The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.
Title |
Author |
Year |
Little Speckly: or, The Adventures of a Chicken |
Anonymous |
1879 |
The Little Squire: A Story of Three |
Elizabeth de la Pasture |
1893 |
The Little Standard-Bearer: A Tale |
E. F. A. R. |
1869 |
A Little Step-Daughter |
Margaret Roberts |
1887 |
A Little Stepson: A Tale |
Florence Marryat |
1878 |
Little Stories about Women |
Constance Fletcher |
1897 |
A Little Stray Lamb |
Margaret Scott Haycraft |
1892 |
Little Sunbeams |
Joanna H. Mathews |
1872 |
Little Sunshine's Holiday: A Picture from Life |
Dinah Marie Craik |
1871 |
Little Susy's Little Servants |
Elizabeth Prentiss |
1866 |
Little Susy's Six Birthdays |
Elizabeth Prentiss |
1854 |
Little Susy's Six Teachers |
Elizabeth Prentiss |
1866 |
Little Tales for Little Readers |
Mary Anne Hearn |
1869 |
Little Talks with Little People |
Anonymous |
1877 |
Little Things |
Ursula |
1880 |
Little Tija: or, A New Name |
Beatrice Batty |
1870 |
Little Tim's Parlour |
Anonymous |
1866 |
The Little Tin Gods: A Novel |
Jessie E. Livesay |
1901 |
Little Tiz, and other Stories |
David Macrae |
1870 |
Little Tora the Swedish Schoolmistress and Other Stories |
Sarah Schoonmaker Baker |
1898 |
Little Tottie, and Two Other Stories |
Thomas Archer |
1886 |
The Little Traveller: The Places He Visited and the Things He Saw |
George Frederick Pardon |
1857 |
Little Trix: or, Grandmamma's Lessons |
Anonymous |
1873 |
Little Trouble-the-House |
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade |
1877 |
Little Tu'penny |
Sabine Baring-Gould |
1887 |
A Little Usurper |
Clara Lemore |
1900 |
The Little Vagabond: A Story; and, Checco: A Tale of Perugia |
Katharine Sarah Macquoid |
1886 |
Little Valentine and Other Tales |
Henry Frith |
1878 |
Little Violet |
Anonymous |
1864 |
The Little Wanderer: A Tale for the Young |
Cordelia |
1879 |
The Little Wanderers: A Swiss Tale |
Elizabeth M. Stewart |
1860 |
Little Wanderlin, and Other Fairy Tales |
Annie Keary |
1865 |
The Little Warringtons |
Anna Jane Buckland |
1861 |
Little Wavie, the Foundling of Glenderg |
Crona Temple |
1873 |
A Little Western Flower |
Margaret C. Helmore |
1878 |
The Little Whaler: or, The Adventures of Charles Hollberg |
Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker |
1857 |
The Little Wife; and The Baronet's Daughters |
Catherine Maria Grey |
1841 |
Little Will |
Helen Shipton |
1882 |
Little Willie's Birthday Stories |
Anonymous |
1875 |
Little Witness: A Tale |
Lily Tinsley |
1885 |
Little Women: or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy |
Louisa May Alcott |
1868 |
Little Women: or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. Part Second |
Louisa May Alcott |
1869 |
The Little Wonder-Horn: A New Series of "Stories Told to a Child" |
Jean Ingelow |
1872 |
A Little World |
George Manville Fenn |
1877 |
The Little World of School |
Annie Rylands |
1885 |
Littlebourne Lock |
F. Bayford Harrison |
1891 |
Littledale |
Sejanus |
1878 |
Littlehope Hall |
Henrietta Lushington |
1864 |
Live and Let Live |
Catharine Maria Sedgwick |
1837 |
Live Dolls: A Tale for Children of All Ages |
Annabella Maria Browne |
1873 |
