The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.
Title |
Author |
Year |
The Midlands and Others |
Henry Lyttlejohn |
1870 |
The Midnight Journey and Other Tales |
Leitch Ritchie |
1871 |
A Midnight Mystery: A Novel |
Fergus Hume |
1894 |
The Midnight Passenger: A Novel |
Henry Richard Savage |
1901 |
A Midnight Pastime: A Novel |
James Harris Brighouse |
1889 |
The Midnight Queen: A Tale of the Plague |
May Agnes Fleming |
1865 |
Midnight Webs |
George Manville Fenn |
1872 |
Midst Surrey Hills: A Rural Story |
Augustus Charles Bickley |
1890 |
Midst the Wild Carpathians |
Mór Jókai |
1894 |
Midsummer at Hay-lodge |
Ruth Lamb |
1861 |
Midsummer Eve: A Tale |
Alfred Butler |
1842 |
Midsummer Eve: A Fairy Tale of Love |
Anna Maria Hall |
1848 |
Mig and her Friends |
Edith King Hall |
1897 |
The Mighty Atom |
Marie Corelli |
1896 |
The Mighty Toltec: A Romantic Story of Adventure |
S. J. Adair Fitz-Gerald |
1897 |
Mignon |
Emily Feake Bridges |
1877 |
Mignonette: A Sketch |
Ernest Richard Seymour |
1858 |
Mignonette |
Agnes Giberne |
1869 |
Mignonne: or, Miss Patricia's Pets |
Jennie Chappell |
1900 |
Mignon's Husband: A Novel |
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard |
1887 |
Mignon's Secret: The Story of a Barrack Bairn |
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard |
1886 |
Mike: A Tale of the Great Irish Famine |
Edward N. Hoare |
1880 |
Mike Fletcher: A Novel |
George Moore |
1889 |
Mike How: The Bushranger of Van Diemen's Land |
James Bonwick |
1873 |
Milady Monte Cristo: A Novel |
John Pennington Marsden |
1895 |
The Mildmayes: or, The Clergyman's Secret. A Story of Twenty Years Ago |
Daniel Owen Madden |
1856 |
Mildred |
Georgiana Marion Craik |
1868 |
Mildred Arkell: A Novel |
Ellen Wood |
1865 |
Mildred Dalton |
Christian Redford |
1876 |
Mildred Forrester: or, A Tale of Our Times |
Adma |
1880 |
Mildred Vernon: A Tale of Parisian Life in the Last Days of the Mona... |
Baroness Blaze de Bury |
1848 |
Mildred's Career: A Tale of the Women's Suffrage Movement |
Elizabeth P. Ramsay |
1874 |
Mildred's Husband |
M. H. |
1890 |
Mildred's Last Night |
Anne Maria Carter Smith |
1863 |
Mildred's Mistake: A Still-Life Study |
Fanny Levien |
1877 |
Mildred's Wedding: A Family History |
Frances E. M. Notley |
1865 |
Mildrington the Barrister: A Romance |
Percy H. Fitzgerald |
1863 |
Miles: A Town Story |
Sigma |
1878 |
Miles Buller: or, The Little World of Onniegate. A Novel |
Anonymous |
1865 |
Miles Harling |
Alice Weber |
1880 |
Miles Lambert's Three Chances |
Mary Elizabeth Palgrave |
1884 |
Miles Murchison |
Agnes Giberne |
1894 |
Miles Tremenhere |
Annette Marie Maillard |
1853 |
Milestones and Other Stories |
Jessie Margaret Edmonston Saxby |
1891 |
Milford Malvoisin: or, Pews and Pewholders |
Francis Edward Paget |
1842 |
Milicent Courtenay's Diary: or, The Experiences of a Young Lady at H... |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1873 |
The Military Chest: An Incident of the War between Prussian and France |
Friedrich Wilhelm Oertel |
1870 |
A Military Crime |
Ferdinand Mansel Peacock |
1891 |
