Title: The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
Author and Title: Arthur Conan Doyle. The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
First Edition: London: George Newnes, 1896. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 6s.
- "The Medal of Brigadier Gerard", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, December 1894
- "How the Brigadier Held the King", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, April 1895
- "How the King Held the Brigadier", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, May 1895
- "How the Brigadier Slew the Brothers of Ajaccio", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, June 1895
- "How the Brigadier Came to the Castle of Gloom", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, July 1895
- "How the Brigadier took the Field against the Marshal Mille-fleurs", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, August 1895
- "How the Brigadier was Tempted by the Devil", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, September 1895
- "How the Brigadier Played for a Kingdom", Strand Magazine, illustrated by W. B. Wollen, December 1895
Summary: Illustrated by W. B. Wollen.
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References: EC; Virginia
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