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At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publication Year: 1845

All the fiction titles published in the year 1845:

  1. An Irish Bachelor.  The Freaks of Cupid: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  2. Hans Christian Andersen.  Only a Fiddler!: and, O. T. or, Life in Denmark.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  3. Hans Christian Andersen.  The Improvisatore: or, Life in Italy.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  4. Anonymous.  Jonathan Sharp: or, The Adventures of a Kentuckian.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  5. Anonymous.  La Soubrette: or, The Adventures of Theresa Dornay.  3 vol.  London: Madden.
  6. Anonymous.  The Prince of Orange: An Historical Romance of the Dutch Protestant Revolution.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  7. Anonymous.  The Ruling Passion.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  8. Anonymous.  Roland Percie: or, The Elopement. A Novel.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  9. Anonymous.  Distinction: A Tale.  2 vol.  London: Seeley.
  10. Anonymous.  Passages from the Life of a Daughter at Home.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  11. Matthew Henry Barker.  The Fortunes of Frank Fairfield: A Tale of the Sea.  1 vol.  London: William S. Orr.
  12. J. T. Benett.  The Sicilian: A Romance.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  13. Countess of Blessington.  Strathern: or, Life at Home and Abroad. A Story of the Present Day.  4 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  14. John J. Brent.  The Battle Cross: A Romance of the Fourteenth Century.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  15. Mrs. Brereton.  Woman's Influence.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  16. Sophia Briggs.  The Gitana: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  17. Selina Bunbury.  Evenings in the Pyrenées: Comprising the Stories of Wanderers from Many Lands.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  18. Hannah Dorothy Burdon.  The Ward of the Crown: A Historical Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  19. William Carleton.  Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent: or, Chronicles of the Castle Cumber Property.  3 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  20. Frederick Chamier.  Count Königsmark: An Historical Romance.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  21. Lady Chatterton.  Lost Happiness: or, The Effects of a Lie.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.
  22. Henry Fothergill Chorley.  Pomfret: or, Public Opinion and Private Judgment.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  23. Joseph Clarke.  The Round Preacher: or, Reminiscences of Methodist Circuit Life.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  24. Richard Cobbold.  The History of Margaret Catchpole, a Suffolk Girl.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  25. Henry Cockton.  The Love Match.  1 vol.  London: W. M. Clark.
  26. James Fenimore Cooper.  Satanstoe: or, The Family of Littlepage. A Tale of the Colony.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  27. James Fenimore Cooper.  The Chain-Bearer: or, The Littlepage Manuscripts.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  28. Susan Fenimore Cooper.  Elinor Wyllys: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  29. Thomas Cooper.  Wise Saws and Modern Instances: Tales.  2 vol.  London: Jeremiah How.
  30. Esther Copley.  The Lads of the Factory: With Friendly Hints on their Duties and Dangers.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  31. Susan Selby Coppard.  Jessie Barton: or, "Not at Home".  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  32. Charles Dickens.  The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  33. Benjamin Disraeli.  Sybil: or, The Two Nations.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  34. Christiana Jane Douglas.  Honour and Shame: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  35. Alexandre Dumas.  Margaret of Navarre: or The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve. An Historical Tale of the Sixteenth Century.  1 vol.  London: George Peirce.
  36. Sarah Stickney Ellis.  Look to the End: or, The Bennets Abroad.  2 vol.  London: Fisher.
  37. Catherine Gore.  Self: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  38. Catherine Gore.  The Story of a Royal Favourite.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  39. Catherine Gore.  The Snow Storm: A Christmas Story.  1 vol.  London: Fisher.
  40. Thomas Colley Grattan.  The Master Passion, and Other Tales.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  41. Catherine Maria Grey.  The Bosom Friend: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  42. Countess Ida von Hahn-Hahn.  The Countess Faustina: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: John Ollivier.
  43. Anna Maria Hall.  The Whiteboy: A Story of Ireland in 1822.  2 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  44. Thomas Hall.  "Effects" and Adventures of Raby Rattler, Gent..  1 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  45. Elizabeth Ham.  The Ford Family in Ireland: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  46. Catherine Georgina Hamilton.  The Curate of Linwood: or, The Real Strength of the Christian Ministry.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  47. Catherine Georgina Hamilton.  Margaret Waldegrave: or, The Power of Truth.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy.
  48. Elizabeth Hardy.  Michael Cassidy: or, The Cottage Gardener. A Tale for Small Beginners.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  49. Rose Ellen Hendriks.  The Astrologer's Daughter: An Historical Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  50. Charles Frederick Henningsen.  The White Slave: or, The Russian Peasant Girl.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  51. Anne Howard.  Ridley Seldon: or, The Way to Keep Lent. A Tale for the Times.  1 vol.  London: W. H. Dalton.
  52. Mary Howitt.  The Two Apprentices: A Tale for Youth.  1 vol.  London: Thomas Tegg.
  53. Mary Howitt.  My Own Story: or, The Autobiography of a Child.  1 vol.  London: Thomas Tegg.
  54. Mary Howitt.  Who Shall be Greatest?: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: Thomas Tegg.
  55. Thornton Leigh Hunt.  The Foster-Brother: A Tale of the War of Chiozza.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  56. G. P. R. James.  Arrah Neil: or, Times of Old.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  57. G. P. R. James.  The Smuggler: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  58. Cecilia Gidoin Jenkins.  King Edwin and Northumbria: A Tale of Old English Times.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.
  59. Hargrave Jennings.  My Marine Memorandum Book.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  60. Douglas William Jerrold.  Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, as Suffered by the Late Job Caudle.  1 vol.  London: Punch Office.
