Title: Twelve Tales with a Headpiece, a Tailpiece, and an Intermezzo
Author and Title: Grant Allen. Twelve Tales with a Headpiece, a Tailpiece, and an Intermezzo: Being Select Stories by Grant Allen
First Edition: London: Grant Richards, 1899. 1 volume, 8vo., 6s.
- "Langalula", The Speaker, 11 February 1893
- "Cecca's Lover", Longman's Magazine, January 1894
- "Frasine's First Communion", The Sketch, 6 March 1895
- "A Mere Matter of Standpoint", The Speaker, 25 July 1896
- "Janet's Nemesis", Pall Mall Magazine, October 1896
- "Wolverden Tower", Illustrated London News, 23 November 1896
Summary: Contains the short stories "A Confidential Communication," "The Reverend John Creedy" [reprint], "Frasine's First Communion," "The Child of the Phalanstery" [reprint], "The Abbé's Repentance" [reprint], "Wolverden Tower," "Janet's Nemesis," "Langalula," "The Curate of Churnside" [reprint], "Cecca's Lover," "The Backslider" [reprint], "John Cann's Treasure" [reprint], "Ivan Greet's Masterpiece" [reprint], "The Churchwarden's Brother," and "A Matter of Standpoint."
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