Victoria Research 

Resources for identifying quotations and allusions

The following bibliography was created by George H. Thomson, author of A Reader's Guide to Dorothy Richardson's Pilgrimage (1996), in the course of his research for Notes on Pilgrimage: Dorothy Richardson Annotated (1999). He has kindly made this annotated list of the works he has consulted available to visitors to VRW in hopes that they will find it helpful in their own editorial work on 19th- and early 20th-century texts.


AUTHOR Concordances and Collections

ARNOLD   Parrish, Stephen Maxfield.  A Concordance to the Poems of 
Matthew Arnold.  Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1959.

BIBLE   Strong, James.  Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible . . . .  
1894.  Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon, 1981

BLAKE   Erdman, David, V.  A Concordance to the Writings of William 
Blake.  2 vols.  Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1967.

BROWNING, E. B.   Hudson, Gladys W.  An Elizabeth Barrett Browning 
Concordance.  4 vols.  Detroit: Gale Research, 1973.  [Each book indexed 

BROWNING, ROBERT   Broughton, Leslie N. and Benjamin F. Stelter.  A 
Concordance to the Poems of Robert Browning.  4 vols.  1924-25.  New 
York: Haskell House, 1970.

BURNS  Reid, J. B.  A Complete Word and Phrase Concordance to the Poems 
and Songs of Robert Burns.  1889.   Repr. New York: Russell and Russell, 

BYRON   Young, Ione Dodson.  A Concordance to the Poetry of Byron.  4 
vols.  Austin, Texas: Pemberton Press, 1965.

COLERIDGE   Logan, Eugenia, S.P.  A Concordance to the Poetry of Samuel 
Taylor Coleridge.  1940.  Repr. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1967.   

EMERSON   Hubbell, George Skelton.  A Concordance to the Poems of Ralph 
Waldo Emerson.  New York: H. W. Wilson, 1932.

EMERSON   Ihreg, Mary Alice.  Emerson's Transcendental Vocabulary: A 
Concordance.  New York & London: Garland, 1982.  [Nine words/concepts 

EMERSON   Irey, Eugene F.  A Concordance to Five Essays of Ralph Waldo 
Emerson [Nature, American Scholar, Divinity School Address, 
Self-Reliance, Fate].  New York: Garland, 1981.

FITZGERALD   Tutin, J[ohn] R[amsden].  A Concordance to Fitzgerald's 
Translation of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám.  London: Macmillan, 1900.  
Repr. New York: B. Franklin, 1968.

GILBERT AND SULLIVAN   Dixon, Geoffrey.  The Gilbert and Sullivan 
Concordance: A Word Index to W. S. Gilbert's Libretti for the Fourteen 
Savoy Operas.  2 vols.  New York and London: Garland, 1987.

GOLDSMITH   Paden, William Doremus.  A Concordance tothe Poems of Oliver 
Goldsmith.  1940.  Repr. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1966.

HOUSMAN   Hyder, Clyde Kenneth.  A Concordance to the Poems of A. E. 
Housman.  Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1966.

HUXLEY   Huxley, Thomas Henry.  Aphorisms and Reflections From the Works 
of T. H. Huxley.  Selected by Henrietta A. Huxley.  London: Macmillan, 
1907.  [Excellent concept/key word Index]

KEATS   Baldwin, Dane Lewis, et al.  A Concordance to the Poems of John 
Keats.  Washington, 1917.  Gloucester, Mass.:  Peter Smith, 1963.
KEBLE    Concordance to "The Christian Year".  New York, 1871.  New York: 
Johnson Reprint Co., 1968.

LONGFELLOW   Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth.  The Complete Poetical Works . 
. . .  6 vols.  Cambridge Edition.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1893.

MEREDITH   Hogan, Rebecca S. et al.  A Concordance to the Poetry of 
George Meredith.  2 vols.  New York and London, 1982

MILTON   Ingram, William and Kathleen Swaim.  Concordance to Milton's 
English Poetry.  Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.