  61. Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury.  Zoe: The History of Two Lives.  3 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  62. William Henry Giles Kingston.  The Prime Minister: An Historical Romance.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  63. A Lady.  Ravensdale: A Tale.  2 vol.  Dublin: William Curry.
  64. J. Sheridan Le Fanu.  The Cock and Anchor: Being a Chronicle of Old Dublin City.  3 vol.  Dublin: William Curry.
  65. Charles James Lever.  The O'Donoghue: A Tale of Ireland Fifty Years Ago.  1 vol.  Dublin: William Curry.
  66. Charles James Lever.  St. Patrick's Eve.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  67. Charles Lister.  The College Chums: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  68. Rosina Bulwer Lytton.  The Man of the People: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  69. Charles Macfarlane.  A Legend of Reading Abbey.  1 vol.  London: Charles Knight.
  70. Charles Macfarlane.  The Dutch in the Medway.  1 vol.  London: Charles Knight.
  71. James MacGauran.  The Blacksmith's Daughter: A Historical Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  72. Alessandro Manzoni.  The Betrothed Lovers: A Milanese Story of the Seventeenth Century.  3 vol.  London: Longman.
  73. Frederick Marryat.  The Mission: or, Scenes in Africa.  2 vol.  London: Longman.
  74. Anne Marsh.  Mount Sorel: or, The Heiress of the De Veres.  2 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  75. Mary Letitia Martin.  St. Etienne: A Romance of the First Revolution.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  76. Harriet Martineau.  Forest and Game Law Tales.  3 vol.  London: Moxon.
  77. Harriet Martineau.  Dawn Island: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: J. Gadsby.
  78. William Hamilton Maxwell.  Hints to a Soldier on Service.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  79. Eliza Meteyard.  The Struggles for Fame: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  80. Joseph Middleton.  Stanhope: A Domestic Novel.  1 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  81. John Gideon Millingen.  Jack Hornet: or, The March of Intellect.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  82. John Mills.  The Old Hall: or, Our Hearth and Homestead.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  83. Henry Milton.  Lady Cecilia Farrencourt.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  84. Richard Williams Morgan.  The Fortunes of Roger de Flor: or, The Almugavars.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  85. Elizabeth Murphy.  The Levite: or, Scenes Two Hundred Years Ago.  3 vol.  London: John Ollivier.
  86. John Mason Neale.  Shepperton Manor: A Tale of the Times of Bishop Andrewes.  1 vol.  London: W. J. Cleaver.
  87. William North.  The Imposter: or, Born without a Conscience.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  88. Francis Edward Paget.  Luke Sharp: or, Knowledge without Religion. A Tale of Modern Education.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.
  89. Eliza Peake.  Jealousy and Revenge: Tales.  2 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  90. Catherine Denoon Ponsonby.  The Desborough Family.  3 vol.  London: John Mortimer.
  91. Emma Robinson.  Whitehall: or, The Days of Charles I.  3 vol.  London: John Mortimer.
  92. George Herbert Bonaparte Rodwell.  The Memoirs of an Umbrella.  1 vol.  London: E. Mackenzie.
  93. James Malcolm Rymer.  The White Slave: A Romance of the Nineteenth Century.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  94. James Malcolm Rymer.  Don Caesar de Bazan: A Romance of Spain.  1 vol.  London: Edward Lloyd.
  95. Andreas Nicolai de Saint-Aubain.  The Queen of Denmark: An Historical Novel.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  96. Marmion Wilme Savage.  The Falcon Family: or, Young Ireland.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  97. Emma Severn.  Anne Hathaway: or, Shakespeare in Love.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  98. Elizabeth Missing Sewell.  Gertrude.  2 vol.  London: Longman.
  99. William Sewell.  Hawkstone: A Tale of and for England in 184-.  2 vol.  London: John Murray.
  100. Albert Richard Smith.  The Fortunes of the Scattergood Family.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  101. Horace Smith.  Love and Mesmerism.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  102. Harriet Maria Smythies.  Breach of Promise.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  103. Bayle Frederick St. John.  The Eccentric Lover: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  104. Percy Bolingbroke St. John.  The Trapper's Bride: A Tale of the Rocky Mountains.  1 vol.  London: John Mortimer.
  105. Elizabeth M. Stewart.  Githa of the Forest.  3 vol.  London: Edward Churton.
  106. Elizabeth M. Stewart.  Rodenhurst: or, The Church and the Manor.  3 vol.  London: John Mortimer.
  107. Eugène Sue.  De Rohan: or, The Court Conspirator.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  108. Eugène Sue.  The Godolphin Arabian: or, The History of a Thorogh-Bred.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Elcoate.
  109. Charles Benjamin Tayler.  Lady Mary: or, Not of the World.  1 vol.  London: Longman.
  110. Katherine Thomson.  The Lady of Milan: or, Fidelity unto Death.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  111. Johann Ludwig Tieck.  The Roman Matron: or, Vittoria Accorombona. A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  112. Johann Ludwig Tieck.  The Rebellion in the Cevennes: A Historical Novel.  2 vol.  London: David Nutt.
  113. Mrs. Walker.  Cousin George and Other Tales.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  114. Grace Webster.  The Disputed Inheritance: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  115. Robert Folkestone Williams.  Maids of Honour: A Tale of the Court of George I.  3 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  116. Nathaniel Parker Willis.  Dashes at Life with a Free Pencil.  3 vol.  London: Longman.
  117. Jane Louisa Willyams.  Chillon: or, Protestants of the Sixteenth Century. An Historical Tale.  2 vol.  London: Hatchards.
  118. Edward Wilson.  The Martyr of Carthage: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.