Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publisher: J. F. Shaw in 1876

Titles published by J. F. Shaw in the year 1876:

  1. L. E. D..  Terry: or, Trying to Follow.  1 vol.
  2. Fidélité.  Fighting the Foe: or, Everyday Battles.  1 vol.
  3. Emily Sarah Holt.  Clara Avery: A Story of the Spanish Armada .  1 vol.
  4. Emily Sarah Holt.  Imogen: A Story of the Mission of Augustine.  1 vol.
  5. Agnes Catherine Maitland.  Ella's Half-Sovereign: or, Pains and Gains. A Story of the Wyngate Family.  1 vol.
  6. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  Great St. Benedict's: A Tale.  1 vol.
  7. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  Those Boys: A Story for all Little Fellows.  1 vol.
  8. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade.  Scamp and I: A Story of City By-Ways.  1 vol.
  9. Matilda Mary Pollard.  Nellie's Secret: or, Brown's Alley and Sunnyside.  1 vol.
  10. Georgina Castle Smith.  Lotty's Visit to Grandmama.  1 vol.