Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publisher: T. Fisher Unwin in 1888

Titles published by T. Fisher Unwin in the year 1888:

  1. Cyril A. Bennett.  A Cloud on St. Angelo: A Novel.  2 vol.
  2. Edward Bosanketh.  Tin: A Novel.  1 vol.
  3. Clemens Brentano.  New Fairy Tales from Brentano.  1 vol.
  4. George Ralph Fitzroy Cole.  Dearly Bought: A Romance Founded on Fact.  3 vol.
  5. A. Hill Drewry.  Stephen Elderby.  2 vol.
  6. Gertrude Dunn.  Concerning Oliver Knox.  1 vol.
  7. Edward Garnett.  The Paradox Club.  1 vol.
  8. Richard Garnett.  The Twilight of hte Gods and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  9. Ada Fielder King.  Lionel Villiers: or, True and Steadfast.  1 vol.
  10. Amy Levy.  The Romance of a Shop.  1 vol.
  11. Caroline Sophia Lunn.  Shamrock and Rose: A Novel.  3 vol.
  12. Frank R. Stockton.  Amos Kilbright, his Adscititious Experiences.  1 vol.