The following fiction titles were published in volume format between 1837 and 1901 in Great Britain and Ireland. Titles with a particular character-type, genre, or setting can be found on the Browse Title Tags page. Each page of titles contains 250 titles; use the ABC-index to skip pages.
Title |
Author |
Year |
Hoist with her Own Petard |
Reginald Lucas |
1894 |
Hoity Toity: The Good Little Fellow |
Charles Camden |
1873 |
Hold Fast by your Sundays |
Mary Kirby |
1882 |
Holden with the Cords |
W. M. L. Jay |
1874 |
A Holderness Harvest |
Florence Foster |
1897 |
Holding Fast and Letting Go: A Novel |
Anne Jervoise |
1874 |
The Hole in the Wall |
Arthur Morrison |
1902 |
A Holiday Book: Stories for the Young |
Richard Rowe |
1877 |
The Holiday Camp: or, Three Days' Picnic. A Story for Boys and Girls |
Robert St. John Corbet |
1870 |
Holiday Chaplet of Stories |
Charlotte Maria Tucker |
1867 |
The Holiday Governess and Other Stories |
Frances M. Savill |
1879 |
Holiday Hours |
BTAO "The Little Comforters" |
1863 |
Holiday House: A Series of Tales |
Catherine Sinclair |
1839 |
A Holiday in a Manor House: or, Who Solved the Mystery. A Story |
Evelyn Ward Everett Green |
1892 |
The Holiday Keepsake: or, Birth-day Gift |
Samuel Griswold Goodrich |
1865 |
Holiday Stories |
Ruth Lamb |
1892 |
Holiday Stories for Boys and Girls |
Lady Barker |
1873 |
Holiday Tales |
Florence Wilford |
1873 |
Holiday Tasks: A Story for Children |
Mary H. Debenham |
1897 |
The Holidays Abroad: or, Right at Last |
Emma Anne Georgina Davenport |
1867 |
Holidays Among the Mountains: or, Scenes and Stories of Wales |
Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards |
1861 |
Holidays at Limewood |
Anonymous |
1869 |
The Holidays at Llandudno |
BTAO "The Holidays at Llandudno" |
1868 |
Holidays at Newhall |
H. Frederick Charles |
1880 |
Holidays at Roselands |
Martha Finley |
1873 |
Holidays at St. Mary's: or, Tales in a Sisterhood |
S. D. N. |
1871 |
Holidays at Sunnycroft |
Annie S. Swan |
1885 |
Holidays at the Cottage: or, A Visit to Aunt Susan |
Marion Eliza Weir |
1856 |
Holidays with Hobgoblins: and Talk of Strange Things |
Dudley Costello |
1861 |
Hollinhurst |
Frances A. Coldicott |
1898 |
The Hollow Tree: The Story of a Winter Adventure |
Geraldine Mockler |
1896 |
Hollowdell Grange: or, Holiday Hours in a Country Home |
George Manville Fenn |
1866 |
Hollowhill Farm: A Novel |
John Edwardson |
1871 |
The Hollwood Mystery |
Alice Mangoldt Diehl |
1894 |
Holly: A Novel |
Adèle Crafton Smith |
1891 |
Holly and Ivy: The Story of a Winter Bird's Nest |
Miss Davies |
1864 |
"The Holly Bough": or, Christmas Scenes |
Mrs. L. C. Skey |
1879 |
The Holly Tree: A Winter Gift of Original Prose and Poetry |
George Eliel Sargent |
1850 |
Hollyberry Janet: or, The Girls of Ballyowen |
Maggie Symington |
1894 |
Hollywood |
Annie Louisa Walker |
1880 |
Hollywood Hall: A Tale of 1715 |
James Grant |
1859 |
Holmby House: A Tale of Old Northamptonshire |
George John Whyte-Melville |
1860 |
Holmdale Rectory: Its Experiences, Influences, and Surroundings |
M. A. R. |
1865 |
The Holtoms |
Frederick Scarlett Potter |
1877 |
The Holy Estate: A Study in Morals |
William Henry Wilkins |
1895 |
The Holy Rose, etc. |
