsequent letter ‘To the Editor of the Academy,’ Charles H. Tindal, Henrietta’s son, ‘assume[d] the entire responsibility of the republication of that story, & have only to add that Mr. Bentley neither knew nor was he informed by any one that it had ever been published previous to its appearance in “Temple Bar” in July.’ Charles Tindal at the same time returned to Bentley the payment he had received for the story. To complicate matters further, in the 19 June 1880 issue of The Queen, Edward Walford had published ‘Romance of the House of Roseberg,’ which Charles Tindal described as ‘nothing but an adaptation of the story as written by my mother,’ with real names replacing pseudonyms. (Charles Tindal to George Bentley, with a copy of his letter to The Academy, 11 Sept. and 21 Sept. 1880: Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois, reel 53). The ODNB gives part of the story.

TBar: Unidentified contributions

Hood, Thomas, the younger (1835-1874). In his RLF application, he claimed ‘occasional papers in prose & verse’ in TBar in 1862. EMC, VPR 30 (1997), 328-329.


Westminster Review

WR 1412 The Crystal Palace, 62 (Oct. 1854). 534-550. Harriet Martineau. Delete 'prob.' and the last three lines of evidence, after '1407.' A receipt to John Chapman from Martineau for £10 received for this article confirms her authorship (BL Add. Ms. 56084, f. 45). (My thanks to Patrick Leary for this note.)


Part B, Vols. 1 - 4 / Volume 5

[Starred entries indicate contributors not in Wellesley; other entries add to or correct Wellesley information.]

Acton, Henry, 1797-1843. Incorrect formatting, 5:4, col. b, makes Acton part of the name of Charles À Court and not a separate person. Take Acton’s name to the margin and print it in boldface.

Adams, ----- [contributor to WR]. Add: Collected Works of John Stuart Mill 33:67 identifies this contributor as ‘clergyman.’

Ady, Julia Mary (Cartwright). Add date of birth: 1851. ODNB under Cartwright, Julia Mary.

Alexander, Sir Gerge. Add: Real name was George Alexander Gibb Samson. ODNB.

Alger, John ‘Goldsworthy.’ Delete ‘s’ in his middle name, which should read Goldworthy (his mother’s maiden name). ODNB.

Allen, Roland. Change date of birth and add both date of death and occupation: 1868-1947, missionary. ODNB.

Allinson, Thomas Richard, M.D. Add dates and occupation: 1858-1918. Dietician and businessman. ODNB.

Amos, Sarah McLardie, née Bunting. Add dates and description: 1840/41 – 1908. Political activist. Note spelling of middle name: McLardie, not Maclardie. ODNB.

Anderson, Archer. Add: Died 1918. Confederate Army officer during the U.S. Civil War; American industrialist. Virginia Historical Society; online family and company sources.

Anderson, Percy. Add: 1851? – 1928. House designer at the Gaiety under George Joseph Edwardes and at Her Majesty’s Theatre under Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree. See ODNB entries for Edwardes and Tree; NPG supplies dates.

Arnold, Ethel Margaret. Add: 1864-1930. ODNB.

Ashwell, Frances E. Expand middle initial to Elizabeth. Add: later Cooke. 1862-1930 or 1931. Of Nottingham. At Girton College 1884-1887; secretary, Women’s Trade Union Council 1896-1902. In 1901 married Arthur Cooke. My thanks to Dr. Kate Perry, Archivist, Girton College, Cambridge University, for this information.

Barclay, A. A. Expand first initial to Armiger. Re-word rest of entry to read: pseudonym of Armiger Barczinsky; see below. In addition, delete article listed here, re-inserting it under Barczinsky.

Barczinsky, Armiger. Delete rest of entry; in its place, add: 1861? – 1930. Journalist; born in Poland. ODNB under Marguerite Florence Laura Evans [née Jervis], 1886/7-1964, a novelist who also wrote under the names Oliver Sandys and Countess Barcynska, whom Barczinsky married on 17 July 1911; they separated not long after the birth of a son in 1916.

Barry, M. Maltman, labor leader. Expand to read: Barry [later Barrie], Michael Maltman. 1842-1909. Journalist and tory-Marxist. ODNB, as Barrie.