POE   Booth, Bradford A. and Claude E. Jones.  A Concordance of the 
Poetical Works of Edgar Allan Poe.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1941. 

SHAKESPEARE   Spevack, Marvin.  The Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare.  
Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1973.

SHAW   Bevan, E. Dean.  A Concordance to the Plays and Prefaces of 
Bernard Shaw.  10 vols.  Detroit: Gale, 1971.

SHELLEY   Ellis, F. S.  A Lexical Concordance to the Poetical Works of 
Percy Bysshe Shelley.  London: Bernard Quaritch, 1892.

SPENSER   Osgood, Charles Grosvenor.  A Concordance to the Poems of 
Edmund Spenser.  1915.  Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1963.  

TENNYSON   Baker, Arthur Ernest.  A Concordance to the Poetical and 
Dramatic Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  1914.  London: Routledge and 
Kegan Paul, 1965.

WORDSWORTH   Cooper, Lane.  A Concordance to the Poems of William 
Wordsworth.  London, 1911.  Repr. New York: Russell & Russell, 1965.

YEATS   Parrish, Stephen Maxfield.  A Concordance to the Poems of W. B. 
Yeats.  Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1963.

COLLECTIONS of Poems, Songs, Hymns, Etcetera

Bell's Standard Elocutionist, Principles and Exercises, . . . Followed by 
a Copious Selection of Extracts in Prose and Poetry . . ..  By David 
Charles Bell and Alexander Melvill Bell.  Revised ed.  London: Hodder and 
Stoughton, 1888.

Birbeck, C. J.  Select Recitations, Orations and Dramatic Scenes with 
Actions and Emphasis.  New York: Joseph F. Wagner, 1900.  [Very popular 

Boni, Margaret Bradford.  The Fireside Book of Favorite American Songs.  
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1952.

Delamar, Gloria T.  Children's Counting-Out Rhymes, Fingerplays . . . and 
Other Rhythms.  Jefferson, N.C. and London: McFarland, 1983.

Disher, M. Willson.  Victorian Song from Dive to Drawing Room.  London: 
Phoenix House, 1955.  [Many songs quoted in part or whole.]

Ewen, David.  American Popular Songs, From the Revolultionary War to the 
Present.  New York: Random House, 1966. [Not practically useful.]

Halliwell [Halliwell-Phillipps], James Orchard.  Nursery Rhymes of 
England.  6th ed.  London: John Russell Smith, [1858].

Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard.  Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales; a 
sequel to The Nursery Rhymes of England.  London: John Russell Smith, 
1849.  Repr. Detroit: Singing Tree Press, n.d.

Hill, Caroline Miles.  The World's Great Religious Poetry.  New York, 
1923.  New York: Macmillan Co., 1939.

Hodgart, Matthew J. C. and Mabel Worthington.  Songs in the Works of 
James Joyce.  New York: Columbia UP, 1959.

Miles, Alfred Henry.  Original Poems, Ballads and Tales in verse for 
reading and reciting.  London: S. Paul, 1910.

Miles, Alfred Henry.  The Poets and the Poetry of the Century.  8 vols.  
London:Hutchison, [1891].  [Looked into vols. 1-4, 6, 8.]

Opie, Iona and Peter.  I Saw Essau, Traditional Rhymes of Youth.  London: 
Williams and Norgate, 1947.

Opie, Iona and Peter, eds.  The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. 
Oxford: The Clarendon Press, [1951, 1952] 1966.  

INDEXES to Titles and First/Last Lines of Hymns, Songs, Poems and Nursery Rhymes

BBC Music Library.  Song Catalogue.  Vol. I and II, Composers; vol. III 
and IV, Titles.  London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1966.  [Also 
volumes on chamber music, opera, and orchestral music]  

Brewton, John E. and Sara W.  Index to Children's Poetry.  1942.  New 
York: H. W. Wilson, 1962.