Walter Besant |
1890 |
Holy Wedlock: A Story of Things as They Are |
Charles Thomas Clement James |
1891 |
A Homburg Beauty: A Novel |
Mary Kennard |
1890 |
Home: or, The Iron Rule. A Domestic Story |
Sarah Stickney Ellis |
1836 |
The Home: or, Family Cares and Family Joys |
Fredrika Bremer |
1843 |
Home Again |
George MacDonald |
1887 |
Home and its Influences |
Hon. Adela Augusta Wilhelmina Sidney |
1847 |
Home and School: A Story of School-girls. Sequel to The Snowball Soc... |
Mary Eliza Bramston |
1883 |
Home and School: or, A Visit to the Harrisons. A Tale of Every Day L... |
R. J. Dixon |
1857 |
Home and School: or, The Neglected Child |
Isabella Catherine Howard |
1863 |
Home and the Homeless: A Novel |
Cecilia Mary Caddell |
1858 |
The Home and the Priest |
Girolamo Volpe |
1860 |
The Home at Greylock |
Elizabeth Prentiss |
1876 |
The Home at Heatherbrae: A Tale |
Ellen Eyre Cornish |
1871 |
The Home at Rosefield |
Edward Copping |
1861 |
The Home for Failures |
Lady Violet Greville |
1896 |
Home from India: A Novel |
Anne Denn Pollard |
1869 |
Home in Humble Life |
Lucy Ellen Guernsey |
1864 |
Home in South Africa |
Charlotte Barter |
1867 |
Home in the Holy Land: A Tale Illustrating Customs and Incidents in ... |
Elizabeth Ann Finn |
1866 |
Home Influence: A Tale for Mothers and Daughters |
Grace Aguilar |
1847 |
Home is Home: A Domestic Tale |
Frances Mary Sibthorpe |
1851 |
Home Life |
BTAO "Home Life" |
1848 |
Home Life at Greystone Lodge |
BTAO "Agnes Falconer" |
1869 |
Home Life in the Highlands |
Lilias Graeme |
1874 |
Home Memories: or, Echoes of a Mother's Voice |
Frances Elizabeth G. Brock |
1859 |
The Home of Faith: A Novel |
Helen Dickens |
1880 |
The Home of Poverty Made Rich |
Mary Catherine Best |
1862 |
The Home of the Dragon: A Tonquinese Idyll |
Elizabeth Rebbeck |
1893 |
The Home of the Wolverine and Beaver: or, Fur-hunting in the Wilds o... |
Charles Henry Eden |
1876 |
Home Principles in Boyhood: A Tale for the Young |
Anonymous |
1876 |
Home Scenes and Heart Studies |
Grace Aguilar |
1853 |
Home Sunshine |
Catherine Douglas Bell |
1859 |
Home Sunshine: or, Bear and Forbear |
BTAO "The Hearthstone Boy" |
1873 |
Home Sweet Home |
Charlotte Elizabeth Riddell |
1873 |
Home Tales, Founded on Fact |
Jane Alice Sargant |
1853 |
Home Trials |
Mary Theresa Vidal |
1858 |
Home-Spun Stories |
Fanny Surtees |
1877 |
Homeless: or, A Poet's Inner Life |
Meïr Aaron Goldschmidt |
1861 |
Homes Made and Marred: A Book for Working Men and their Wives |
Anonymous |
1873 |
The Homes of the New World |
Fredrika Bremer |
1853 |
Homespun: A Study of a Simple Folk |
Annie S. Swan |
1893 |
The Homestead on the Hill-side and Other Tales |
Mary Jane Holmes |
1867 |
Homeward: A Tale of Redemption |
Henry Augustus Rawes |
1866 |
Homeward Bound: or, The Chase. A Tale of the Sea |
James Fenimore Cooper |
1838 |
Homeward Bound: or, Jack Wilson's Return from Sea |
Matilda Mary Pollard |
1872 |
The Homeward Voyage: A Book of Adventure for Boys |
William Joseph Cosens Lancaster |
1897 |
Homo Sum: A Novel |
Georg Moritz Ebers |
1878 |
The Hon. Miss Ferrard |
May Laffan Hartley |
1877 |
The Hon. Stanbury and Others |
Charlotte Stewart |
1894 |
Honest Davie: A Novel |
Frank Barrett |
1883 |
