Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publisher: Ward and Lock in 1862

Titles published by Ward and Lock in the year 1862:

  1. Edmond François Valentin About.  The Round of Wrong: A Romance of To-day.  1 vol.
  2. Edmond François Valentin About.  The King of the Mountains.  1 vol.
  3. Henry Robert Addison.  Recollections of an Irish Police Magistrate, and Other Reminiscences of the South of Ireland.  1 vol.
  4. Gustave Aimard.  The Queen of the Savannah: A Story of the Mexican War.  1 vol.
  5. Gustave Aimard.  The Last of the Incas: A Romance of the Pampas.  1 vol.
  6. Gustave Aimard.  The Red Track: A Story of Social Life in Mexico.  1 vol.
  7. Gustave Aimard.  The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert.  1 vol.
  8. Thomas Archer.  Madame Prudence and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  9. John Bennett.  Revelations of a Sly Parrot.  1 vol.
  10. Mary Elizabeth Braddon.  The Lady Lisle.  1 vol.
  11. Mary Elizabeth Braddon.  The Captain of the Vulture.  1 vol.
  12. Mary Elizabeth Braddon.  Ralph the Bailiff and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  13. Robert Williams Buchanan.  Storm-beaten: or, Christmas Eve at the "Old Anchor" Inn.  1 vol.
  14. William Carleton.  The Silver Acre and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  15. Mary Francis Chapman.  Lord Bridgenorth's Niece.  1 vol.
  16. Robert Curtis.  Curiosities of Detection: or, The Sea-Coast Station, and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  17. Pierre Alexis de Ponson du Terrail.  The King's Page: An Historical Romance.  1 vol.
  18. Percy H. Fitzgerald.  The Night Mail: Its Passengers and How They Fared at Christmas.  1 vol.
  19. Albany de Grenier de Fonblanque.  The Filibuster: A Story of American Life, and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  20. James Hain Friswell.  The Young Couple and Miscellanies.  1 vol.
  21. William Stephens Hayward.  Hunted to Death: or, Life in Two Hemispheres. A Tale of Love and Adventure.  1 vol.
  22. Elizabeth Janet Jenings.  My Good for Nothing Brother: A Novel.  1 vol.
  23. John Westland Marston.  The Family Credit and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  24. Augustus Mayhew.  Blow Hot--Blow Cold: A Love Story.  1 vol.
  25. Mary Ann Meehan.  The Haunted Castle.  1 vol.
  26. Watts Phillips.  Amos Clark: or, The Poor Dependent. A Story of Country Life in the Seventeenth Century.  1 vol.
  27. Watts Phillips.  Canary Bird: A Story of Town Life in the Seventeenth Century. A Sequal to "Amos Clark".  1 vol.
  28. Emma Robinson.  Which Wins, Love or Money?.  1 vol.
  29. Emma Robinson.  Cynthia Thorold.  1 vol.
  30. William Russell.  Experiences of a Real Detective.  1 vol.
  31. William Russell.  Undiscovered Crimes.  1 vol.
  32. William Russell.  The Cruise of the Blue Jacket and Other Sea Stories.  1 vol.
  33. George Augustus Sala.  The Ship Chandler and Other Tales.  1 vol.
  34. Vane Ireton St. John.  The Chain of Destiny: A Novel.  1 vol.
  35. Joseph Verey.  Roland the Painter: A Romance of Artist Life.  1 vol.