Title: Diogenes of London and Other Fantasies and Sketches
Author and Title: Henry Brereton Marriott Watson. Diogenes of London and Other Fantasies and Sketches
First Edition: London: Methuen, 1893. 1 volume, post 8vo., 6s.
- "Concerning a Grimace", The National Observer, 20 December 1890
- "The Facility of Life", The National Observer, 7 February 1891
- "Diogenes in London", The National Observer, 23 May 1891
- "The Devil of the Marsh", The National Observer, 8 August 1891
- "The House of Dishonour", The National Observer, 3 October 1891
- "The Sword of the Kadi", The National Observer, 3 October 1891
References: BL; EC; Harvard
- Volume from Google Books
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