Author: Francis Charles Philips
Author: Francis Charles Philips (1849–1921)
Biography: Author and playwright. See entry in Sutherland.
Author Tags:
References: Sutherland
Fiction Titles:
- As in a Looking Glass. 2 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1885.
- Jack and Three Jills: A Novel. 3 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1886.
- A Lucky Young Woman: A Novel. 3 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1886.
- Social Vicissitudes. 1 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1886.
- The Dean and his Daughter. 3 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1887.
- The Strange Adventures of Lucy Smith. 2 vol. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1887.
- The Fatal Phryne. 2 vol. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1889.
- Young Mr. Ainslie's Courtship. 2 vol. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1889.
- Little Mrs. Murray: A Novel. 2 vol. London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1889.
- The Scudamores: A Novel. 2 vol. London: Alexander Gardner, 1890.
- A Daughter's Sacrifice: A Novel. 2 vol. London: F. V. White, 1890.
- Margaret Byng: A Novel. 2 vol. London: F. V. White, 1890.
- Sybil Ross's Marriage: The Romance of an Inexperienced Girl. 1 vol. London: F. V. White, 1890.
- A French Marriage: A Novel. 1 vol. London: F. V. White, 1890.
- "My Face is my Fortune": A Novel. 2 vol. London: F. V. White, 1891.
- A Maiden Fair to See. 1 vol. London: Trischler, 1891.
- Extenuating Circumstances: A Novel. 1 vol. London: F. V. White, 1891.
- Madame Valérie: A Novel. 1 vol. London: William Heinemann, 1892.
- Constance: A Novel. 3 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1893.
- One Never Knows. 3 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1893.
- Mrs. Bouverie. 2 vol. London: Downey, 1894.
- A Doctor in Difficulties. 1 vol. London: Ward and Downey, 1894.
- The Worst Woman in London, and Other Stories. 1 vol. London: Downey, 1895.
- A Devil in Nun's Veiling: A Novel. 1 vol. London: F. V. White, 1895.
- A Question of Colour. 1 vol. London: Archibald Constable, 1895.
- An Undeserving Woman and Other Stories. 1 vol. London: Downey, 1896.
- The Luckiest of Three: A Novel. 1 vol. London: F. V. White, 1896.
- Poor Little Bella. 1 vol. London: Downey, 1897.
- Men, Women, and Things. 1 vol. London: Duckworth and Co., 1898.
- A Woman of the World's Advice. 1 vol. London: John Macqueen, 1901.