Bunnings, Florence E.  Folk Song Index: A Comprehensive Guide to the 
Florence E. Bunnings Collection.  New York: Garland, 1981.  [Includes 
popular songs also.]

Challier, Ernst.  Grosser Lieder-Katalog.  Berlin: Ernst Challier's 
Selbstverlag, 1885; Vol. 2, Giessen, 1888; Vol. 3, Giessen, 1900.  Repr. 
3 vols. Wiesbaden: M. Sändig, 1979

Chicorel, Marietta.  Chicorel Index to Poetry in Anthologies and 
Collections in Print.  4 vols.  New York:Chicorel Library Publishing, 
1975  [Vols. 5, 5A, 5B, and 5C of Chicorel Index.]

Chicorel, Marietta.  Chicorel Index to Poetry in Anthologies and 
Collections: Retrospective Index to Out-of-Print Titles.  4 vols.  New 
York: Chicorel Library Publishing, 1975.  [Vols. 6, 6A, 6B, and 6C of 
Chicorel Index.]

Coffin, Berton, Werner Singer, Pierre Delattre.  Word-by-Word 
Translations of Songs and Arias.  Part I: German and French.  New York: 
Scarecrow Press, 1966.  [Indexes to titles and first lines in English and 
in Fr. and Ger.]

Coffin, B.  The Singer's Repertoire.  2nd ed. 5 vol.  New York: Scarecrow 
Press, 1960-62.  [Catalogue of 8000 solo songs, mainly European.  Vol. 5: 
Index of Titles and Composers.]

Cushing, Helen Grant.  Children's Song Index.  New York: H. W. Wilson, 
1936.  [By Title, First Line, Author, and Categories like Flower.]

De Charms, Desirée and Paul F. Breed  Songs in Collections: An Index.  
1966.  Detroit: Information Services Inc., 1971.

Diehl, Katherine Smith, ed.  Hymns and Tunes-?An Index.  New York and 
London: Scarecrow, 1966.  [First line of each stanza and refrain from 78 
20th century hymnals.]

Gooch, Bryan N. S. and David S. Thatcher.  Musical Settings of British 
Romantic Literature, A Catalogue.  2 vols.  New York and London: Garland, 
1982.  [Vol. 2: Indexes: Titles and First Lines; Composers.]

Gooch, Bryan N. S. and David S. Thatcher.  Musical Settings of Early and 
Mid-Victorian Literature.   New York: Garland, 1979

Gooch, Bryan N. S. and David S. Thatcher.  Musical Settings of Late 
Victorian and Modern British Literature: A Catalogue.  New York and 
London: Garland, 1976.  [Index of Authors; Composers: Arranged by 
author]  [Vol. 2.  Index to Titles and First Lines to Musical Settings, 
etc.  N. p.  N. d.] 

Granger, Edith, ed.  An Index to the Poetry and Recitations . . . .  (2nd 
ed., 1918) Chicago: McClurg, 1927

Granger's Index to Poetry and Recitations.  Ed. Helen Humphrey Bessey.  
3rd ed., completely revised.  Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1940.

Granger's Index to Poetry.  Ed. William James Smith.   6th ed, completely 
revised.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1973.
Havlice, Patricia Pate. Popular Song Index.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow 
Press, 1975.  [Modern, but some collections reprint earlier works.]

Julian, John.  A Dictionary of Hymnology Setting Forth the Origin and 
History of Christian Hymns of All Ages and Nations.  Rev. ed.  London, 
1907.  New York: Dover, 1957.  [Index of first lines: vol. 2, pp. 1307 ff.]

Kinkle, Roger D., ed.  The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and 
Jazz 1900-1950.  4 vols.  New Rochelle, N. Y.: Arlington House, 1974.  
[Vol. 1: Music Year by Year 1900-1950; Vol. 2 & 3: Biographies; Vol. 
4:Indexes and Appendices (Complete Index of Names and Song Titles)] 

Klepper, Robert F.  A Concordance of the Hymnal 1982.  According to the 
Use of the Episcopal Church.  Metuchen, N.Y.:   Scarecrow Press, 1989.

