Title: An Octave of Friends, with Other Silhouettes and Stories
Author and Title: Eliza Lynn Linton. An Octave of Friends, with Other Silhouettes and Stories
First Edition: London: Ward and Downey, 1891. 1 volume, cr. 8vo., 6s.
- "My First Soirée", London Society, July 1864
- "Rose Blackett and Her Lovers", London Society, November 1864
- "Faithful and True", London Society, July 1865 to September 1865 (monthly)
- "Snowed up with a Burgler", London Society, December 1865, Christmas Number
- "Souls in Mufti", London Society, January 1871
- "An Octave of Friends", London Society, January 1872 to September 1872 (monthly), Irregular
- "Madame Dufour", London Society, February 1873
References: EC
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