Author: Gabriel Setoun
Author: Gabriel Setoun (1861–1930)
Alternate Name(s): (pseudonym); Thomas Nicoll Hepburn (legal name)
Biography: Scottish poet and author.
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Fiction Titles:
- Barncraig: Episodes in the Life of a Scottish Village. 1 vol. London: John Murray, 1893.
- Sunshine and Haar: Some Further Glimpses of Life at Barncraig. 1 vol. London: John Murray, 1895.
- Robert Urquhart. 1 vol. London: Bliss, Sands, and Foster, 1896.
- George Malcolm. 1 vol. London: Bliss, Sands, and Foster, 1897.
- The Skipper of Barncraig. 1 vol. London: Archibald Constable, 1901.