- - - -.  Methodist Hymnal Concordance.  Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 

Kline, Victoria.  Last Lines: An Index to the Last Lines of Poetry.  2 
vols.  New York and Oxford: Facts on File, 1991.  [Vol. 1: Last line 
index; Title index.  Vol. 2: Author index; Keyword index]

Lax, Roger and Frederick Smith.  The Great Song Thesaurus.  2nd ed.  New 
York: Oxford UP, 1989.  [Lists hit songs from earliest times, fuller 
after 1890.]

Leigh, Robert.  Index to Song Books.  Stockton, Ca.: Robert Leigh, 1964.  
Repr. New York: Da Capo Press, 1973.  [Mostly recent.  Title and 
Anthology only]

Little, Rev. Charles E.  Historical Lights: Six Thousand Quotations from 
Standard Histories and Biographies . . .  New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1886.

Lubbock, Mark Hugh.  The Complete Book of Light Opera.  London: Putnam; 
New York: Appleton-Centrury Croft, 1962.  [Includes musical comedies; 
quotes beginnings of songs.] 

McDormand, Thomas B. and Frederic S. Crossman, comps.  Judson Concordance 
to Hymns.  Valley Forge, Pa.: Judson Press, 1965.  [Indexes key word of 
each line.] 

Methodist Hymn-Book.  Toronto: Methodist Book and Publishing House; 
Halifax: Methodist Book-Room, [n.d.]  [Preface indicates this version 
first pub. before 1883.]  "Index to Each Verse Except the First One of 
Every Hymn," pp. 754-767.

Myers, Robin S.  A Dictionary of Literature in the English Language from 
Chaucer to 1940.  2 vols.  Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1970-71.  Vol. 2 is a 
Title Index.

Nardone, Thomas R., ed.  Classical Vocal Music in Print.  Philadelphia: 
Musicdata, 1976.  [Arranged by composer and by name of work.]

Palloy, Steven, comp.  Cross Index Title Guide to Classical Music.  New 
York, Westport, Conn., London: Greenwood Press, 1987.  [English and 
Foreign titles are cross indexed.]

Reinhart, Thilo, ed.  The Singer's Schumann.  New York: Rosen Publishing 
Group, 1989.  [Full German and English text of all songs.]

Routley, Erik.  An English-Speaking Hymnal Guide.  Collegeville, Minn.: 
Liturgical Press, 1979.  [Hymns by Title; historical account, where pub.; 
versions; very scholarly]

Sears, Minnie E. and Phyllis Crawford.  Song Index: An Index to more than 
12,000 Songs in 177 Song Collections comprising 262 Volumes.  New York: 
H. W. Wilson, 1926.  Supplement, 1934.
Shaw, John Mackey.  Childhood in Poetry . . . Poems that Relate to 
Childhood.  5 vols.  Detroit: Gale, 1967.  [Vol. 5 is Key Word Index to 
titles of poems.]

Snyder, Lawrence D.  German Poetry in Song: An Index of Lieder.  
Berkeley, CA: Fallen Leaf Press, 1995.   [Author, title, and first line 

Stevenson, Burton Egbert.  The Home Book of Verse: American and English.  
2 vols.  1925.  9th ed.  New York: Henry Holt, 1953.  Vol. 2 has Index of 
First Lines and Index of Titles. 

DICTIONARIES: of Words, Maxims, Proverbs, Slang, and Dialect

Apperson, G. L.   English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases: A Historical 
Dictionary.  London: J. M. Dent, 1929.

Bohn, Henry George.  A Hand-Book of Proverbs . . . .  London: H. G. Bohn, 
1855.  Repr. New York: AMS Press, 1968.  [In most cases, arranged 
alphabetically by whole proverb] 

Brewer, E. C.  A Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.  9th ed.  New York: 
Harper & Row, 1965.

