The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.
Title |
Author |
Year |
The Lighthouse: A Novel |
Elizabeth Harcourt Mitchell |
1860 |
The Lighthouse: Being the Story of a Great Fight between Man and the... |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1865 |
The Lighthouse |
Anonymous |
1871 |
Lightly Lost |
Hawley Smart |
1885 |
Lights and Shadows of Australian Life |
Ellen Louise Clacy |
1854 |
Lights and Shadows of English Life: A Novel |
BTAO "Clara Cameron" |
1855 |
The Lights and Shadows of Forster Square |
Edward Haigh Sugden |
1899 |
Lights and Shadows of Home Affections: A Moral Tale for the Present ... |
Elizabeth de Vaux Agnew |
1881 |
Lights and Shadows of Irish Life |
Anna Maria Hall |
1838 |
Lights and Shadows of London Life |
James Payn |
1867 |
The Lights of Sydney: or, No Past is Dead |
Lilian Turner |
1896 |
Lights on the Way: Some Tales within a Tale |
J. H. Alexander |
1878 |
"Like a Little Candle": or, Bertrende's Influence |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1891 |
Like a Rasen Fiddler: A Tale of the Pilgrimage of Grace |
Mary Elizabeth Shipley |
1900 |
Like a Sister |
Madeline Crichton |
1893 |
Like and Unlike: A Novel |
Mary Elizabeth Braddon |
1887 |
Like Another Helen |
Sydney C. Grier |
1899 |
Like Cures Like |
Catherine E. Mallandaine |
1901 |
Like Dian's Kiss: A Novel |
Eliza Margaret von Booth |
1878 |
Like Father, Like Son: A Novel |
James Payn |
1871 |
Like Lost Sheep: A Riverside Story |
Arnold Gray |
1885 |
Like Lucifer: A Novel |
Fanny Du Tertre |
1886 |
Like Ships upon the Sea |
Frances Eleanor Trollope |
1883 |
Like Stars that Fall |
Walter Matthew Gallichan |
1895 |
Like to a Double Cherry: A Novel |
Phoebe Anne Allen |
1880 |
Lil |
Jean Middlemass |
1872 |
Lil |
Evelyn Whitaker |
1889 |
Lil Grey: or, Arthur Chester's Courtship |
Mrs. E. Beavan |
1878 |
Lil Lorimer: A Novel |
Theo Gift |
1885 |
The Lilac Sunbonnet |
S. R. Crockett |
1894 |
Lili, the Doctor's Daughter: or, The Bunch of Violets, and What Beca... |
Charles Bruce |
1874 |
Lilian: A Story of the World |
Gerald Beresford Fitzgerald |
1877 |
Lilian: A Tale of Three Hundred Years Ago |
George Eliel Sargent |
1864 |
Lilian and Lili |
Margaret Roberts |
1891 |
Lilian Mortimer: A Story of Ritualism in the Present Day |
Frances M. Savill |
1880 |
Lilian Seacroft |
Eliza Perring |
1878 |
Lilian's Golden Hours |
Eliza Meteyard |
1857 |
Lilian's Happy Hours: or, Talks with Mamma about the Stars, the Moon... |
Anonymous |
1869 |
Lilian's Inheritance |
Hannah Murray |
1867 |
Lilian's Penance |
Matilda Charlotte Houstoun |
1873 |
Lilian's Year, and the Lessons it Taught Her |
BTAO "Arthur" |
1862 |
Lilias, the Milliner's Apprentice |
Gabriel Alexander |
1854 |
Lilies or Thistledown |
Julia A. Mathews |
1876 |
Lilith: A Romance |
George MacDonald |
1895 |
Lill |
Jesson |
1899 |
Lilla Thorn's Voyage: or, That for Remembrance |
Grace Stebbing |
1892 |
Lilla's Experiment: or, Religion in Little Things |
Marion Clarke |
1883 |
Lilla's Relations |
Henrietta |
1867 |
Lillian St. Clair: A Novel |
Dora Hort |
1886 |
Lillian's Child: A Novel |
Marianne Helen Lumsden |
1876 |
Lillias Davenant: A Novel |
Elizabeth M. Stewart |
1852 |
Lilliesleaf: Being a Concluding Series of Passages in the Life of Mr... |
Margaret Oliphant |
1855 |
