Author: Martin Francis Mahony
Author: Martin Francis Mahony (1831–1882)
Alternate Name(s): Philip Cresswell (pseudonym); Matthew Stradling (pseudonym)
Biography: Irish author. Authorship of A Loss Gained identified in Smith, Elder accounts.
Author Tags:
References: Wellesley
Fiction Titles:
- Checkmate: A Tale. 1 vol. London: Bentley, 1858.
- A Loss Gained. 1 vol. London: Smith, Elder, 1862.
- "Cheap John's" Auction: A Narrative in Three Parts. 1 vol. London: Simpkin, 1871.
- A Chronicle of the Fermors: Horace Walpole in Love. 2 vol. London: Sampson Low, 1873.
- The Misadventures of Mr. Catlyne, Q.C.: An Autobiography. 2 vol. London: Tinsley Brothers, 1873.
- Jerpoint: An Ungarnished Story of the Times. 3 vol. London: Chapman and Hall, 1875.
- A Westminster Night's Dream. 1 vol. London: Simpkin, 1877.