Honest Owen and his Blind Sister |
E. G. E. |
1873 |
Honesty is the Best Policy: A Novel |
Mrs. Augustus Peel |
1860 |
Honey |
Helen Mathers |
1902 |
Honey of Aloes, and Other Stories |
Nora Vynne |
1894 |
Honeycomb House and Other Tales |
Anonymous |
1874 |
The Honeymoon: Rememberance of a Bridal Tour through Scotland. A Phi... |
Duke de Medina Pomar |
1874 |
The Honeymoon |
Alfred Whaley Cole |
1855 |
A Honeymoon in Space |
George Griffith |
1901 |
A Honeymoon's Eclipse |
Henrietta Keddie |
1899 |
Honor |
Elizabeth Mary Alford |
1880 |
Honor Blake: The Story of a Plain Woman |
Harriet Keatinge |
1872 |
Honor Bright: or, The Four-Leaved Shamrock |
Sue Perkins |
1879 |
Honor Carmichael: A Study |
Henrietta Anne Duff |
1880 |
Honor Greenleaf: or, Enjoying Poor Health |
Elisabeth Boyd Bayly |
1900 |
Honor Ormthwaite |
Henrietta Keddie |
1896 |
Honor Pentreath: A Story in Two Parts |
Amy Key Clarke |
1892 |
Honour and Dishonour |
BTAO "Stretton of Ringwood Chace" |
1863 |
Honour and Glory: or, Hard to Win. A Book for Boys |
Jeanie Hering |
1876 |
Honour and Shame: A Novel |
Christiana Jane Douglas |
1845 |
Honour is my Guide |
Jeanie Hering |
1887 |
The Honour of Savelli: A Romance |
Sidney Kilner Levett-Yeats |
1895 |
The Honour of the Flag and Other Stories |
William Clark Russell |
1896 |
Honour of Thieves: A Novel |
Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne |
1895 |
The Honour of Vivien Bruce: A Novel |
Mary Anne Needell |
1899 |
Honour!: A Tale |
Eliza Peake |
1844 |
The Honourable Ella: A Tale of Foxshire |
Earl of Desart |
1879 |
An Honourable Estate |
Louisa Crow |
1890 |
An Honourable Estate |
Ella Macmahon |
1898 |
The Honourable Jane: A Novel |
Annie Thomas |
1892 |
The Honourable Miss: A Story of an Old-fashioned Town |
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade |
1891 |
The Honourable Mrs. Spoor: A Novel |
Arabella Kenealy |
1895 |
The Honourable Mrs. Vereker |
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford |
1888 |
An Honourable Surrender |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps |
1883 |
Honoured by the World |
Emily Foster |
1891 |
Honours Divided |
William Morley Farrow |
1875 |
Honours Easy: A Novel |
Charles Thomas Clement James |
1892 |
The Honours of the Table |
Alured Derby |
1877 |
Honour's Worth: or, The Cost of a Vow. A Novel |
Meta Orred |
1878 |
The Hooded Snake: A Story of the Secret Police |
Watts Phillips |
1860 |
Hoodie |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1882 |
The Hoodlum Band, and Other Stories |
Bret Harte |
1878 |
Hoods and Masks |
George de la Poer Beresford |
1865 |
Hooks of Steel |
Helen Prothero Lewis |
1894 |
The Hoosier School-Master |
Edward Eggleston |
1872 |
The Hop Garden: A Story of Town and Country Life |
Anonymous |
1868 |
Hope: A Tale of Chequered Life |
Alfred Whaley Cole |
1853 |
Hope Campbell: or, Know Thyself |
Catherine Douglas Bell |
1854 |
Hope Deferred |
Eliza Fanny Pollard |
1872 |
Hope Deferred: A Novel |
Sybil |
1865 |
Hope Evermore: or, Something to Do |
Harriet Maria Smythies |
1860 |
Hope Meredith |
Eliza Tabor Stephenson |
1874 |
The Hope of Leascombe and Other Stories |
Anonymous |
1877 |
The Hope of the Katzekopfs: A Fairy Tale |
Francis Edward Paget |