The Lillingstones of Lillingstone |
Emma Jane Worboise |
1864 |
Lilliput Legends |
William Brighty Rands |
1872 |
A Lily Among Thorns |
Emma Marshall |
1878 |
Lily and Nannie at School: A Story for Little Girls |
Anna Jane Buckland |
1868 |
The Lily and the Rose: A Tale of the Untruth of a True Heart |
Gabriel H. Harwood |
1870 |
Lily and Water-Lily |
Alice Vansittart Carr |
1893 |
Lily Drayton's Wedding Gown |
Ruth Lamb |
1892 |
Lily Gordon the Young Housekeeper |
Catherine Douglas Bell |
1853 |
Lily Hope and her Friends: A Tale |
Hetty Bowman |
1873 |
Lily Lass |
Justin Huntly McCarthy |
1889 |
A Lily Maid |
William George Waters |
1886 |
The Lily of Devon: A Novel |
Francis Claudius Armstrong |
1859 |
The Lily of Leyden |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1880 |
The Lily of Lumley |
Edith Milner |
1869 |
The Lily of Mossdale: A Tale of 1832, the Year of Reform |
James Routledge |
1861 |
The Lily of Paris: or, The King's Nurse |
John Palgrave Simpson |
1848 |
The Lily of St. Paul's: A Romance of Old London |
William Davy Watson |
1852 |
Lily of the Valley |
Catherine Emily Blanche Randolph |
1880 |
Lily of the Valley: A Story for Little Boys and Girls |
Kathleen Knox |
1876 |
The Lily of Tiflis: A Sketch from Georgian Church History |
John Mason Neale |
1859 |
Lily's Cross |
Anonymous |
1876 |
Lily's Home in the Country |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1876 |
Lily's Magic Lantern |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1880 |
Lily's Scrap-Book |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1877 |
Lily's Screen |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1877 |
Lily's Visit to Grandmamma |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1877 |
The Lilyvale Club, and Its Doings |
Edwin A. Johnson |
1880 |
The Limb: An Episode of Adventure |
Julian Osgood Field |
1896 |
Limitations: A Novel |
Edward Frederic Benson |
1896 |
Lina's Fortune |
Emma Leslie |
1900 |
A Lincolnshire Heroine: A Novel |
Edwin Whelpton |
1883 |
The Lincolnshire Tragedy: Passages in the Life of the Faire Gospelle... |
Anne Manning |
1866 |
Linda |
Agnes Giberne |
1866 |
Linda Tressel |
Anthony Trollope |
1868 |
Linda's Misfortunes: and, Little Brian's Trip to Dublin |
Clara Mulholland |
1885 |
Lindéman Brothers: or, Shoulder to Shoulder |
Jessie Margaret Edmonston Saxby |
1888 |
Lindenblumen, and Other Stories |
Lilian Rowland Brown |
1885 |
Lindenholm |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1893 |
Lindisfarn Chase: A Novel |
Thomas Adolphus Trollope |
1864 |
Lindsay Lee and his Friends: A Story for the Times |
P. E. S. |
1869 |
The Lindsays: A Romance of Scottish Life |
John Kirkwood Leys |
1888 |
Lindsay's Girl: A Novel |
Mary Emma Martin |
1896 |
Lindsay's Luck |
Frances Hodgson Burnett |
1879 |
"The Line of Beauty": or, The Pierpoints of Linwood |
Emma Marshall |
1889 |
A Line of Her Own |
Mrs. Conney |
1891 |
Lined with Gold |
Sophie Amelia Prosser |
1884 |
The Linesman: or, Service in the Guards and the Line |
Edward Hungerford Elers Napier |
1856 |
Ling Bank Cottage: A Tale for Working Girls |
BTAO "Lenten Lessons" |
1872 |
Link by Link: Detective Stories |
Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock |
1893 |
Link by Link |
Cecil Courteney |
1886 |
Linked at Last |
Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett |
1871 |
Linked Lives |
Lady Gertrude Georgina Douglas |
1876 |
Links in a Golden Chain: A Tale, Illustrating the Different Petition... |
A. J. D. |
1873 |
Linley Rochford: A Novel |
Justin McCarthy |
1874 |
Linnet: A Romance |
Grant Allen |
1898 |
Linnet's Trial: A Tale |
Menella Bute Smedley |
1864 |
Linny Lockwood: A Novel |
Catherine Ann Crowe |
1854 |
The Lintie: A Scottish Story of Today |
James Meikle |
1886 |
The Linwoods: or, "Sixty Years Since" in America |
Catharine Maria Sedgwick |
1835 |
The Lion: A Tale of the Coteries |
Henry Fothergill Chorley |
1839 |
A Lion among the Ladies: A Novel |
Philip Gaskell |
1888 |
The Lion and the Unicorn |
Richard Harding Davis |
1899 |
The Lion Battalion and Other Stories |
Mary Emily Hullah |
1885 |
The Lion City of Africa: A Story of Adventure |
Willis Boyd Allen |
1892 |
The Lion in the Path: A Historical Romance |
John Saunders |
1875 |
Lion Jack: A Story of Perilous Adventures among Wild Men and the Cap... |
P. T. Barnum |
1877 |
The Lion of Janina: or, The Last Days of the Janissaries |
Mór Jókai |
1897 |
The Lion of St. Mark: A Tale of Venice |
George Alfred Henty |
1889 |
The Lion of the North: A Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus and ... |
George Alfred Henty |
1886 |
A Lion of Wessex: or, How Saxon Fought Dane |
Tom Bevan |
1901 |
Lion-Hearted: A Novel |
Catherine Maria Grey |
1864 |
Lionel Deerhurst: or, Fashionable Life Under the Regency |
Barbara Hemphill |
1846 |
Lionel Franklin's Victory: A Tale |
Elizabeth Van Sommer |
1880 |
Lionel Harcourt, the Etonian: or, "Like other Fellows" |
Grace Elizabeth Wyatt |
1889 |
Lionel Merval: A Novel |
William Bainbridge |
1866 |
Lionel St. Clair: or, Under the Banian Tree |
Louisa Anne Moncreiff |
1871 |
Lionel Villiers: or, True and Steadfast |
Ada Fielder King |
1888 |
Lionel Wakefield |
William Massey |
1836 |
Lionel's Revenge: or, The Young Royalists. A Tale of the Great Civil... |
Alfred Harold Engelbach |
1867 |
The Lion's Brood: A Romance |
Duffield Osborne |
1901 |
The Lips of a Fool: A Story for Mothers' Meetings |
Phoebe Anne Allen |
1899 |
Lisa Baillie's Journal |
Agnes Giberne |
1875 |
Lisa Lena |
John Edward Jenkins |
1880 |
Lisabee's Love Story |
Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards |
1865 |
Lisbeth |
Grace L. Keith Johnston |
1893 |
Lisbeth's Choice |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1895 |
Lise Fleuron |
Georges Ohnet |
1885 |
Lisette |
Elizabeth Emily Charlton |
1890 |
Lisette's Venture |
Mary Caroline Gray |
1874 |
Lismore |
Sophia Crawford |
1853 |
Lissadel: or, In Stony Places. A Story |
Ellen Pollock |
1875 |
List, Ye Landsmen!: A Romance of Incident |
William Clark Russell |
1893 |
The Little Acrobat and his Mother: A True Story |
Anonymous |
1872 |
Little Ada's Jewels |
Fanny Levien |
1875 |
Little Aggie's Fresh Snow-Drops, and What They Did in One Day |
Frances Mary Synge |
1863 |
Little Alfred: or, The Influence of Home Training |
Anonymous |
1865 |
Little Alfred of Anglesey |
Anonymous |
1837 |
Little Alice and Her Sister |
Mary Ann Dyson |
1843 |
The Little Alpine Fox Dog: A Love Story. A Few Pages from its Early ... |
Cecil Clarke |
1879 |
Little Amy's Birthday and Other Tales: A Story Book for Autumn |
Lydia Falconer Miller |
1846 |
