Author: Fairleigh Owen
Author: Fairleigh Owen (birth and death dates unknown)
Alternate Name(s): (pseudonym)
Biography: This author cannot be traced. The Scottish Temperance League identifies this name as the pseudonym of a woman.
Fiction Titles:
- The Lathams: A Tale. 1 vol. Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League, 1858.
- Steyne's Grief: or, Losing, Seeking and Finding. 1 vol. London: William Tweedie, 1860.
- Ritter Bell, the Cripple: A Tale for the Young. 1 vol. Glasgow: Scottish Temperance League, 1861.
- Harty the Wanderer: or, Conduct is Fate. A Tale. 1 vol. London: Griffith and Farran, 1879.