Military Life in Prussia: First Series. The Soldier in Time of Peace |
Friedrich Wilhelm Hackländer |
1873 |
Military Mosaics: A Set of Tales |
John Augusta O'Shea |
1888 |
The Militia Major: A Novel |
Harriet Nunn |
1852 |
The Mill in the Valley: A Tale of German Rural Life |
Beatrice Batty |
1859 |
The Mill in the Valley: or, Truth Will Out |
Constance E. Miller |
1885 |
The Mill Mystery |
Anna Katherine Green |
1886 |
The Mill on the Floss |
George Eliot |
1860 |
The Mill Wheel: A Novel |
Helen Dickens |
1874 |
The Miller of Angibault |
George Sand |
1847 |
The Miller of Deanhaugh |
James Ballantine |
1844 |
The Miller's Children |
Anonymous |
1870 |
The Miller's Daughter |
Anne Beale |
1877 |
The Miller's Daughter: A Legend of the Granta |
Samuel Page Widnall |
1871 |
The Miller's Niece, and Some Distant Connections |
Henry William Lucy |
1896 |
Milliara: An Australian Romance |
Sarah Louisa Morewood |
1893 |
Millicent: or, The Trials of Life: A Novel |
Harriette Amiel Chalcraft |
1855 |
Millicent and her Cousins |
Hon. Augusta Bethell |
1870 |
Millicent Kendrick: or, The Search after Happiness |
Emma Jane Worboise |
1862 |
Millicent Legh: A Tale |
Emma Marshall |
1866 |
Millicent Neville: A Novel |
Julia Augusta Tilt |
1859 |
Millicent's Children: A Novel |
Ellen Baseley |
1883 |
Millicent's Home |
Crona Temple |
1871 |
Millie Howard: or, Trust in God |
Theodora Elizabeth Lynch |
1854 |
The Million |
Dorothea Gerard |
1901 |
The Millionaire |
Louis John Jennings |
1883 |
The Millionaire of Mincing Lane: A Tale of the Day |
Dudley Costello |
1858 |
The Millionaire of Parkersville: A Californian Affair |
Marshall G. Wood |
1897 |
A Millionaire of Rough and Ready |
Bret Harte |
1887 |
A Millionaire of Yesterday |
E. Phillips Oppenheim |
1900 |
The Millionaires |
Frank Frankfort Moore |
1898 |
A Millionaire's Cousin |
Emily Lawless |
1885 |
A Millionaire's Daughter |
Percy White |
1899 |
A Millionaire's Daughters: A Novel |
John Alexander Steuart |
1887 |
A Millionaire's Love Story |
Guy Boothby |
1901 |
The Mills of God |
Edward James Cattell |
1897 |
Milly and Olly: or, A Holiday Among the Mountains |
Mary Augusta Ward |
1881 |
Milly Darrell, and Other Tales |
Mary Elizabeth Braddon |
1873 |
Milly's Errand: or, Saved to Save |
Emma Leslie |
1870 |
Milly's Hero |
Frederick William Robinson |
1865 |
Milly's Mistakes: and What she Learned by Them |
Ruth Lamb |
1884 |
Milly's Trials and Triumphs |
Mary E. Gellie |
1881 |
Milton Davenant: A Tale of the Times We Live in |
James Bandinel |
1852 |
Mimi: A Story of Peasant Life in Normandy |
Esmé Stuart |
1879 |
Mimi's Charity, and Its Reward after Many Days |
Vicomtesse Solange de Kerkadec |
1876 |
Mimi's Marriage: A Sketch |
V. Mikoulitch |
1893 |
Minatoo: or, Little Frankie's Bearer. A Story of the Indian Mutiny |
Susanna Mary Paull |
1883 |
Mince-Pie Island: A Christmas Story for Mince-Pie Eaters. With other... |
Robert St. John Corbet |
1868 |
Mind and Manner: or, Diversities of Life |
James Flamank |
1870 |
Mind, Body, and Estate. And Sea Maidens |
Frances E. M. Notley |
1885 |
The Minder: The Story of the Courtship, Call and Conflicts of John L... |