Live it Down: A Story of the Light Lands |
John Cordy Jeaffreson |
1863 |
Live Toys: or, Anecdotes of our Four-Legged and Other Pets |
Emma Anne Georgina Davenport |
1862 |
The Lively Poll: A Tale of the North Sea |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1886 |
Lives that Came to Nothing |
John George Leigh |
1895 |
Living and Loving |
Virginia F. Townsend |
1878 |
A Living Apparition |
Grant Allen |
1889 |
A Living Epitaph |
Gertrude Dunn |
1890 |
Living for Appearances: A Tale |
Augustus Mayhew |
1855 |
Living or Dead: A Novel |
Frederick John Fargus |
1886 |
The Livingstones: A Story of Real Life |
Georgina Anne Dalrymple |
1851 |
Livonian Tales |
Lady Eastlake |
1846 |
Liza |
Ivan S. Turgenev |
1869 |
Liza of Lambeth |
W. Somerset Maugham |
1897 |
Lizette and Her Mission: or, Over the Moor |
Emma Marshall |
1895 |
Lizzie |
Lady Duffus Hardy |
1875 |
Lizzie Andrews' First Place |
Sidney Mary Sitwell |
1880 |
Lizzie Blake: or, Scenes from the Life of a Villiage Maiden |
Charlotte O'Brien |
1872 |
Lizzie Hepburn: or, Every Cloud has a Silver Lining |
Anonymous |
1874 |
Lizzie Leigh and Other Tales |
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell |
1854 |
Lizzie Long: A Tale of Peasant Life 150 Years Ago |
S. H. Parr |
1900 |
Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg: A Novel |
Eliza Lynn Linton |
1866 |
Lizzie of the Mill |
Bertha Behrens |
1880 |
Lizzie Sydenham, and the Wrong Turning |
Mary Ann Hubert Tandy |
1880 |
Lizzie Wentworth: A Story of Real Life |
Benjamin Wilson |
1870 |
Lizzie's Experiment: A Story of London Life |
Emma Leslie |
1896 |
Lizzy Dorian, the Soldier's Wife |
Harriet Ward |
1854 |
Lizzy Johnson: or, Mutual Help |
B. C. G. |
1867 |
Llanaly Reefs |
Frances Parthenope Verney |
1873 |
Llewelyn's Heir: or, North Wales, its Manners etc. |
Anonymous |
1846 |
Lloyd Pennant: A Tale of the West |
Ralph Neville |
1864 |
The Lloyds of Ballymore: A Story of Irish Life |
Edith Rochfort |
1890 |
The Loadstone of Love: A Novel |
Jean Middlemass |
1886 |
Lob Lie-by-the-Fire: or, The Luck of Lingborough. And Other Tales |
Juliana Horatia Ewing |
1874 |
Local Legends |
BTAO "Cecil-Dean" |
1872 |
A Local Lion: The Story of a False Estimate for Young Men and Maidens |
Wilhelmina Martha James |
1891 |
Lochinvar |
S. R. Crockett |
1897 |
The Locked Desk |
Frances Mary Peard |
1890 |
Locked Out: A Tale of the Strike |
Ellen Barlee |
1874 |
Locked Up |
Major Arthur George Frederick Griffiths |
1887 |
The Locket: A Tale of Old Guernsy |
Mary A. M. Hoppus |
1889 |
Locusta |
William Outram Tristram |
1890 |
The Lodge by the Sea |
Caroline Emily Cameron |
1885 |
Lodore |
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley |
1835 |
Lofoden: or, The Exiles of Norway |
Edward Wilson Landor |
1849 |
Lofty Aims and Lowly Efforts: A Tale of Christian Ministry |
Mary Elizabeth Shipley |
1873 |
The Log House by the Lake: A Tale of Canada |
William Henry Giles Kingston |
1864 |
The Log of a Privateersman |
William Joseph Cosens Lancaster |
1897 |
The Log of My Leisure Hours: By an Old Sailor |
William Schaw Lindsay |
1868 |
The Log of the Bombastes |
Henry Frith |
1890 |
The Log of the "Flying Fish": A Story of Aerial and Submarine Peril ... |
