Author: John Macrae
Author: John Macrae (birth and death dates unknown)
Alternate Name(s): Cosmo Cumming (pseudonym); Julian Kayne (pseudonym)
Biography: John Macrae was born in Harris. He attended school in Inverness and studied briefly for the Free Church. Macrae moved to Stornoway to become a clerk in the estate office under the tyrannical Donald Munro, who was involved in the Bernera Riot. In addition, he began writing and contributing poetry to Scottish newspapers. Later, in London, he wrote the novel The Love of his Life (1880) under the pseudonym "Cosmo Cumminig" and was dedicated to Donald Munro who appears in the novel as the character Donald Black. In life, he was short in stature and wore a highland cloak and wide-awake hat in London.
Author Tags:
References: James Shaw Grant, A Shilling for Your Scowl (1992); Highland News (8 July 1899); pers inf (Angus Smith)
Fiction Titles:
- The Love of His Life: A Novel. 3 vol. London: Moxon, 1880.