Little Anna Mark |
S. R. Crockett |
1900 |
Little Annie: or, Is Church Time a Happy Time? |
Anonymous |
1852 |
Little Archie's Catechism |
Emily G. Nesbitt |
1865 |
Little Aunt Dorothy: Being the Experiences of a Small Girl |
Jennie Chappell |
1894 |
The Little Bag of Gold |
F. Bayford Harrison |
1894 |
The Little Ballet Girl: Founded on Fact |
Margaretta Eliza Bewsher |
1875 |
Little Barbara's Dream |
Edith Greeves |
1899 |
Little Barefoot: or, Strive and Trust. A Tale of Village Life |
Berthold Auerbach |
1872 |
The Little Beauty |
Catherine Maria Grey |
1860 |
Little Ben Hadden: or, Do Right, Whatever Comes of It |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1870 |
Little Ben, the Shepherd: A Tale of Australian Life in the Present Day |
Anonymous |
1864 |
Little Bess: or, The Pure in Heart |
Mary W. Ellis |
1878 |
Little Blackcap, and Other Tales |
Anonymous |
1870 |
Little Blind May |
Constance Beverley |
1876 |
Little Blue Hood |
Thomas Miller |
1863 |
Little Blue Jacket and Other Stories |
Mary Anna Paull |
1880 |
The Little Blue Lady and Other Tales |
Elizabeth Harcourt Mitchell |
1881 |
The Little Bog-Trotters: or, A Few Weeks at Conmore |
Clara Mulholland |
1878 |
Little Boots and the Steps They Trod in |
Jennie Harrison |
1874 |
"Little Boots" Grown Older: or, The Soldier of the Cross |
Jennie Harrison |
1874 |
Little Bricks |
Francesca Maria Steele |
1882 |
Little Bright Eyes' Picture Book for Little Children |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1876 |
The Little Brown Girl: A Story for Children |
Esmé Stuart |
1877 |
Little Bullets from Batala |
Charlotte Maria Tucker |
1880 |
Little Buttercup and Jenny Wren: A Book for the Young |
BTAO "How to Enter into Rest" |
1873 |
The Little Camp on Eagle Hill |
Susan Bogert Warner |
1873 |
A Little Candle |
Mary H. Debenham |
1890 |
A Little Candle, and Other Stories |
Letitia McClintock |
1886 |
The Little Captain: A Tale of the Sea |
A. J. C. |
1865 |
The Little Captain: A Temperance Tale |
Lynde Palmer |
1867 |
Little Captain Dick |
Cecilia Anne Jones |
1885 |
The Little Captives and Other Stories |
Deborah Alcock |
1898 |
The Little Castle Maiden: Simple Stories for Young Children |
Hon. Louisa Lelias Greene |
1870 |
The Little Chatelaine |
Earl of Desart |
1889 |
Little Cherie: or, The Trainer's Daughter. A Racing and Social Novel |
Lady Florence Caroline Dixie |
1901 |
The Little Chief: A Story of the Pilgrim Fathers |
Eliza Fanny Pollard |
1901 |
Little Chimes for All Times |
Anonymous |
1880 |
Little Christmas and her Friends |
Martha C. France |
1874 |
The Little Clown |
Thomas Cobb |
1901 |
The Little Colonists: or, King Penguin Land |
Theo Gift |
1890 |
Little Content and Other Stories |
Edith Walford |
1870 |
Little Count Paul: A Story of Troublesome Times |
Louise Frances Field |
1894 |
Little Cousins: or, Georgie's Visit to Lotty |
Georgina Castle Smith |
1879 |
Little Crosses: or, "Let Patience haver her Perfect Work" |
Anonymous |
1881 |
A Little Curiosity |
Emma Marshall |
1896 |
Little Curly Pate's Picture Book |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1878 |
A Little Deceiver |
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford |
1894 |
The Little Doctor: or, The Magic of Nature |
Francesca Maria Steele |
1892 |
The Little Doorkeeper: or, Patience and Peace |
