Title: Anne Dysart
Author and Title: Christiana Jane Douglas. Anne Dysart: A Tale of Every-day Life
First Edition: London: Henry Colburn, 1850. 3 volumes, post 8vo., 31s. 6d.
Summary: After the death of her clergyman father leaves her in poverty, Anne goes to live with her aunt, where she meets a proud, unamiable gentleman. This novel has a number of parallels with Pride and Prejudice. Douglas was an admirer of Austen. A review in the Athenæum (June 1850) pointed out the similarity between the love interest and Mr. Darcy. (LP)
References: EC; NLS
- Volume 1 from Google Books
- Volume 2 from Google Books
- Volume 3 from Google Books
- Search for title at The Online Books Page (please note: the search will take you out of At the Circulating Library)