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A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Charlotte M. Brame

Author: Charlotte M. Brame (1836–1884)

Alternate Name(s): Law (maiden name)

Biography: Charlotte Mary Brame was born on 31 October 1836 in Hinckley, the daughter of Benjamin Augustine Law and his wife Charlotte (née Heathcote). She attended a local Catholic school before attending convent schools in Clifton, Preston, and Paris. As a teeanager, she contributed short fiction and poetry to the Lamp, a Catholic weekly magazine. After the death of her father, she runs a school with her mother. In 1863, she marries jeweller Phillip Edward Brame and the couple move to London where she will bear seven children. In order to supplement the family income, she begins writing in earnest, in particular beginning a long relationship with the popular magazine The Family Herald. She will go on to write over one hundred novels and novellas including her most popular work Dora Thorne. After a brief time in Brighton in the late 1870s, the family returns to Hinckley. Brame dies there on 25 November 1884. Note: many of her books were pirated in America under the name "Bertha M. Clay."

Author Tags:

References: Graham Law et al., Charlotte M. Brame (1836–1884): Towards a Primary Bibliography (University of Queensland, 2011)

Fiction Titles:

  1. Tales from the Diary of a Sister of Mercy.  1 vol.  London: Burns and Oates, 1867.
  2. Angels' Visits.  1 vol.  London: Burns and Oates, 1869.
  3. Dora Thorne.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1877.
  4. At War with Herself.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1878.
  5. Lord Lynne's Choice, and Ingledew House.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1879.
  6. Which Loved Him Best?.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1879.
  7. The Love that Lives.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1880.
  8. From Gloom to Sunlight.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1881.
  9. A Rose in Thorns.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1881.
  10. Love's Warfare.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1882.
  11. Hilary's Folly.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1882.
  12. Wife in Name Only.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1883.
  13. A Golden Heart.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1883.
  14. A Broken Wedding-Ring.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1883.
  15. Romance of a Black Veil.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1883.
  16. Her Mother's Sin.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1884.
  17. Thorns and Orange Blossoms.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1884.
  18. Diana's Discipline.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1885.
  19. Her Martyrdom.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1886.
  20. Romance of a Young Girl.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1886.
  21. Lady Gwendoline's Dream, and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1887.
  22. Lady Hutton's Ward.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1887.
  23. Redeemed by Love.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1887.
  24. A Bride from the Sea, and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1888.
  25. Wedded and Parted: A Christmas Story, and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1888.
  26. On her Wedding-Morn, and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1889.
  27. Repented at Leisure.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1889.
  28. The Fatal Lilies, and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1889.
  29. The Sin of a Lifetime.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1890.
  30. Weaker than a Woman.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1890.
  31. Between Two Sins, and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1890.
  32. The Cost of her Love.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1891.
  33. A Woman's War.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1892.
  34. The Shadow of a Sin.  1 vol.  London: William Stevens, 1893.