Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Marion Clarke

Author: Marion Clarke (1841–1928)

Alternate Name(s): Doake (maiden name); Mrs. Charles Montague Clarke (familiar name)

Biography: Marion Clarke was born on 29 April 1841 in Dromara, Ireland. She married Charles Montague Clarke, a publisher. She died on 18 April 1928 in Kinallen, Ireland. See entry in Loeber.

Author Tags:

References: British Census (1871, 1881); Loeber

Fiction Titles:

  1. No Security: or, Rights and Wrongs.  1 vol.  London: C. H. Clarke, 1873.
  2. Strong as Death.  3 vol.  London: Tinsley Brothers, 1875.
  3. Not Transferable: or, Wooing, Winning, and Wearing.  1 vol.  London: C. H. Clarke, 1875.
  4. Jenny's Corners: A Story of Home Life.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S., 1880.
  5. Anthony Ker: or, Living it Down. A Story for the Young.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union, 1881.
  6. Not Worth his Salt: or, Sammy's Service.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union, 1882.
  7. Lilla's Experiment: or, Religion in Little Things.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S., 1883.
  8. Cousin Dorry: or, Three Measures of Meal.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union, 1883.
  9. Polly's Petition: or, Bread for a Stone.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S., 1884.
  10. Con's Acre: A Tale of Gillcourt Farm.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union, 1884.
  11. Johnny's Search.  1 vol.  London: Sunday School Union, 1884.
  12. The Slippery Ford: or, How Tom was Taught.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S., 1885.
  13. Among Thorns.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S., 1887.
  14. More True than Truthful: A Story and a Study.  1 vol.  London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1887.