William Joseph Cosens Lancaster |
1887 |
Logan's Loyalty |
Henrietta Keddie |
1900 |
Logie Town: A Novel |
Henrietta Keddie |
1887 |
Loiterings of Travel |
Nathaniel Parker Willis |
1840 |
Lola: A Tale of the Rock |
Major Arthur George Frederick Griffiths |
1876 |
A Lombard Street Mystery: A Novel |
Henry Johnson |
1888 |
London After Dark: A Tale of London Life, Upon which is Founded the ... |
W. E. Suter |
1868 |
The London Apprentice and the Goldsmith's Daughter of West Chepe: or... |
Pierce Egan |
1852 |
The London Cousin: A Tale |
Anonymous |
1865 |
London Idylls |
William James Dawson |
1895 |
A London Legend |
Justin Huntly McCarthy |
1895 |
London Legends |
John Yonge Akerman |
1842 |
A London Life. The Patagonia. The Liar. Mrs. Temperly |
Henry James |
1889 |
London Only: A Set of Common Occurrences |
William Pett Ridge |
1901 |
London Pilgrims |
Anonymous |
1865 |
London Pride: or, When the World was Younger |
Mary Elizabeth Braddon |
1896 |
A London Romance |
Charles Henry Ross |
1869 |
A London Season |
Annie Thomas |
1879 |
London Sparrows |
BTAO "The Two Lucys" |
1876 |
London Town: Skeches of London Life and Character |
Richard Dowling |
1880 |
The Londoners: An Absurdity |
Robert Hichens |
1898 |
London's Heart: A Novel |
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon |
1873 |
London's Peril |
Edmund Downey |
1900 |
The "Lone Cross Manor" Mystery: or, Hugh Darrill's Confession |
Milton Danvers |
1896 |
The Lone House |
Amelia E. Barr |
1894 |
The Lone Inn: A Mystery |
Fergus Hume |
1894 |
A Lone Lassie: An Autobiography |
Jemmett Jemmett Browne |
1886 |
Lone Pine |
Richard Baxter Townshend |
1899 |
The Lone Ranche: A Tale of the Staked Plain |
Capt. Mayne Reid |
1871 |
Lone Star Blockhouse |
F. B. Forester |
1900 |
The Lone Star Rush |
Edmund Mitchell |
1901 |
Lonely Carlotta: "a crimson bud of a rose" |
Alicia Ellen Neve Little |
1874 |
The Lonely Dove of the Hurons |
Anonymous |
1873 |
A Lonely Girl |
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford |
1896 |
The Lonely God |
Coulson Kernahan |
1897 |
The Lonely Island: or, The Refuge of the Mutineers |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1880 |
Lonely Jack and his Friends at Sunnyside |
Emily Brodie |
1882 |
A Lonely Lassie |
Henrietta Keddie |
1893 |
A Lonely Life |
Sophie Frances Fane Veitch |
1870 |
Lonely Lily |
M. L. C. |
1870 |
Lonely Queenie and the Friends She Made |
Isobel |
1873 |
The Long Arm and Other Detective Stories |
Mary Eleanor Freeman |
1895 |
Long Engagements: A Tale of an Affghan Rebellion |
Sir John William Kaye |
1846 |
Long Evenings: Or, Stories for my Little Friends |
Emilia Norris |
1861 |
The Long Holidays: or, Learning without Lessons |
Harriot Anne Forde |
1861 |
The Long Lane: A Novel |
Ethel Stuart Coxon |
1886 |
"A Long Lane" |
Clara Catherine Andrews |
1893 |
A Long Lane with a Turning |
Sarah Doudney |
1884 |
Long Live the King |
Guy Boothby |
1900 |
A Long Look Ahead: or, The First Stroke and the Last |
Azel Stevens Roe |
1855 |
A Long Madness: A Novel |
Elizabeth J. Lysaght |
1877 |
Long Odds: A Novel |
Hawley Smart |
1889 |
Long Odds: A Novel |
Marcus Clarke |
1896 |
A Long Probation |
