Publisher: Jarrold and Son in 1893
Titles published by Jarrold and Son in the year 1893:
- Frances Charlotte Armstrong. Old Caleb's Will: or, The Fortunes of the Cardew Family. 1 vol.
- Harriett Boultwood. As Gold is Tried: or, Through Trial to Triumph. 1 vol.
- Evelyn Ward Everett Green. St. Wynfrith and its Inmates: The Story of an Almshouse. 1 vol.
- Susan Rowley Richmond Lee. His Heart to Win. 1 vol.
- Kate Thompson Sizer. The Wooing of Osyth: A Story of the Eastern Counties in Saxon Times. 1 vol.
- Nora Vynne. The Blind Artist's Pictures and Other Stories. 1 vol.