Author: Helen Vernon Savile
Author: Helen Vernon Savile (1862–1936)
Alternate Name(s): Ruxton (maiden name)
Biography: Helen Vernon Savile was born in Ireland, the daughter of William Ruxton of Co. Louth. In 1881, she married army officer Walter Clare Savile and the couple had two children. At the turn of century, she began writing novels, four in quick succession then three more after a break of two decades. She died in 1936.
Author Tags:
References: British Census (1891, 1901, 1911); Burke; Loeber; WW (1903)
Fiction Titles:
- Love, the Player. 1 vol. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1899.
- A Poor Buffer: A Story for Young People. 1 vol. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1900.
- The Wings of the Morning. 1 vol. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1901.
- Micky Mooney, M. P.. 1 vol. Bristol: Arrowsmith, 1902.