1844 |
Hope On: or, "The House that Jack Built". A Tale for the Young |
Frances Mary Synge |
1871 |
Hope On! Hope Ever!: or, The Boyhood of Felix Law |
Mary Howitt |
1840 |
Hope Reed's Upper Windows |
Mary Howe Henry |
1887 |
Hope the Hermit: A Novel |
Edna Lyall |
1898 |
Hopes and Fears: or, Scenes from the Life of a Spinster |
Charlotte Mary Yonge |
1860 |
Hope's Legacy: or, The Ardleighs of Ardleigh |
Amy Key Clarke |
1895 |
Hope's Little Hand: or, The Hills of the Shatemuc |
Susan Bogert Warner |
1877 |
Horace Carleton: or, "Charity vaunteth not itself |
Susanna Mary Paull |
1874 |
Horace Chase: A Novel |
Constance Fenimore Woolson |
1894 |
Horace Grantham: or, The Neglected Son |
Charles Horrocks |
1852 |
Horace Harwood: A Tale |
George Robert Wynne |
1873 |
Horace Hazelwood: or, Little Things and Other Tales |
Ascott R. Hope |
1866 |
Horace Plumpton: A Novel |
John Stapleton |
1886 |
Horace Vernon: or, Life in the West |
Capt. Holland |
1838 |
Horatio: A Novel |
Harley Rodney |
1899 |
Horatio Howard Brenton: A Naval Novel |
Capt. Sir Edward Belcher |
1856 |
Hornby Mills, and Other Stories |
Henry Kingsley |
1872 |
A Horrid Girl: A Novel |
Catherine Simpson Wynne |
1876 |
"Hors de Combat": or, Three Weeks in a Hospital. Founded on Facts |
Gertrude Armitage Southam |
1891 |
The Horse Guards, by the Two Mounted Sentries |
Richard Hort |
1850 |
Horse or Blacksmith? |
Nat Gould |
1897 |
Horse-Shoe Robinson |
John Pendleton Kennedy |
1835 |
Horsley Grange: A Sporting Novel |
Guy Gravenhil |
1892 |
A Hospital Romance, and Other Stories |
Eleanor Holmes |
1900 |
Hospital Sketches, and Camp and Fireside Stories |
Louisa May Alcott |
1870 |
A Host of Thorns |
Helen Costerton Wilkinson |
1900 |
Hostages to Fortune: A Novel |
Mary Elizabeth Braddon |
1875 |
The Hosts of the Lord |
Flora Annie Steel |
1900 |
The Hot Swamp: A Romance of Old Albion |
R. M. Ballantyne |
1892 |
The Hôtel d'Angleterre and Other Stories |
Mary Elizabeth Hawker |
1891 |
The Hôtel du Petit St. Jean: A Gascon Story |
Charlotte Louisa Hawkins Dempster |
1869 |
The Hound of the Baskervilles: Another Adventure of Sherlock Holmes |
Arthur Conan Doyle |
1902 |
Houndsditch Day by Day |
Arthur Morris Binstead |
1899 |
Houp-La |
Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard |
1886 |
The Hour and the Man: A Historical Romance |
Harriet Martineau |
1841 |
The Hour Will Come: A Tale of an Alpine Cloister |
Wilhelmine von Hillern |
1879 |
Hours with Orientals |
Charlotte Maria Tucker |
1881 |
The House at High Bridge: A Novel |
Edgar Fawcett |
1886 |
The House at the Corner of Broad Street |
BTAO "The Two Friends of Forley" |
1875 |
The House by the Church-Yard |
J. Sheridan Le Fanu |
1863 |
The House by the Common |
Thomas Cobb |
1891 |
The House by the Lock |
Alice Muriel Williamson |
1899 |
The House by the Medlar-tree |
Giovanni Verga |
1891 |
The House by the Works: A Novel |
Isabella Mayo |
1879 |
The House Divided: A Novel |
Henry Brereton Marriott Watson |
1901 |
A House Divided Against Itself |
Margaret Oliphant |
1886 |
A House in Bloomsbury |
Margaret Oliphant |
1894 |
The House in the Glen, and the Boys who Built it |
Agnes Catherine Maitland |
1877 |
The House in Town: A Sequel to Opportunities |
