Author: Ellen Barlee
Author: Ellen Barlee (1825–1893)
Alternate Name(s): L. N. (pseudonym)
Biography: Ellen Barlee was born in 1825 in Worlingworth, the fourth daughter of the Rev. Edward Barlee, the rector of Worlingworth, Suffolk, and his wife Justina Levy. Barlee never married and dedicated much of her life to philanthropic endeavors especially those in aid of the poor. In addition, she wrote several novels beginning with Helen Lindsay (1859). She died from pneumonia on 20 February 1893 in London.
References: British Census (1841, 1851); Eastern Evening News (27 February 1893)
Fiction Titles:
- Helen Lindsay: or, The Trial of Faith. A Novel by a Clergyman's Daughter. 2 vol. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1859.
- Thinking and Acting: A Tale. 2 vol. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1861.
- Effie's Prayer: or, "Thy Will Be Done."" A Tale Explanatory of the Lord's Prayer". 1 vol. London: Seeley, 1871.
- Three Paths in Life: A Tale for Girls. 1 vol. London: James Nisbet, 1872.
- Locked Out: A Tale of the Strike. 1 vol. London: Henry S. King, 1874.
- Good and Bad Managers: Three Stories. 1 vol. London: Seeley, 1874.