Champion, Selwyn Gurney.  Racial Proverbs.  A Selection of the World's 
Proverbs Arranged Linguistically.  2nd ed.  New York: Macmillan, 1950

Davidoff, Henry.  A World Treasury of Proverbs from Twenty-five 
Languages.  New York: Random House, 1946.  [By rubric and subject]

Farmer, John S. and W. E. Henley eds.  Slang and its Analogues Past and 
Present.  7 vols.  London, 1890-1904.  New York: Kraus, 1965.

Fergusson, Rosalind.  The Facts on File Dictionary of Proverbs.  New 
York: Facts on File, 1983.

Fuller, Edmund.  Thesaurus of Epigrams.  1942.  Garden City, New York: 
Garden City Publishing, 1948.  [Well arranged.]

Gross, John.  The Oxford Book of Aphorisms.  Oxford and New York: Oxford 
UP, 1983.  [Arranged by topic.  No index.  Nearly useless.]

Hyamson, Albert M.  A Dictionary of English Phrase.  New York: E. P. 
Dutton, 1922; repr. Detroit: Gale, 1970

Lean, Vincent Stuckey.  Lean's Collectanea.  Collections by Vincent 
Stuckey Lean of Proverbs (English & Foreign), Folk Lore, and 
Superstitions . . . .  4 vols. [vol. II in 2 parts].  Bristol: J. W. 
Arrowsmith; London: Simkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1904.  [Vol. 4 with 
extensive Index, including Key Words]

Mieder, Wolfgang.  The Prentice-Hall Encyclopedia of World Proverbs.  
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1986.  [Cites only nationality, 
but useful as a starting point.] 

Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs.  Rev. by F. P. Wilson.  3rd ed.  
Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 

Oxford English Dictionary.  33 vols.  Oxford: Oxford UP, 1933; 
Supplement.  4 vols.  1972, 1976, 1982, 1986; Additional Series.  2 
vols.  eds. John Simpson & Edmund Weiner, 1993.

Partridge, Eric.  A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. 3rd 
ed.  London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1949;  8th ed.  Ed. Paul Beale 
(1980).  New York: Macmillan, 1984.

Slang Dictionary; or The Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and AFast@ 
Expressions of High and Low Society.  London: John Camden Hotten, 1865

Stevenson, Burton, ed.  The Macmillan Book of Proverbs, Maxims, and 
Familiar Phrases.  New York: The Macmillan Co., 1948.

Tilley, Morris Palmer.  A Dictionary of the Proverbs in England.  In the 
Sixteenth and Severteenth Century.  Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1950.  
[Main subjects, but good key-word index]

Udang, Laurence.  Idioms and Phases Index.  3 vols.  Detroit: Gale, 1983.
Urdang, Laurence, Ceila Dame Robbins, Frank R. Abate.  Mottoes.  Detroit: 
Gale Research, 1986.  [All languages.  Foreign mottoes are followed by a 
translation.  Alphabetical index.]

Whiting, Bartlett Jere.  Modern Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings.  
Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989.  [Arranged by common subject]  

Wright, Joseph.  The English Dialect Dictionary.  6 vols.  London, 
1898-1905.  London: Oxford UP, 1961.


Adams, A. K.  Home Book of Humorous Quotations.  New York: Dodd, Mead, 
1969.  [Arranged by subject.  Key-word Index.]

Adams, Franklin Pierce.  FPA Book of Quotations.  New York: Funk & 
Wagnalls, 1952.  [Arranged by Topics.]

Adler, Mortimer J. and Charles Van Doren.  Great Treasury of Western 
Thought.  New York: R. R. Bowker, 1977.  [Good key-word index, but 
"topic" subjects are not indexed if they occur in their section.  Highly 
selective in authors.]

