Author: Kate Crichton
Author: Kate Crichton (birth and death dates unknown)
Biography: Nothing is known of Kate Crichton's early life. In 1849, she studied singing under Manuel Garcia at the Royal Academy of Music and in 1852 made her debut as Princess Isabella in Meyerbeer's opera Robert le Diable at the Drury Lane theatre. She followed this success with a trip to Milan where she caught a fever. Her voice never recovered and she was forced to give up her career. Based on her year in Italy, she wrote a novel Before the Dawn (1860). Late in life, her voice recovered enough to sing to her friends. She died in her eightieth year.
Author Tags:
References: M.S. Mackinlay, Garcia the Centenarian and his Times (1908)
Fiction Titles:
- Before the Dawn: A Tale of Italy. 2 vol. London: C. J. Skeet, 1860.