Title: 'Mid Green Pastures
Author and Title: Erminda Rentoul Esler. 'Mid Green Pastures: Short Stories
First Edition: London: Sampson Low, 1895. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 3s. 6d.
- "Jazez Gaunt's Testament", British Weekly, 21 July 1892 to 4 August 1892 (weekly)
- "Miss Chrissie's Protege", British Weekly, 18 August 1892 to 1 September 1892 (weekly)
Summary: Contains the stories "Miss Chrissie's Protege," "Time, the Alchemist," "One Lesson in Life," "Jamie Myles's Vehicle," "Jabez Gaunt's Testament," "An Idealist," "A Tardy Wooing," and "In the Waning Year."
References: BL; EC
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