Allibone, S[amuel] Austin.  Poetical Quotations from Chaucer to 
Tennyson.  Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1891.  [Arranged by subject]

Allibone, S[amuel] Austin.  Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay.  
Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1903

Andrews, Robert.  The Concise Columbia Dictionary of Quotations.  New 
York: Columbia UP, 1987.  [Limited scope and awkward key-word index.]

Baker, Daniel B., ed.  Political Quotations: A Collection of Notable 
Sayings on Politics from Antiquity through 1989.  Detroit: Gale Research, 
1990.  [Arranged by topic.  Good key-word index.] 

Baron, Joseph L.  A Treasury of Jewish Quotations.  Rev. ed.  South 
Brunswick, New York and London: Thomas Yoseloff, 1965.  [Arranged by subject]

Bartlett, John.  Familiar Quotations.  Ed. Christopher Morley.  12th ed. 
1948.  Boston: Little, Brown, 1951.

Benham, Gurney.  Benham's Book of Quotations Proverbs and Household 
Words.  New and rev. ed. with Supplement.  London: George G. Harrap, 
1948.  [1936 ed. revised, with corrections and Supplement.  Supplement 
has separate Index.]

Bohle, Bruce.  The Home Book of American Quotations.  New York: 
Dodd,Mead, 1967.

Book of Familiar Quotations.  London: George Routledge and Sons, [1866].  
[Indexed by line, and key word sometimes.]

Browning, D[avid C[layton].  Dictionary of Quotations and Proberbs. 
Everyman ed. 1951.  London: Dent, 1982.  [Good single index.]

Chapin, John.  The Book of Catholic Quotations.  London: John Calder, 
1957.  [Extensive Index of Subjects.]

Clapp, James A.  The City, A  Dictionary of Quotable Thought on Cities 
and Urban Life.  New Brunswick, N.J.: Center for Urban Policy Research, 
Rutgers U, 1984.  [Index of cities, and of subjects.]

Dalbiac, Philip H.  Dictionary of Quotations.  London: Swan Sonnenschien, 

Douglas, Charles Noel.  Forty Thousand Quotations Prose and Poetical.  
New York: Halcyon House, 1937.  [Previously pub. under the title Forty 
Thousand Sublime and Beautiful Thoughts.  Earlier pub. by The Christian 
Herald under the latter title.  Arranged by Subjects.] 

Edwards, Tryon.  The New Dictionary of Thoughts: A Cyclopedia of 
Quotations.  Rev. by C. N. Catrevas and Jonathan Edwards,  New York: 
Standard Book Co., 1967. (Orig. copyright 1891)  [Arranged by topics.]  
Esar, Evan.  20,000 Quips and Quotes.  Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 
1968.  [By subject.  Only the author identified; also unidentified quips.]

Evans, Bergen.  Dictionary of Quotations.  New York: Delacorte Press, 1968.

Flesch, Rudolf.  The Book of Unusual Quotations.  1959.  London: Cassell, 
1968.  [Arranged by topic.  Useful only for ideas.

Hazlitt, W[illiam] Carew.  English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases . . . 
.  London: Smith, 1869.  [2nd ed., 1882, repr. Detroit: Gale, 1969]  
[Arranged alphabetically by proverb.  Very limited index.]

Hoyt, J. K.  Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations.  English, Latin, and 
Modern Foreign Languages.  Rev. ed.  New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1896.  
[Separate Index to foreign language quotations.]

Hyman, Robin.  A Dictionary of Famous Quotations.  1962.  Toronto: Coles, 
1980.  [Key-word index.]

Hoyt's New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations.  Ed. Kate L. Roberts.  New 
York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1927.

Lawson, James Gilchrist.  The World's Best Religious Quotations.  London: 
Kingsgate Press, [1930].  [Arranged by Topics.  Not useful.]

Levinson, Leonard Louis.  Bartlett's Unfamiliar Quotations.  Chicago: 
Cowles Books, Henry Regnery, 1971.  [Arranged by topics; difficult to use.]

