Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: S. E. P.

Author: S. E. P. (birth and death dates unknown)

Biography: AO "Lucy Smith" and "The Music Governess".

Fiction Titles:

  1. Lucy Smith, the Music Governess.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1868.
  2. Jem the Tinker and his Children.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1869.
  3. Philip Moore the Sculptor.  1 vol.  London: Partridge, 1870.
  4. Joseph Pilmor, the Quaker Soldier: and Other Stories.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1873.
  5. Ivan Papof, the Russian Peasant: A Tale Founded on Facts.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1873.
  6. His Excellency: or, Aline Carruthers and her Friends.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1875.
  7. Carry Morgan: or, The Stolen Purse.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1876.
  8. Sister Cora: A Tale of the Eighteenth Century.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: William Oliphant and Co., 1876.