Susan Bogert Warner |
1871 |
The House of Bondage |
Emma Jane Worboise |
1873 |
The House of Camelot: A Tale of Olden Time |
Mary Linwood |
1858 |
A House of Cards: A Novel |
Frances Cashel Hoey |
1868 |
The House of Clarisford: A Prophecy |
Frederick Woodman |
1877 |
The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories |
George Gissing |
1906 |
The House of Dreams |
William James Dawson |
1897 |
The House of Elmore: A Family History |
Frederick William Robinson |
1855 |
The House of Giants |
Yorick Everett |
1900 |
The House of Halliwell: A Novel |
Ellen Wood |
1890 |
The House of Hardale |
Rose Perkins |
1900 |
The House of her Prison: A Story |
E. S. Curry |
1895 |
The House of Hidden Treasure: A Novel |
Maxwell Gray |
1898 |
The House of Joy |
Laurence Housman |
1895 |
The House of Lys: One Book of its History. A Tale |
William George Hamley |
1879 |
The House of Martha |
Frank R. Stockton |
1891 |
The House of Montague: A Novel |
Thomas Lee |
1888 |
The House of Mystery |
Richard Marsh |
1898 |
The House of Percival |
John Cox Boyce |
1871 |
A House of Pomegranates |
Oscar Wilde |
1891 |
The House of Raby: or, Our Lady of Darkness |
Jane Margaret Hooper |
1854 |
The House of Rimmon: A Story of the 'Black Country' |
Jeanie Gwynne Bettany |
1885 |
The House of Rochfort: A Novel |
William Platt |
1867 |
The House of Surprises |
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade |
1896 |
The House of Sweet Memories |
Georgiana Marion Craik |
1892 |
A House of Tears: An Original Story |
Edmund Downey |
1886 |
The House of the Achendaroch: An Old Maid's Story |
Mary Emily Cameron |
1878 |
The House of the Seven Gables: A Romance |
Nathaniel Hawthorne |
1852 |
The House of the Strange Woman |
Conal Holmes O'Connell O'Riordan |
1895 |
The House of the Wizard |
Mary Imlay Taylor |
1900 |
The House of the Wolf: A Romance |
Stanley John Weyman |
1890 |
The House of Walderne: A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the ... |
Augustine David Crake |
1886 |
The House of White Shadows |
Benjamin Leopold Farjeon |
1884 |
The House on the Bridge and Other Tales |
Charlotte Elizabeth Bowen |
1881 |
The House on the Marsh |
Florence Warden |
1883 |
The House on the Moor |
Margaret Oliphant |
1861 |
The House on the Rock |
Matilda Anne Mackarness |
1852 |
The House on the Scar: A Tale of South Devon |
Bertha Thomas |
1890 |
The House on the Sunless Side |
Florence Warden |
1899 |
The House on Wheels: or, Far from Home |
Madame De Stolz |
1874 |
A House Party: A Novel |
Ouida |
1887 |
The House that Baby Built |
Henry William Pullen |
1874 |
The House that Jack Built |
Francesca Maria Steele |
1903 |
A House to Let |
Mary Louisa Molesworth |
1889 |
The House Under the Sea |
Max Pemberton |
1902 |
A House with a History |
Florence Warden |
1901 |
The House with the Green Shutters |
George Douglas Brown |
1901 |
A Houseful of Children |
Mrs. D. P. Sanford |
1879 |
A Houseful of Girls |
Henrietta Keddie |
1889 |
A Houseful of Girls |
Henrietta Keddie |
1889 |
A Houseful of Rebels: Being an Account of Three Naughty Girls, and t... |
Walter Charles Rhoades |
1897 |
The Household Fairy |
Rosina Bulwer Lytton |
1870 |
The Household of McNeil |
Amelia E. Barr |
1888 |