*Barwell [née Bacon], Louisa Mary. 1800-1885. Writer on education. Daughter of Richard Mackenzie Bacon, q.v. Of Norwich. Her sons were educated at Hofwyl. ODNB. See NMM above.

Becke, Louis. Full name was George Louis Becke; he published as Louis Becke. RLF case 2757.

Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy. Delete 1778 as date of birth. Add: bapt. 1775. Change made in ODNB. Also see NMM above.

Britten, James. Add dates: 1846-1924. Also add ‘hon.’ before ‘secr. Cath. Truth Soc.’ ODNB.

Broadhurst, Bernard Edward Spencer. Surname is misspelled; correct to Brodhurst (apparently a typographical error, since it is in the proper alphabetical place for its correct spelling). See BL Cat.

Brown, Charles Armitage. ODNB gives date of birth as 14 Apr. 1787. Delete 1786.

Buller, Sir Arthur William. 1808-1869. Add: ODNB under Buller, Charles.

Burgoyne, Margaret Anne. Add: Died 3 May 1883. See ODNB at husband, George Wrottesley.

Cameron, Caroline Emily (Sharp). She was born in 1844 (ODNB). However, instead of adding this information, delete the entire entry. She had no connection to TBar 1931, q.v.

Campbell, Lady Gertrude Elizabeth (Blood) [Lady Colin Campbell]. Delete 1861 as year of birth; add born 1857. ODNB.

Carne, John. Add
A Swiss tour, NMM 1154-1225 (5)--Jan.-July 28
English residents abroad, 1249-1289 (2)--Sept.-Dec. 28
Convent of St. Bernard, 1351—May 29
Sketches of travelling manners and society, 1378, 1411 (2)--July, Sept 29

Carnsew, Henry. Add: Though he is probably the Henry Carnsew, esq., who had ‘an extensive mansion in the Domestic Gothic style in Billingshurst, Sussex (Kelly’s Post Office Directory of … Sussex, 1867), his main address at the end of 1879 was Brussels, from which he sometimes made visits to England. At the same time he was ‘in some measure dependant upon my pen’ (Bentley Corresp., Univ. Illinois).

Carr, Alice Vansittart (Strettel). Add date of death: 1927. ODNB under husband, Joseph William Comyns Carr.

Clifford, Sophia Lucy (Lane). Add date of birth: 1846. Widow of William Kingdon Clifford, 1845-1879, q.v. ODNB.

*Corner, Mortimer. 1791/92 – 1824. RLF 525. Practiced as a solicitor before turning to literary work. Translated books from the French for Colburn, most dealing with the Napoleonic period. Edited and wrote for the Magazine of the Fine Arts, a monthly that ran for only six issues, in 1821 (Waterloo identifies John Britton as the editor; Corner was probably a sub-editor). See NMM.

Croly, George. Delete ?Convent of St, Bernard, NMM 1351.

Crosse, Cornelia Augusta Hewitt. Add dates: 1827-1895. Michael L. Turner, Index and Guide to the lists of the publications of Richard Bentley & Son 1829-1898 (Bishops Stortford & Teaneck, 1975), 61.

Fletcher, Julia Constance. Wellesley gives year of birth as 1858, Showalter 321 as 1853.

French, Alfred J. Complete middle name: John. Gillian Fenwick, The Contributors’ Index to The Dictionary of National Biography 1885-1901 (Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies, 1989), xxix, 135.

*Grant, Robert Edmond. 1793-1874. Comparative anatomist. Baron Cuvier, ForR 125 -- March 30

Grattan, Thomas Colley. Wellesley gives 1792 as Grattan’s year of birth, following the DNB. The ODNB, however, gives his year of birth as 1791. Neither the old nor the new DNB indicates evidence.

Heron, Denis Caulfield. Correct year of birth to read 1824. Add Professor, Univ.Coll. Galway 1849-1859; later Dublin barrister and politician. ODNB.

*Hewlett, John Grigg. Born 1801; still living in 1870. Dissenting clergyman and journalist. RLF case 1320. EMC, VPR 34 (2001). 355

Brief notices, Eclectic 1415a – 1896 (49)—July 37 – Dec. 41

Hoffmann, E. T. A. Vol. 5, Pt. B, misspells surname. Correct it to end, as here, with double ‘n’; vol. 4 spells it correctly.