John Ackworth |
1900 |
The Mine: or, Darkness and Light |
Charlotte Maria Tucker |
1870 |
Mine is Thine: A Novel |
Lawrence William Maxwell Lockhart |
1878 |
A Mine of Wealth |
Esmé Stuart |
1896 |
Mine Own Familiar Friend |
Fanny Charlotte Montgomery |
1872 |
Mine Own Familiar Friend: A Novel |
Hazelton Black |
1887 |
Mine Own People |
Louisa Mary Gray |
1885 |
The Miners' Cup: A Coolgardie Romance |
Nat Gould |
1896 |
The Miner's Oath and Underground |
Dora Russell |
1871 |
The Miner's Right: A Tale of the Australian Goldfields |
Rolf Boldrewood |
1890 |
The Miner's Son and Margaret Vernon |
Matilda Mary Pollard |
1872 |
A Mingled Yarn: A Novel |
Matilda Anne Mackarness |
1872 |
A Minimum Wage: A Socialistic Novel |
Alfred Morris |
1891 |
A Minion of the Moon: A Romance of the King's Highway |
Thomas Wilkinson Speight |
1897 |
Minister Lovel: A Story of the Days of Laud |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1890 |
The Minister of Ebenezer Chapel |
Annie M. Barton |
1887 |
The Minister of State: A Novel |
John Alexander Steuart |
1898 |
A Ministering Angel |
Ellen Creathorne Clayton |
1895 |
Ministering Children: A Tale Dedicated to Childhood |
Maria Louisa Charlesworth |
1854 |
Ministering Children, a Sequel |
Maria Louisa Charlesworth |
1867 |
The Minister's Daughter: and, Old Anthony's Will. Tales for the Young |
Matilda Mary Pollard |
1872 |
The Minister's Daughters: A Novel |
S. Francis |
1880 |
The Minister's Family |
William Maxwell Hetherington |
1838 |
The Minister's Money |
Eliza Fanny Pollard |
1896 |
The Minister's Son: or, Home with Honours |
Mary Catherine Stirling |
1882 |
The Minister's Wife |
Margaret Oliphant |
1869 |
The Minister's Wooing |
Harriet Beecher Stowe |
1859 |
The Ministry of Life |
Maria Louisa Charlesworth |
1858 |
Minna Raymond: A Tale That Might Have Been True |
Isabella Catherine Howard |
1858 |
Minna's Holiday or Country Cousins and Other Stories |
Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards |
1876 |
Minnie's Doll's House: A True Story |
Selina Gaye |
1865 |
Minnie's Legacy |
Elizabeth Spooner |
1867 |
Minnie's Love |
Matilda Anne Mackarness |
1860 |
Minnie's Mission: An Australian Temperance Tale |
Maud Jeanne Franc |
1869 |
Minon: or, The Cat that the King Looked at |
Phoebe Anne Allen |
1887 |
The Minor Canon |
Gerald Beresford Fitzgerald |
1900 |
Minor Dialogues |
William Pett Ridge |
1895 |
Minsterborough: A Tale of English Life |
Humphry Sandwith |
1876 |
Minstrel Dick: A Tale of the XIVth Century |
Christabel Rose Coleridge |
1896 |
Minty, the Policeman's Foundling |
Anonymous |
1866 |
The Minx |
Kathleen Mannington Caffyn |
1900 |
The Miracle: A Comedy of Sentiment |
Paul Creswick |
1895 |
Miracle Gold: A Novel |
Richard Dowling |
1888 |
Miracles of Heavenly Love in Daily Life |
Charlotte Maria Tucker |
1864 |
Mirage |
Constance Fletcher |
1877 |
Miranda: or, The Heiress of the Grange. A Romance |
James Malcolm Rymer |
1848 |
Miranda of the Balcony: A Story |
A. E. W. Mason |
1899 |
Miranda, a Midsummer Madness |
Edward James Mortimer Collins |
1873 |
Mirango the Man-Eater: A Tale of Central Africa |
Charles Dudley Lampen |
1899 |
Miriam |
Marriette Beadum |
1888 |
Miriam Copley |
John Cordy Jeaffreson |
1859 |
Miriam May: A Romance of Real Life |
Arthur Robins |
1860 |
Miriam Rosenbaum: A Story of Jewish Life |
Rev. Dr. Edersheim |
1872 |
Miriam Rozella |
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon |
1898 |
Miriam Sedley: or, The Tares and the Wheat. A Tale of Real Life |
Rosina Bulwer Lytton |
1851 |
Miriam's Marriage |
Katharine Sarah Macquoid |
1873 |
Miriam's Schooling |
William Hale White |
1890 |
Miriam's Sorrow |
Elizabeth Daniel |
1863 |
Miriam's Trials: A Child's Story |
A. A. |
1874 |
Mirk Abbey |
James Payn |
1866 |
The Mirror of Music |
Stanley Victor Makower |
1895 |
The Mirror of Truth and Other Marvellous Histories |
Eugénie Hamerton |
1875 |
Mirry-Ann |
Norma Octavia Lorimer |
1900 |
The Mirza |
James Justinian Morier |
1841 |
Misadventure |
William Edward Norris |
1890 |
The Misadventures of Mr. Catlyne, Q.C.: An Autobiography |
Martin Francis Mahony |
1873 |
The Misanthrope's Heir |
Alexander Balfour Symington |
1897 |
Miscalculation |
Harriette Bowra |
1877 |
The Mischief Maker and the Peace Maker |
Anonymous |
1864 |
The Mischief of Monica |
L. B. Walford |
1891 |
The Mischief-Maker |
Grace L. Keith Johnston |
1898 |
Mischief's Thanksgiving and Other Stories |
Susan Coolidge |
1875 |
Mischievous Jack, and Other Stories |
Alice Corkran |
1888 |
Mischievous Moncton: or, Jest Turned to Earnest |
Evelyn Ward Everett Green |
1890 |
Misconception |
Mrs. Faure Walker |
1898 |
The Miser |
Hope Inslow |
1868 |
Miser Farebrother: A Novel |
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon |
1888 |
Miser Hoadley's Secret |
Arthur Williams Marchmont |
1904 |
The Miser Lord: A Sequel to "Frank Beresford" |
Capt. Henry Curling |
1859 |
The Miser of King's Court |
Clara Mulholland |
1887 |
A Miserable Christmas and a Happy New Year |
Hesba Stretton |
1888 |
Miserrima |
George William Thomson Omond |
1895 |
The Miser's Daughter |
William Harrison Ainsworth |
1843 |
The Miser's Secret: or, The Days of James I |
BTAO "The Miser's Secret" |
1850 |
Mis'ess Joy |
Thomas Murray Ford |
1900 |
A Misguidit Lassie |
Percy Ross |
1883 |
Misogyny and the Maiden: A Novel |
Paul Cushing |
1885 |
Misrepresentation: A Novel |
Anonymous |
1840 |
Misrepresentation: or, Scenes in Real Life. One of a Series of Tales... |
Julia Rattray Waddington |
1838 |
Misrepresentation: A Novel |
Anna Harriet Drury |
1859 |
Miss Angel |
Anne Isabella Ritchie |
1875 |
Miss Armstrong's, and Other Circumstances |
John Davidson |
1896 |
Miss Aylmer: or, The Maid's Husband |
Cecilia Gidoin Jenkins |
1840 |
Miss Balmaine's Past |
Bithia Mary Croker |
1898 |
Miss Baxter's Request |
Annie S. Swan |
1888 |
Miss Bayle's Romance: A Story of To-day |
William Fraser Rae |
1887 |
Miss Beauchamp: A Philistine |
Constance Ellen MacEwen |
1883 |
Miss Betty |
Bram Stoker |
1898 |
Miss Betty's Mistake: A Story |
Adeline Sergeant |
1898 |
Miss Biddy Frobisher: A Salt-water Story |
Anne Manning |
1866 |
Miss Blanchard of Chicago |
Albert Kevill Davies |
1892 |
Miss Bobbie |
Ethel Sybil Turner |
1897 |
Miss Bouverie |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1880 |
Miss Bretherton |
Mary Augusta Ward |
1884 |
Miss Brown: A Novel |
Vernon Lee |
1884 |
Miss Brown: A Romance, and Other Tales in Prose and Verse |
Robert Barnabas Brough |
1860 |
Miss Cadogna: A Romance |
Julian Hawthorne |
1885 |
Miss Carew |
Amelia B. Edwards |
1865 |
Miss Carr's Young Ladies: A Story |
Mary Eliza Bramston |
1897 |
Miss Cayley's Adventures |
Grant Allen |
1899 |
Miss Cheyne of Essilmont |
James Grant |
1883 |
Miss Chilcott's Legacy |
H. Louisa Bedford |
1896 |
Miss Cleveland's Companion: A Novel |
Adeline Sergeant |
1901 |
Miss Con: or, All Those Girls |
Agnes Giberne |
1887 |
Miss Crespigny |
Frances Hodgson Burnett |
1878 |
Miss Crosby's Matchmaking: A Novel |
Maine O'Hara |
1866 |
The Miss Crusoes: A Curious Story for Big and Little Children |
George Hatton Colomb |
1888 |
Miss Daisy Dimity |
May Crommelin |
1881 |
Miss Devereux of the Mariquita: A Story of Bonanza Days in Nevada |
Henry Richard Savage |
1895 |
Miss Devereux, Spinster: A Study of Development |
Agnes Giberne |
1891 |
Miss Dividends: A Novel |
Archibald Clavering Gunter |
1892 |
Miss Dorothy's Charge: A Novel |
Frank Lee Benedict |
1873 |
Miss Elizabeth's Niece |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1898 |
Miss Elsie: A Simple Story of Single-Hearted Service |
Helen Mary Wilson |
1888 |
Miss Elvester's Girls: A Novel |
Mary W. Paxton |
1883 |
Miss Erin |
Mary Blundell |
1898 |
Miss Eyon of Eyon Court |
Katharine Sarah Macquoid |
1892 |
Miss Falkland and Other Stories |
Clementina Black |
1892 |
Miss Fenwick's Failures: or, Peggy Pepper-Pot |
Esmé Stuart |
1885 |
Miss Forrester: A Novel |
Annie Edwards |
1865 |
Miss Gascoigne: A Novel |
Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell |
1887 |
Miss Gilbert's Career: An American Story |
Josiah Gilbert Holland |
1877 |
Miss Grace of All Souls |
William Edward Tirebuck |
1895 |
Miss Grantley's Girls, and the Stories She Told Them |
Thomas Archer |
1885 |
Miss Gwynne of Woodford |
F. Parry Davis |
1861 |
Miss Herbert's Key's: or, Honesty in Little Thinks |
Susanna Mary Paull |
1871 |
Miss Hildreth: A Novel |
Augusta de Grasse Stevens |
1888 |
Miss Hitchcock's Wedding Dress |
Elizabeth Anna Hart |
1876 |
Miss Honeywood's Lovers |
Anonymous |
1875 |
Miss Honoria: A Tale of a Remote Corner of Ireland |
Frederick Langbridge |
1893 |
Miss Irving's Bible |
Sarah Doudney |
1875 |
Miss Jacobsen's Chance: A Story of Australian Life |
Rosa Caroline Praed |
1886 |
Miss Jane, the Bishop's Daughter |
John Berwick Harwood |
1867 |
Miss Jean's Niece |
Margaret Roberts |
1884 |
Miss Kate: or, Confessions of a Caretaker. A Novel |
Eliza Margaret von Booth |
1889 |
Miss Langley's Will: A Tale |
Anonymous |
1869 |
Miss Latimer of Bryans |
Eleanor C. Price |
1893 |
Miss Lavinia's Trust |
Vin Vincent |
1887 |
Miss Ludington's Sister: A Romance of Immortality |
Edward Bellamy |
1884 |
Miss Mackenzie |
Anthony Trollope |
1865 |
Miss Malevolent |
Cyril Ranger Gull |
1899 |
Miss Margaret's Stories |
A Clergyman's Wife |
1880 |
Miss Marjoribanks |
Margaret Oliphant |
1866 |