Author: Alexander Balfour Symington
Author: Alexander Balfour Symington (1856–1942)
Alternate Name(s): Cyril Grey (pseudonym)
Biography: Alexander Balfour Symington was born on 9 April 1856 in Paisley, Scotland, the son of John Macalaster Symington and his wife Eliza (née Balfour). He attended Glasgow University where he studied classics and took two degrees. He turned to literature as a profession writing several novels under the pseudonym "Cyril Grey" and editing the Sun, Victorian Magazine, and Atalanta. He never married and died on 14 September 1942 in Bargeddie near Glasgow.
Author Tags:
References: DNCJ; Probate; Scotsman (16 September 1942)
Fiction Titles:
- Glenathole. 1 vol. London: Griffith and Farran, 1889.
- The Misanthrope's Heir. 1 vol. London: Skeffington, 1897.