Title: Avillion, and Other Tales
Author and Title: Dinah Marie Craik. Avillion, and Other Tales
First Edition: London: Smith, Elder, 1853. 3 volumes, post 8vo., 31s. 6d.
- "The Sculptor of Bruges", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 20 February 1847
- "The Italian's Daughter", Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, 27 November 1847
- "The Self-Seer", Fraser's Magazine, January 1849 to March 1849 (monthly)
- "The Sculptor of Bruges", London Journal, 18 June 1859
Summary: According to the author's note, the stories are reprinted from Fraser's, Bentley's, Sharpe's, Jerrold's, and Dublin University Magazine.
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References: BL; EC
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