Title: After Twenty Years and Other Stories
Author and Title: Julian Russell Sturgis. After Twenty Years and Other Stories
First Edition: London: Longman, 1892. 1 volume, post 8vo., 6s.
- "The Philosopher's Baby", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, February 1874
- "A Disappointing Boy", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, September 1874
- "An Unimportant Person", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, February 1876
- "John's Hero", Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, July 1876
- "A Mad Person", Longman's Magazine, April 1884
- "Romance of an Old Don", Longman's Magazine, November 1884
- "A Child of Silence", Macmillan's Magazine, May 1887
Summary: Contains the short stories "The Philosopher's Baby," "A Disappointing Boy," "An Unimportant Person," "John's Hero," "Romance of an Old Don," "A Mad Parson," "A Child of Science," and "After Twenty Years."
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References: BL; EC
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