The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.
Title |
Author |
Year |
Tales from the Veld |
Ernest Glanville |
1897 |
Tales from the Western Moors |
Walter Matthew Gallichan |
1895 |
Tales Illustrative of the Beatitudes |
Harriet Power |
1864 |
Tales in Prose: For the Young |
Mary Howitt |
1836 |
Tales in the Cabin: or, Nights on the Ocean |
William Heard Hillyard |
1861 |
Tales of a Deserted Village |
Charles Allen Clarke |
1894 |
Tales of a Dying Race |
Alfred Augustus Grace |
1901 |
Tales of a Grammar School |
John William Reed |
1864 |
Tales of a Grandmother |
Alison Charles Carmichael |
1841 |
Tales of a Jewess: Illustrating the Domestic Manners and Customs of ... |
Madame Brendlah |
1838 |
Tales of a Lay Brother: Neville's Cross |
Anonymous |
1844 |
Tales of a London Parish |
Henrietta Louisa Farrer |
1851 |
Tales of a Tin Mine |
Silas Kitto Hocking |
1898 |
Tales of Adventure: or, Wild Work in Strange Places |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1874 |
Tales of All Countries |
Anthony Trollope |
1861 |
Tales of All Countries: Second Series |
Anthony Trollope |
1863 |
Tales of Australian Life |
Nathaniel Walter Swan |
1875 |
Tales of Chivalry and Romance |
David Murray Smith |
1869 |
Tales of College Life |
Edward Bradley |
1856 |
Tales of Crowbridge Workhouse |
M. A. B. |
1863 |
Tales of Daring and Danger: Five Short Stories |
George Alfred Henty |
1890 |
Tales of Dunstable Weir |
Gwendoline Keats |
1901 |
Tales of English Life and Miscellanies |
William Henry Leatham |
1858 |
Tales of Enterprise: For the Amusement of Youth |
Anonymous |
1839 |
Tales of Fairy Land |
Johann Ludwig Tieck |
1879 |
Tales of Filial Love |
Théodore Henri Barrau |
1865 |
Tales of Greyhouse |
Robert Stanly Warren Bell |
1901 |
Tales of Jewish History |
Celia Moss Levetus |
1843 |
Tales of Kirkbeck: or, The Parish in the Fells |
Henrietta Louisa Farrer |
1848 |
Tales of Life and Death |
Hon. Grantley Fitzhardinge Berkeley |
1870 |
Tales of Life in Earnest |
Sarah Crompton |
1862 |
Tales of Life, Love, and Adventure |
William Stephens Hayward |
1867 |
Tales of Manchester Life |
A Manchester Minister |
1875 |
Tales of Many Lands |
Margaret Fraser Tytler |
1839 |
Tales of Mean Streets |
Arthur Morrison |
1894 |
Tales of Military Life |
Anonymous |
1859 |
Tales of Modern Oxford |
William Frederic Traill |
1882 |
Tales of My Father's Fireside |
Charlotte Arnold |
1879 |
Tales of my Neighbourhood |
Gerald Griffin |
1835 |
Tales of My Sunday Scholars |
Mrs. Scott |
1866 |
Tales of Naval Adventure |
Charles Rathbone Low |
1872 |
Tales of Old Japan |
Algernon Bertram Mitford |
1871 |
Tales of Old Ocean |
Charles Rathbone Low |
1869 |
Tales of Old Thulê |
James Moyr Smith |
1879 |
Tales of Olden Times |
Ella Baker |
1882 |
Tales of Our Town |
Amelia Garland Mears |
1893 |
Tales of Pink and Silk |
George Edwin Collins |
1900 |
Tales of Political Economy |
Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett |
1874 |
Tales of South Africa |
Henry Anderson Bryden |
1896 |
Tales of Space and Time |
H. G. Wells |
1900 |
Tales of Terror |
Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock |
1899 |
Tales of the Austral Tropics |
Ernest Favenc |
1894 |
Tales of the Camp and Cabinet |
John Montmorency Tucker |
1844 |
Tales of the Children's Ward |
H. F. Gethen |
1894 |
Tales of the City of London |
Elizabeth M. Stewart |
1854 |
Tales of the Coast Guard |
William Russell |
1856 |
Tales of the Colonies: or, The Adventures of an Emigrant |
Charles Rowcroft |
1843 |
Tales of the Desert and the Bush |
Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker |
1854 |
Tales of the Fern-Owl |
A. M. E. W. |
1868 |
Tales of the Klondyke |
Thomas Mullett Ellis |
1898 |
Tales of the Masque |
Joseph Henry Pearce |
1894 |
Tales of the Mountains: or, Sojourns in Eastern Belgium |
Anonymous |
1851 |
Tales of the Munster Festivals |
Gerald Griffin |
1827 |
Tales of the North Riding |
Mary Jane Linskill |
1871 |
Tales of the Peerage and the Peasantry |
Lady Dacre |
1835 |
Tales of the Ramad'han |
James Augustus St. John |
1835 |
Tales of the Rhenish Chivalry: Founded on the Records of History and... |
Edward Tracy Turnerelli |
1835 |
Tales of the Rock |
Mary Anderson |
1897 |
Tales of the Sea |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1874 |
Tales of the Slave Squadron |
William Russell |
1860 |
Tales of the Spirit World |
Josiah Hone |
1868 |
Tales of the Stumps |
Horace William Bleackley |
1901 |
Tales of the Temple and Elsewhere |
Archie Armstrong |
1898 |
Tales of the Toys, Told by Themselves |
Frances Freeling Broderip |
1869 |
Tales of the Wars of Montrose |
James Hogg |
1835 |
Tales of the Wild and Wonderful |
William Stephens Hayward |
1870 |
Tales of the Woods and Fields |
Anne Marsh |
1836 |
Tales of the Work Room: The Sisters |
Anonymous |
1864 |
Tales of Three Centuries |
Henriette de Witt |
1878 |
Tales of Three Cities |
Henry James |
1884 |
Tales of To-day |
George Robert Sims |
1889 |
Tales of Trail and Town |
Bret Harte |
1898 |
Tales of Unrest |
Joseph Conrad |
1898 |
Tales of Village School-Boys |
Marianne Parrott |
1874 |
Tales of Woman's Trials |
Anna Maria Hall |
1835 |
Tales Old and New |
Margaret Roberts |
1872 |
Tales on the Parables |
Cecilia Anne Jones |
1874 |
Tales that are Told |
Mary Williamina Findlater |
1901 |
Tales Uncle Told |
Anonymous |
1865 |
Tales, Legends, and Historical Reminiscences of the Scottish Covenan... |
Ellen Emma Guthrie |
1861 |
Talis Qualis: or, Tales of the Jury Room |
Gerald Griffin |
1842 |
The Talk of the Town |
James Payn |
1885 |
The Talking Horse and Other Tales |
F. Anstey |
1892 |
Talks with Uncle Richard about Wild Animals |
Anne Jane Cupples |
1876 |
Tallangetta, the Squatter's Home: A Story of Australian Life |
William Howitt |
1857 |
The Tallants of Barton: A Tale of Fortune and Finance |
Joseph Hatton |
1867 |
The Tame Turk: A Novel |
Olive Harper |
1877 |
Taming a Shrew: A Novel |
Conway Keith |
1863 |
Tammas Bodkin: or, The Humours of a Scottish Tailor |
William Duncan Latto |
1864 |
Tammer's Duel |
Hesketh Hesketh-Prichard |
1898 |
Tamsin Rosewarne and Her Burdens |
Nellie Cornwall |
1892 |
Tancred: or, The New Crusade |
Benjamin Disraeli |
1847 |
Tandem: A Novel |
Walter Bradford Woodgate |
1895 |
A Tangled Chain: A Novel |
Jane Ellen Panton |
1887 |
Tangled Flags: A Novel |
Archibald Clavering Gunter |
1900 |
A Tangled Skein |
Albany de Grenier de Fonblanque |
1862 |
A Tangled Tale |
Lewis Carroll |
1885 |
Tangled Threads |
Esmé Stuart |
1897 |
A Tangled Web |
Lady Caroline Blanche Elizabeth Lindsay |
1892 |
A Tangled Web: A Tale of the Fifteenth Century |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1885 |
A Tangled Web |
Madame Nelly-Lieutier |
1880 |
Tangled Web and Other Interesting and Amusing Stories |
Anonymous |
1866 |
Tangled Weft: Two Stories |
Mary Louisa Boyle |
1865 |
Tangles and Tales: Being the Record of a Twelvemonth's Imbroglio |
Edward Charles Mogridge |
1865 |
Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys: Being a Second Wonder-Book |
Nathaniel Hawthorne |
1853 |
A Tantalus Cup: A Novel |
Mrs. H. Bennett Edwards |
1879 |
The Tapestry Room: A Child's Romance |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1879 |
Tappy's Chicks: and Other Links Between Nature and Human Nature |
Anne Jane Cupples |
1872 |
The Tapu of Banderah |
Louis Becke |
1901 |
Taquisara |
F. Marion Crawford |
1896 |
Tara: A Mahratta Tale |
Philip Meadows Taylor |
1863 |
Tarantella: A Romance |
Mathilde Blind |
1885 |
The Tarnside Evangel |
M. A. H. |
1878 |
Tartan and Gold: Tales of Sport and Play |
Byron Webber |
1889 |
The Tasmanian Lily |
James Bonwick |
1873 |
Tatiana: or, The Conspiracy |
Prince Joseph Lubomirski |
1877 |
Tatterley: The Story of a Dead Man |
Tom Gallon |
1897 |
Tatty: A Study of a Young Girl |
Peter Fraser |
1901 |
Tay: A Novel |
Walter Octavius Peile |
1883 |
The Tcherkess and his Victim: Sketches Illustrative of the Moral, So... |
A Resident of the Last Three Years |
1880 |
Te Rou: or, The Maori at Home. A Tale Exhibiting the Social Life, Ma... |
John White |
1874 |
A Teacher of the Violin and Other Tales |
Joseph Henry Shorthouse |
1888 |
A Tearful Victory: A Story for Children |
Francesca Maria Steele |
1880 |
Tears on the Diadem: or, The Crown and the Cloister. A Tale of the W... |
Anna Hanson Dorsey |
1850 |
Teddy's Dream: or, A Little Sweep's Mission |
Emma Leslie |
1868 |
Ted's Trust: or, Aunt Elmerley's Umbrella |
Jennie Chappell |
1895 |
Telegraph Secrets: By a Station-Master |
Samuel Bracebridge Hemyng |
1867 |
The Teleporon and Other Stories |
William Henry Stacpoole |
1894 |
Tell Mamma |
Matilda Anne Mackarness |
1874 |
Tell me a Story |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1875 |
The Tell-Tale: or, Sketches of Domestic Life in the United States |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps |
1853 |
Tell-Tale-Tit |
Bessie Marchant |
1899 |
Tempe: A Novel |
Constance Annie Mary Cotterell |
1893 |
Temper: A Tale |
Emilia Norris |
1854 |
Temper and Temperament: or, Varieties of Character |
Sarah Stickney Ellis |
1846 |
Temperance Stories for the Young |
Timothy Shay Arthur |
1878 |
Temperance Tales |
Lucius Manlius Sargent |
1837 |
Tempest and Sunshine: or, Life in Kentucky |
Mary Jane Holmes |
1854 |
The Tempest Cousins: The Stoyr of One Year at Peltravis |
Isabel Suart Robson |
1896 |
Tempest Tossed: The Story of Seejungfer |
Margaret Roberts |
1884 |
Tempest-Driven: A Romance |
Richard Dowling |
1886 |
Tempest-Torn |
Andrew Charles Parker Haggard |
1894 |
Tempest-tossed: A Novel |
Mary Elizabeth Whatham |
1899 |
The Temple of Death |
Edmund Mitchell |
1894 |
The Temple of Folly: Chapters from the Book of Mr. Fairfax, the Fran... |
Paul Creswick |
1897 |
The Temple of Melekartha |
Isaac Taylor |
1831 |
Temple's Trial: or, For Life or Death |
Evelyn Ward Everett Green |
1887 |
Temptation: or, A Wife's Perils |
Caroline Leigh Gascoigne |
1839 |
Temptation |
Graham Irving |
1897 |
Temptation and Atonement, and Other Tales |
Catherine Gore |
1847 |
The Temptation of Dulce Carruthers |
C. E. C. Weigall |
1893 |
The Temptation of Norah Leecroft |
Frances Noble |
1896 |
The Temptation of Olive Latimer |
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade |
1900 |
Tempted: or, The Old Lady's Prize |
Harriette Emma Burch |
1888 |
Tempted of the Devil: A Novel |
BTAO "A Fallen Angel" |
1882 |
Tempted of the Devil: Passages in the Life of a Kabbalist |
August Becker |
1888 |
The Tempter and the Tempted |
Baroness de Calabrella |
1842 |
The Tempter Behind: A Tale |
John Saunders |
1880 |
The Temptress |
William Le Queux |
1895 |
Temugin: or, The Tartar Chief. An Historical Romance |
BTAO "Amram" |
1843 |
Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road from Long Ago to Now |
Jane Andrews |
1886 |
The Ten Commandments |
George Robert Sims |
1896 |
Ten Nights in a Bar-room, and What I Saw There |
Timothy Shay Arthur |
1855 |
Ten of Them: or, The Children of Danehurst |
Emily Octavia Bray |
1878 |
Ten Talents |
Helen Shipton |
1895 |
Ten Thousand a-Year |
Samuel Warren |
1841 |
Ten Times Paid: A Story of the South |
Bruton Blosse |
1878 |
Ten Years: A Novel |
Gertrude Young |
1873 |
Ten Years a Rover |
William Stephens Hayward |
1875 |
Ten Years in a Lunatic Asylum |
Mabel Etchell |
1868 |
The Ten Years' Tenant, and Other Stories |
Walter Besant |
1881 |
The Tenant of the Tower: A Tale |
F. Bayford Harrison |
1889 |
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall |
Anne Brontë |
1848 |
The Tenants of Beldornie |
Rosa Mackenzie Kettle |
1885 |
The Tenants of Malory: A Novel |
J. Sheridan Le Fanu |
1867 |
The Tenants of the Grey House |
Maria Nethercott |
1895 |
Tender and True: A Colonial Tale |
Catherine Helen Spence |
1856 |
Tender and True |
Florence Wilford |
1882 |
Tender and True: A Novel |
William Arthur Law |
1880 |
The Tender Mercies of the Good |
Christabel Rose Coleridge |
1895 |
Tender Tyrants: A Novel |
Joseph Verey |
1872 |
Tendring Cottage: or, The Rainbow at Night |
BTAO "Sin and Sorrow" |
1853 |
Tenebrae: A Novel |
Ernest George Henham |
1898 |
The Tenth Earl |
John Berwick Harwood |
1880 |
The Tents of Kedar |
Catherine E. Mallandaine |
1886 |
The Tents of Shem: A Novel |
Grant Allen |
1889 |
Terence |
Bithia Mary Croker |
1899 |
Terence M'Gowan, the Irish Tenant |
George Loftus Tottenham |
1870 |
Teresa Itasca and Other Stories |
Avery Macalpine |
1886 |
Teresa Marlow, Actress and Dancer: A Novel |