Macmillan Dictionary of Quotations.  New York: Macmillan, 1987.  [By 
subject and author.  Excellent word-index with full line identification.]

Mead, Frank S.  The Encyclopedia of Religious Quotations.  Westwood, N. 
J.:  Fleming H. Revell, 1965.  [Arranged by topics; not useful.]

Mencken, H. L.  A New Dictionary of Quotations on Historical Principles 
from Ancient and Modern Sources.  New York: Knopf, 1942.  [Arranged by 
topic.  Reasonable subject index.  Intellectual selection.]

Metcalf, Fred.  The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Humorous Quotations.  
New York: Viking Penguin, 1986.

Moorhead, J. K. and Charles Lee.  A Dictionary of Quotations.  2 vols.  
Everyman's Library.  London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1928. [Vol. 1: 
quotations; Vol. 2: proverbs and index.]

Neil, William.  Concise Dictionary of Religious Quotations.  Grand 
Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974. 

Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.  2nd ed.  London: Oxford UP. 1955.

Parrinder, Geoffrey.  A Dictionary of Religous & Spiritual Quotations.  
London: Routledge, 1990.  [Arranged by subject.  Good key-word index.]

Partnow, Elaine.  The Quotable Woman 1800-1981.  New York: Facts on File 
Inc., 1982.  [Subject index only.] [Biographical index.]

Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations.  Eds. J. M. Cohen and M. J. 
Cohen.  2nd ed. 1980.  Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1984.  
[Catch-word Index: two words per quote.]

Pepper, Margaret.  A Dictionary of Religious Quotations.  London: 
Deutsch, 1989.
Powell, David.  The Wisdom of the Novel: A Dictionary of Quotations.  New 
York and London: Garland, 1985.  [Arranged by subject, then alphabetical 
author; index thorough but similar words grouped and each page must be 

Rosten, Leo.  Leo Roston's Treasury of Jewish Quotations.  New York: 
McGraw-Hill, 1972.  [Arranged by subject.  Serious.]

Seldes, George.  The Great Quotations.  New York: Lyle Stuart, 1960.  
[Quotes from right and left wing writers]

Shipps, Anthony W.  The Quote Sleuth, A Manual for the Tracer of Lost 
Quotations.  Urbana and Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1990.
Sommer, Elyse and Mike.  Similes Dictionary.  Detroit: Gale, 1988.  
[Arranged by things and concepts, not necessarily the actual word used.  
Rather arbitrary.]

Starr, Tama.  The "Natural Inferiority" of Women.  Outrageous 
Pronouncements by Misguided Males.  New York: Poseidon Press (Simon and 
Schuster), 1991.  [Ancient to modern; traditional to off-beat.  Author 
Index only.]

Strauss, Maurice B.  Familiar Medical Quotations.  Boston: Little, Brown, 
1968.  [Very good key-word index.]

Stevenson, Burton.  Home Book of Quotations, Classical and Modern.  3rd 
ed.  New York: Dodd, Mead, 1937.

Tripp, Rhoda Thomas.  The International Thesaurus of Quotations.  New 
York: Crowell, 1970; London: Allen & Unwin, 1973; Penguin Books, 
1976.         [Arranged by subject; key-word index]

Walsh, William Shepard.  The International Encyclopedia of Prose and 
Poetical Quotations . . . .  Toronto: Copp Clark, [c. 1908]. 

Ward, Anna L.  A Dictionary of Quotations from English and American 
Poets.  Based upon Bohn's edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged.  New 
York: Crowell, 1883.  [Good index.]

Wilstach, Frank J.  A Dictionary of Similes.  Toronto: Thomas Allen, 
1916; Boston: Little, Brown, 1924.  [Formulas with like or as; 
alphabetical sequences by initial subjects.]

