Title: The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales
Author and Title: Arthur Conan Doyle. The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales
First Edition: London: Longman, 1890. 1 volume, post 8vo., 6s.
- "The Captain of the Pole-Star", Temple Bar, January 1883
- "J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement", Cornhill Magazine, January 1884
- "John Barrington Cowles", Cassell's Saturday Journal, 12 April 1884 to 19 April 1884 (weekly)
- "The Great Keinplatz Experiment", Belgravia, July 1885
- "A Literary Mosaic", Boy's Own Paper, 25 December 1886, Christmas Number
- "John Huxford's Hiatus", Cornhill Magazine, June 1888
- "The Ring of Thoth", Cornhill Magazine, January 1890
Summary: Also contains the stories "That Little Square Box," "The Man from Archangel," and "The Parson of Jackman's Gulch" already published in Mysteries and Adventures (1890).
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