Howard, Edward. Add: Bapt. 1793. ODNB.

Hughes, Thomas Smart. ‘Historian,’ as in ODNB, is a better description than the present ‘Canon of Peterborough.’ While the latter is correct, it was not a resident position.

Hyde, A. G. Add full name, dates, and biographical information: Hyde, Albert Gillette. Expatriate American author and journalist resident in Cambridge or London from 1890 or earlier. Born 1853 in New Jersey, U.S.A.; still alive at the end of January 1914. RLF case 2751.

Johnston, William and
Johnstone, Edward. Note that the William Johnstone of Wellesley vol. 1 became William Johnston in vols. 4 and 5 on the basis in part of Blackwood Papers Cat. Edward Johnstone was William’s brother, tutor to the young Aubrey deVere, and apparently the rector of Warehorne of the Blackwood Papers Cat. See Maurice Milne, ‘A neglected paternalist: William Johnston of Blackwood’s Magazine,’ VPR 28 (1995), 11-26, particularly 24-25; Milne spells Edward’s surname as Johnston, and it seems logical to give the brothers identical surnames.

Leslie, Thomas Edward Cliffe. Wellesley gives his year of birth as 1827?, following the DNB.  The ODNB changes this to 1826. Boylan & Foley 133 give 1825.

Lyall, Robert. ODNB gives his date of birth as 26 Nov. 1789, not Wellesley’s 1790.

Macauley, Thomas Babington. At end, add: See ER 1598.

McFall, Frances Elizabeth (Clarke). Delete 1855 as year of birth. Add: born 10 June 1854. ODNB.

Mayer, Gertrude Mary (Dalby). Delete 1840/41 as date of birth; add 1839. ODNB under her husband, Samuel Ralph Townshend Mayer.

Merle, William Henry. Add dates: 1791-1878. ODNB. See NMM above.

Mew, Charlotte Mary. Delete 1870 as year of birth. Add: born 15 Nov. 1869. ODNB, citing birth certificate.

Mills, Richard Horner. Delete Owens (which is in Manchester, not Cork); add Queen’s Coll. Cork (now University Coll. Cork). Boase.

Moncrieff, William Thomas. ODNB gives his full name as ‘Moncrieff, William Gibbs Thomas [formerly William Thomas Thomas].’

Morgan, Sir Thomas Charles. Wellesley gives 1783 as Morgan’s year of birth, following the DNB. The new ODNB is less precise, noting that he was born ‘c. 1780.’ Neither the old nor the new DNB indicates evidence for the date.

*O’Keeffe, Adelaide, 1776-1865, poet and novelist. RLF case 764 (which gives correct date of death); ODNB. See NMM 1955 above.

Parker, Sir Horatio Gilbert George. Correct date of birth: born 1860, not 1862. Wellesley, following the DNB, gives 1862 as Sir Gilbert’s year of birth; however, John Coldwell Adams, Seated with the Mighty. A biography of Sir Gilbert Parker (Ottawa, Canada: Borealis Press, 1979), based on careful research and archival sources, corrects this to 1860, as do Elizabeth Waterston, Gilbert Parker (1860-1932) (Toronto: ECW Press, n.d. but after 1986) and the ODNB.

Parker, John William, Sr. In both vol. 2, part B, and vol. 5, correct date of birth: born 1792, not 1782. DNB, Wellesley’s putative source, gives 1792, as does ODNB.

Parker, John William, Jr. Correct date of death: died 1860, not 1960! See ODNB under his father, John William Parker 1792-1870.

Percival, Edward, 1783?-1819. Add middle initial C.; also add M.D. As Wellesley notes at ER 55, that article is attributed to him in the old DNB under his father (using online ODNB, click on ‘DNB archive’ at Thomas Percival 1740-1804). However, he has disappeared from the new ODNB except under ‘Sources’ as editor of Thomas Percival’s Works, with no indication of the relationship.

Pyne, William Henry. Change date of birth to 1770. ODNB, which cites parish birth and baptismal registers in support of the new date.

Ridge, William Pett. Delete ‘c.1860’ as date of birth. Add 1859. ODNB.

