Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Author: Rev. Forbes Edward Winslow

Author: Rev. Forbes Edward Winslow (1842–1912)

Alternate Name(s): Michael Rustoff (pseudonym)

Biography: Church of England clergyman and author.

Author Tags:

References: Who's Who (1904)

Fiction Titles:

  1. Hurricane Dick: A Tale of a North-Country Mission.  1 vol.  London: J. T. Hayes, 1877.
  2. Little Patterns.  1 vol.  London: Skeffington, 1878.
  3. What Came of a Bit of Soap.  1 vol.  London: Skeffington, 1880.
  4. What will Mrs. Grundy Say?: or, A Calamity on Two Legs (A Book for Men).  1 vol.  London: Simpkin, 1891.