Title: Further Adventures of Captain Kettle
Author and Title: Charles John Cutcliffe Hyne. Further Adventures of Captain Kettle
First Edition: London: C. Arthur Pearson, 1899. 1 volume.
- "In Quarantine", Pearson's Magazine, July 1898
- "The Little Wooden God with the Eyes", Pearson's Magazine, August 1898
- "A Quick Way with Rebels", Pearson's Magazine, September 1898
- "The New Republic", Pearson's Magazine, October 1898
- "The Looting of the Indian Sheriff", Pearson's Magazine, November 1898
- "The Wire-Milkers", Pearson's Magazine, December 1898
- "The Derelict", Pearson's Magazine, January 1899
- "To Capture an Heiress", Pearson's Magazine, February 1899
- "A Matter of Justice", Pearson's Magazine, March 1899
- "Dago Divers", Pearson's Magazine, April 1899
- "The Dear Insured", Pearson's Magazine, May 1899
- "The Fire and the Farm", Pearson's Magazine, June 1899
Summary: Contains the stories "In Quarantine," "The Little Wooden God with the Eyes," "A Quick Way with Rebels," "The New Republic," "The Looting of the Indian Sheriff," "The Wire-Milkers," "The Derelict," "To Capture an Heiress," "A Matter of Justice," "Dago Divers," "The Dear Insured," and "The Fire and the Farm."
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