Henry James Gibbs |
1897 |
The Long Run: A Novel |
Henry Owgan |
1860 |
The Long Slippers, and other Interesting and Amusing Stories |
Anonymous |
1866 |
Long Summer's Day |
Mary Charlotte Mair Simpson |
1873 |
A Long Time Ago: A Story |
Meta Orred |
1876 |
Long Time Ago: A Story for Girls |
Mary Ann Seamer |
1895 |
The Long Vacation |
Charlotte Mary Yonge |
1895 |
The Long Vacation: or, Aunt Atta Again |
Henrietta Louisa Farrer |
1857 |
"Long, Long Ago": An Autobiography |
Fanny Caroline Lefroy |
1856 |
Longbeard, the Lord of London: A Romance |
Charles Mackay |
1841 |
Longleat |
Elleray Lake |
1870 |
The Longshoreman |
Herbert Russell |
1896 |
The Longwoods of the Grange |
Anne Marsh |
1853 |
Look Before you Leap |
Mrs. Alexander |
1865 |
Look to the End: or, The Bennets Abroad |
Sarah Stickney Ellis |
1845 |
Look Up: or, Girls and Flowers |
Anonymous |
1848 |
Looking Ahead: A Tale of Adventure. Not by the author of "Looking Ba... |
Alfred Morris |
1892 |
Looking Back: A Memory of Two Lives |
Mary Elizabeth Shipley |
1879 |
Looking Back: A Novel |
Mary Ann Wackerbarth |
1879 |
Looking Backward, 2000-1887 |
Edward Bellamy |
1889 |
Looking Beyond: A Sequel to "Looking Backward"... and an Answer to "... |
Ludwig A. Geissler |
1895 |
Looking for the Dawn: A Tale of the West Riding |
James Burnley |
1874 |
Looking Glass Hours: Being the True and Faithful Reflections of Two ... |
Eliza Margaret von Booth |
1899 |
Looking Heavenward: A Series of Tales and Sketches for the Young |
Jane C. Simpson |
1878 |
Looking Round: A Novel |
Azel Stevens Roe |
1866 |
Looking Up: or, Nanny West and her Grandson |
Frances Charlotte Armstrong |
1874 |
The Looms of Time |
Mary Crawford Fraser |
1898 |
A Loose Rein |
Elim Henry D'Avigdor |
1887 |
The Loose Screw |
Anonymous |
1861 |
Lord and Lady Harcourt: or, Country Hospitalities |
Catherine Sinclair |
1850 |
Lord and Lady Piccadilly |
Earl of Desart |
1887 |
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories |
Oscar Wilde |
1891 |
Lord Austin's Bride: A Novel |
Rowland M. Ford |
1869 |
Lord Bantam |
John Edward Jenkins |
1872 |
Lord Brackenbury: A Novel |
Amelia B. Edwards |
1880 |
Lord Bridgenorth's Niece |
Mary Francis Chapman |
1862 |
Lord Broke's Wife and Other Stories |
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard |
1901 |
Lord Byron in Love, and other Stories |
Howard Paul |
1870 |
Lord Castleton's Ward: A Novel |
Mrs. B. R. Green |
1874 |
Lord Culmore's Error: A Novel |
Mary Jemima Albert |
1901 |
Lord Dacre of Gilsland: A Novel |
Elizabeth M. Stewart |
1843 |
Lord Dundreary and his Brother Sam: The Strange Story of their Adven... |
BTAO "Lord Dundreary" |
1862 |
Lord Edward Fitzgerald: An Historical Romance |
Matthias MacDonnell Bodkin |
1896 |
Lord Elwyn's Daughter |
Caroline Emily Cameron |
1889 |
Lord Falconberg's Heir |
Charles Clarke |
1868 |
Lord Farleigh: A Novel |
Anonymous |
1881 |
Lord Farleigh: A Novel |
Philippa Prittie Jephson |
1881 |
Lord Fitzwarine |
William Knightley Horlock |
1860 |
Lord Floysham: A Novel |
Frederick Goulburn Walpole |
1886 |
Lord Garlford's Freak |
James B. Baynard |
1880 |
Lord Goltho: An Apostle of Whiteness. A Novel |
Veronica King |
1895 |
