Publisher: Frederick Warne in 1869
Titles published by Frederick Warne in the year 1869:
- Henry Cadwallader Adams. Falconshurst: or, Birthday Tales. 1 vol.
- