Illustrator: Thomas Onwhyn
Illustrator: Thomas Onwhyn (birth and death dates unknown)
Fiction Titles:
- Frances Milton Trollope. Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong, the Factory Boy. London: Henry Colburn, 1840.
- Henry Cockton. The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. London: Robert Tyas, 1840.
- Henry Cockton. George St. George Julian, the Prince. London: Grattan and Gilbert, 1841.
- Henry Cockton. Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. London: W. M. Clark, 1844.
- Henry Cockton. The Love Match. London: W. M. Clark, 1845.
- Henry Cockton. The Steward. London: W. M. Clark, 1850.
Novels in Parts:
- Henry Cockton. The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. 20 parts in 19 (1s per part). London: Robert Tyas, April 1839 to October 1840 (monthly).
- Henry Cockton. Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. 12 parts in 11 (1s per part). London: W. M. Clark, November 1843 to September 1844 (monthly).
- Henry Cockton. The Love Match. 12 parts in 11 (1s per part). London: W. M. Clark, October 1844 to August 1845 (monthly).
Periodical Serializations: