Author: Robert Blatchford
Author: Robert Blatchford (1851–1943)
Alternate Name(s): Numquam (pseudonym); P. McGinnis (pseudonym)
Biography: Journalist and author. Editor of The Clarion newspaper beginning in 1891. See entry in DNB or Sutherland.
Author Tags:
References: DNB; Sutherland
Fiction Titles:
- A Son of the Forge. 1 vol. London: A. D. Innes, 1894.
- Tommy Atkins of the Ramchunders. 1 vol. London: Edward Arnold, 1895.
- A Bohemian Girl. 1 vol. London: Walter Scott, 1898.
- Julie: A Study of a Girl. By a Man. 1 vol. London: Walter Scott, 1900.
- Tales for the Marines. 1 vol. London: The Clarion Newspaper Co. Ltd., 1901.