Woods, Ralph L.  The World Treasury of Religious Quotations . . . .  New 
York: Hawthorn Books, [1966].

Yapp, Peter.  The Travellers' Dictionary of Quotations: Who Said What, 
About Where.  London and New York: Routledge, 1988.

QUOTATIONS in French and Other Languages

Büchmann, Georg.  Geflügelte Worte . . .  Ed. Walter Robert-torow, et 
al.  30 ed.  Berlin: Haude and Spenersche, 1961.  [Index of opening words 
of German quotations]

Collison, Robert and Mary Collison.  Dictionary of Foreign Quotations.  
New York: Facts on File; London: Macmillan, 1980.  [Headwords.  Not easy 
to use, but within Heads, arranged by language.]

Dictionnaire des citations françaises et étrangères.  Paris: Larousse, 1980.

Dalbiac, Lilian.  Dictionary of Quotations (German).  London: Swan 
Sonnenschein, 1906.  Repr. New York: Unger, n. d.  [German subject and 
key word index]

Dournon, Jean-Yves.  Le Grand dictionnaire des citations françaises.  
Paris: Acropole, 1982.

Dupré, P.  Encyclopédie des citations.  Paris: Éditions de Trévise, 1959.

Genest, Émile.  Dictionnaire des citations.  Paris: Fernand Nathan, 1954.

Guerlac, Othon.  Les Citations françaises.  5th ed.  Paris: Armand Colin, 
1954.  [Generous key-word index.]

Guterman, Norbert.  A Book of French Quotations.  New York: Doubleday, 1963.

Harbottle, Thomas Benfield and Philip Hugh Dalbiac.  Dictionary of 
Quotations (French and Italian).  London: Swan Sonnenschien; New York: 
Macmillan, 1904.  [Both French and English Subject and Key Word Indexes]

Hoyt, J. K.  Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations.  English, Latin, and 
Modern Foreign Languages.  Rev. ed.  New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1896.  
[Separate Index to foreign language quotations.]

Jones, Hugh Percy.  Dictionary of Foreign Phrases and Classical 
Quotations.  Comprising 14,000 Idioms, Proverbs, Maxims . . . allusions . 
. .  Rev. ed.  Edinburgh: John Grant, reprinted 1963.

King, W. Francis H.  Classical and Foreign Quotations.  London: J. 
Whitaker & Sons, 1904.  Detroit: Gale Research, 1968.

Matignon, Jeanne et al.  Nouveau dictionnaire de citations françaises.  
Paris: Hachette-Tchou, 1970.  [Key-word index.]

Montreynaud, Florence. Dictionnaire de citations françaises at 
étrangéres.  [Paris?]: Fernand Nathan, 1985.  [Arranged by topic.  Some 
secondary topic help.]

Montreynaud, Florence and Jeanne Matignon.   Dictionnaire des citations 
du monde entier.  Paris: Robert, 1987. 

Oster, Pierre.  Dictionnaire de citations françaises.  Paris: Robert, 
1978.  [Also later ed.  Key-word index, no context.]

Ramage, Craufurd Tait.  Familiar Quotations from French and Italian 
Authors.  London: Routledge; New York: Dutton, 1904; repr. Detroit: Gale, 
1968.  [Arranged by subject; French indexed by first word.]

Ramage, Craufurd Tait.  Familiar Quotations from German and Spanish 
Authors.  London: Routledge; New York: Dutton, 1904; repr. Detroit: Gale, 
1968.  [Mostly prose authors; inadequate index]

Spruchwörterbuch.  Berlin: Lippenheide, 1907.  Repr. Berlin: Haude & 
Spenersche, 1962
Villers, Jean de.  Le Dictionnaire Marabout des pensées des auteurs du 
mond entier.  Verviers: Géranrd & Co., 1969.  

Zoosmann, Richard, ed.  Zitaten- und Sentenzen Schatz Weltliteratur.  
Leipzig: Hesse & Becker, [1910].