Lord Harborough: A Novel |
Anne Elliot |
1896 |
Lord Harry Bellair: A Tale of the Last Century |
Anne Manning |
1874 |
The Lord Hermitage: A Novel |
James Grant |
1878 |
Lord Hever: A Novel |
Percy Hulburd |
1896 |
Lord Jim: A Tale |
Joseph Conrad |
1900 |
Lord Jimmy: A Story of Music Hall Life |
George Martyn |
1898 |
Lord Kilgobbin: A Tale of Ireland in Our Own Time |
Charles James Lever |
1872 |
Lord Linlithgow: A Novel |
Morley Roberts |
1900 |
Lord Lynne's Choice, and Ingledew House |
Charlotte M. Brame |
1879 |
Lord Lynn's Wife |
John Berwick Harwood |
1865 |
Lord Maskelyne's Daughter: A Story of the Northern Border |
Rosa Mackenzie Kettle |
1880 |
The Lord Mayor: A Tale of London in 1384 |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1884 |
The Lord Mayor of London: or, City Life in the Last Century |
William Harrison Ainsworth |
1862 |
Lord Montagu's Page: A Historical Romance |
G. P. R. James |
1858 |
Lord Oakburn's Daughters |
Ellen Wood |
1865 |
The Lord of All: A Novel |
Alfred Austin |
1867 |
The Lord of Dynevor: A Tale of the Time of Edward the First |
Evelyn Ward Everett Green |
1892 |
Lord of Himself: A Novel |
Lord William Pitt Lennox |
1880 |
The Lord of Lowedale: A Chronicle of the Sixteenth Century |
R. D. Chetwode |
1896 |
A Lord of the Creation |
Marian James |
1857 |
The Lord of the Forest and his Vassals: An Allegory |
C. F. H. |
1848 |
The Lord of the Harvest |
Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards |
1899 |
The Lord of the Manor: or, Lights and Shades of Country Life |
Thomas Hall |
1849 |
The Lord of the Marches: or, The Story of Roger Mortimer. A Tale of ... |
Emily Sarah Holt |
1884 |
The Lord of the Sea |
M. P. Shiel |
1901 |
Lord Ormont and his Aminta: A Novel |
George Meredith |
1894 |
Lord Peveril's Daughter: or, The Secret Mission |
A. J. A. W. |
1878 |
Lord Roldan: A Romance |
Allan Cunningham |
1836 |
Lord Scatterbrain: or, The Rough Diamond Polished |
William Stephens Hayward |
1869 |
Lord Stirling's Son: or, The Fool of the Family |
Arthur Hammond Marshall |
1895 |
Lord Ulswater: A Novel |
John Berwick Harwood |
1867 |
Lord Vanecourt's Daughter |
Mabel Collins |
1885 |
Lord Wastwater |
Kathleen Lyttelton |
1892 |
Lords and Ladies |
Julia Cecilia Stretton |
1866 |
The Lord's Jewels: or, Sketches of Unknown Disciples |
Mary Ann Serrett Barber |
1853 |
The Lords of Life |
Bessie Dill |
1901 |
Lords of the World: A Story of the Fall of Carthage and Corinth |
Alfred John Church |
1898 |
The Lord's Purse-Bearers |
Hesba Stretton |
1883 |
The Lordship, The Passen, and We |
Frederick Thomas Jane |
1897 |
Lorenzo Benoni: or, Passages in the Life of an Italian |
Giovanni Ruffini |
1853 |
Lorimer Littlegood, Esq: A Young Man who Wished to see Society, and ... |
Alfred Whaley Cole |
1858 |
Lorna Doone: A Romance of Exmoor |
Richard Doddridge Blackmore |
1869 |
Lory Bell: A Story about Trust in God |
Kate Wood |
1884 |
Los Cerritos: A Modern Romance |
Gertrude Atherton |
1891 |
Loser and Gainer |
Sarah Doudney |
1873 |
Losing and Finding: or, The Moonstone Ring |
Jennie Chappell |
1893 |
Losing and Winning: or, For Richer for Poorer. A Tale Founded on Fact |
Elizabeth Harcourt Mitchell |
1863 |