Sophia Tandy |
1865 |
Little Dorinda: Who Won and Who Lost her! |
Percy H. Fitzgerald |
1878 |
Little Dorrit |
Charles Dickens |
1857 |
The Little Dowager |
Lucy Sale-Barker |
1894 |
The Little Duchess and Other Stories |
Ethel Sybil Turner |
1896 |
The Little Duke: or, Richard the Fearless |
Charlotte Mary Yonge |
1854 |
A Little Dutch Maiden: A South African Sketch |
Harriett Ella Ernle Money |
1887 |
The Little Dwarf's Mirror and the Children's Prayer |
A. L. G. |
1878 |
Little Eddy Hill, and Other Lessons of Love |
Anonymous |
1868 |
Little Effie's Cowslip-Ball |
Anonymous |
1863 |
Little Effie's Home |
BTAO "Bertie Lee" |
1870 |
Little Elsie's Summer at Malvern |
Marion Clifford Butler |
1871 |
The Little Emigrant's Birthday, and the Children of the Alps |
Georgina C. Munro |
1853 |
Little Empress Joan |
Madeline Bonavia Hunt |
1880 |
Little Estella and Other Fairy Tales: For the Young |
Mary Popham Blyth |
1860 |
Little Faith: or, The Child of the Toy Stall |
Mrs. O. F. Walton |
1880 |
Little Faults and their Cure |
Emma Leslie |
1877 |
Little Ferns for Fanny's Little Friends |
Fanny Fern |
1854 |
Little Fifine and Other Tales |
Katharine Sarah Macquoid |
1881 |
Little Flaggs, the Almshouse Foundling |
Anne J. Robertson |
1864 |
Little Flotsam: A Story for Boys and Girls. And Other Tales |
Robert Richardson |
1881 |
The Little Flower Seekers: Being Adventures of Trot and Daisy in a W... |
Rosa Mulholland |
1874 |
A Little Fool: A Novel |
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard |
1889 |
Little Foundling, and Other Tales: A Story Book for Summer |
Lydia Falconer Miller |
1846 |
Little Freddie: or, Friends in Need |
Evelyn Ward Everett Green |
1882 |
Little Friends at Glenwood |
Joanna H. Mathews |
1877 |
Little Friends in the Village: A Story for Children |
Edis Searle |
1868 |
The Little Gardeners: An Allegory for Children |
Oenone |
1867 |
The Little Gipsy |
Emma Leslie |
1874 |
Little Gipsy Marion: A Tale |
Charlotte O'Brien |
1870 |
The Little Girl from Next Door |
Geraldine Mockler |
1896 |
"Little Great-Grandmother" |
Mary Emma Martin |
1891 |
Little Grey: The Pony of Nordfjord or the Story of Gjermund and Sigrid |
Jonas Lie |
1873 |
A Little Grey Sheep: A Novel |
Mary Crawford Fraser |
1901 |
Little Grig: and, The Tinker's Letter |
Eleanor Grace O'Reilly |
1872 |
The Little Guide of Adrighoole: or, How to be Happy |
BTAO "Johnny M'Kay" |
1858 |
The Little Gypsy |
Elie Sauvage |
1868 |
Little Hand and Muckle Gold: A Study of To-day |
Julian Osgood Field |
1889 |
Little Harry's Troubles: A Story of Gipsy Life |
BTAO "Little Harry's Troubles" |
1865 |
Little Hazel, the King's Messenger |
BTAO "Little Snowdrop" |
1876 |
The Little Head of the Family |
Zénaïde Fleuriot |
1877 |
Little Helpers: or, What Children may do for Jesus |
Mary Elizabeth Shipley |
1876 |
A Little Hero |
Marriette Beadum |
1887 |
Little Hinges |
Madeline Bonavia Hunt |
1879 |
Little Hodge |
John Edward Jenkins |
1873 |
The Little Housekeeper |
Aunt Edith |
1872 |
The Little Housekeepers: or, Pattikin's House |
J. Allison |
1882 |
The Little Huguenot: A Romance of Fontainebleau |
Max Pemberton |
1895 |
The Little Hunchback |
Sophie Ségur |
1876 |
A Little Irish Girl, and Other Stories |
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford |
1891 |