Wynter Frore Knight |
1884 |
Teresa's Secret |
Laura M. Lane |
1885 |
Terminations |
Henry James |
1895 |
Terrapin Island: or, Adventures with the Gleam |
Anne Jane Cupples |
1876 |
A Terrible Coward, and Son Philip |
George Manville Fenn |
1885 |
The Terrible Czar: A Romance of the Times of Ivan |
Count Aleksey Tolstoy |
1892 |
A Terrible Family |
Florence Warden |
1893 |
A Terrible Feud, and Other Stories for Children |
Ellen Velvin |
1901 |
A Terrible Inheritance |
Grant Allen |
1887 |
A Terrible Legacy: A Tale of the South Downs |
George Webb Appleton |
1887 |
A Terrible Temptation: A Story of the Day |
Charles Reade |
1871 |
Terrible Times: A Tale of the Sepoy Revolt |
G. Percy Raines |
1898 |
A Terrible Woman: or, Strong and True |
Harriett Agnes Page |
1863 |
A Terrible Wrong: A Novel |
Ada Buisson |
1867 |
Terry: or, She Ought to have been a Boy |
Rosa Mulholland |
1900 |
Terry: or, Trying to Follow |
L. E. D. |
1876 |
Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman |
Thomas Hardy |
1891 |
Tessa: The Trader's Wife |
Louis Becke |
1901 |
The Texan Ranger: or, Real Life in the Backwoods |
Captain Flack |
1866 |
Th' Owd Blanket: (Sequel to "Ben an' th' Bantam") |
Edwin Waugh |
1867 |
Thady March: or, The Story of my Boyhood |
Anonymous |
1877 |
Thalatta!: or, The Great Commoner. A Political Romance |
Sir John Skelton |
1862 |
"Than Many Sparrows" |
Annie E. Courtenay |
1885 |
The Thane of the Dean: A Tale of the Time of the Conqueror |
Tom Bevan |
1899 |
The Thanes of Kent |
C. M. Home |
1896 |
Thankful Blossom: A Romance of the Jerseys. 1779 |
Bret Harte |
1877 |
A Thankful Heart |
Marion Clifford Butler |
1896 |
Thankful Rest: A Tale |
Annie S. Swan |
1885 |
Thankfulness: A Narrative comprising Passages from the Diary of the ... |
Charles Benjamin Tayler |
1848 |
Thanksgiving Tabernacle |
Phoebe Anne Allen |
1888 |
That Affair |
Annie Thomas |
1891 |
That Affair Next Door |
Anna Katherine Green |
1897 |
That Aggravating School-Girl |
Grace Stebbing |
1885 |
That Artful Vicar: The Story of What a Clergyman Tried to Do for Oth... |
Eustace Clare Grenville Murray |
1879 |
That Awful Baby!: A Romance of the Real |
Campbell Rae Brown |
1893 |
That Bother of a Boy |
Grace Stebbing |
1890 |
That Boy: Who Shall Have Him? |
William Haven Daniels |
1878 |
That Boy of Norcott's |
Charles James Lever |
1869 |
That Boy Tom |
Mary Ann Seamer |
1886 |
"That Child" |
Margaret Roberts |
1885 |
That Dreadful Boy! |
Bessie Marchant |
1901 |
That Examination Paper!: A Story for Girls |
Edith King Hall |
1900 |
That Fascinating Widow, and Other Frivolous and Fantastic Tales, for... |
S. J. Adair Fitz-Gerald |
1898 |
That Fiddler Fellow |
Horace Gordon Hutchinson |
1891 |
That Girl in Black: A Romance |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1889 |
That Girl of Mine |
Maurice Francis Egan |
1877 |
That Girl! |
Fanny Lablache |
1889 |
That Hated Saxon |
Lady Violet Greville |
1893 |
That Husband of Mine |
Mary A. Denison |
1877 |
That Imp |
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard |
1887 |
That Lady Lynway: A Novel |
Anonymous |
1877 |