*Roberts, Dr. Charles Julius. 1794/95-1851. Physician. L. Browning, VPR 23:60-64. Regular habits, BentM 879—Oct. 43

Stevenson, William. Correct date of birth: delete 1772; add bapt. 1770. ODNB.

*Stowell, William. 1825-1877. Dissenting clergyman; son of William Hendry Stowell (see Wellesley Index). RLF case 1588.

Surtees, Robert Smith. Correct date of birth: delete 1803; add 17 May 1805. ODNB.

Tautphoeus, Baroness Jemima (Montgomery) von. Name is misspelled in vol. 5 but is correct in vol. 3.

*Taylor, Philip Meadows, 1779-1868. Anglo-Irish business man, writer, and country gentleman; father of Capt. Philip Meadows Taylor (1808-1876). Finkelstein, VPR 23 (1990), 64-65, correctly identifies Meadows Taylor sr.'s articles (mistakenly attributed to the son in Wellesley) but then confuses him with his father, the Rev. Philip Taylor (1747-1831). See P. Meadows Taylor sr. to Sir Robert Peel, 5 May 1845 (BL Add.Ms. 40,566, ff.116-7); ODNB on the Rev. Philip Taylor and Capt. Philip Meadows Taylor. (To confuse matters further, there were other Philip Meadows Taylors of various degrees of cousinship.)

The spalpeen, BentM 346-358 (2)—Sept.-Oct. 39
The herdsman, 399—March 40
Wally Flaherty, 415—Apr. 40
Father Mathew, 448—July 40
Irish invention, 466—Sept. 40
Irish superstition, 526—Feb. 41
Gubbawn Seare, Irish mason, 674—Apr. 42
Scholastics of Kerry, DUM 1996—May 50

Taylor, Capt. Philip Meadows, 1808-1876, Indian officer, novelist. See preceding entry. Delete BentM 346, 358, 399, 415, 448, 466, 526, 674; DUM 1996. Add:

Indian railways & Indian press, ?FQR 866—Jan. 46

Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia. Add: née Harrison; bapt. 1817, died 1879. ODNB.

*Tinsley [née Turner], Annie. 1808-1885. Novelist and poet. ODNB; RLF file 609. See MoC above.

*Tooke, William. 1777-1863. Lawyer and promoter of arts and literature. ODNB. See NMM.

Trollope, Constance Alexina Napier. Delete ‘alive in 1936’; add died 4 Sept. 1954. Some of her papers and of those of her brother, Mark Napier Trollope, bishop in Korea, are in Special Collections, University of Birmingham Library, which provides the dates:

*Webb, Rev. Thomas William. 1806-1885. Astronomer. ODNB. See Fraser’s: Unidentified contributions.

Webbe, Cornelius. Add: 1789-1858. He signed his name as C. F. Webb in 1817, as Cornelius Webb in 1823, and as Cornelius Webbe from 1837 through the rest of his life. RLF file 366; death certificate (11 Aug. 1858).

Wotton, Mabel E. Add dates: 1863-1927; also middle name: Emily. Showalter 326; obituary in Times. [My thanks to Dr. Sigrid Anderson Cordell for the references.]

Yard, George. Undoubtedly a pseudonym. See CM 3416.


Part C. Pseudonyms and Initials

McTeague, P., Esq.BentM 346, 358, 399, 415, 448, 466, 526, 674; DUM 1996. Not the P. Meadows Taylor (1808-1876) to whom Wellesley assigns this, but his father, Philip Meadows Taylor (1779-1868). See Part B above.

Abbreviations and Short Titles not in Wellesley

Boylan & Foley: Thomas A. Boylan and Timothy P. Foley, ‘Biographical notes on professors of the Queen’s Colleges,’ in The market for political economy. The advent of economics in British university culture, 1850-1905, ed. Alon Kadish and Keith Tribe (London and NY: Routledge, 1993), 132-36.

Carne Switzerland: Letters from Switzerland and Italy, during a late tour. By the author of ‘Letters from the East,’ &c ‘Travels in the East’ [i.e., John Carne]. London: publ. for Henry Colburn, by Richard Bentley, 1834 [but according to Bentley’s records published in 1833].

ODNB: references are to the online Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

Showalter: Elaine Showalter, Daughters of Decadence. Women Writers of the Fin de Siècle. New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers UP, 1993.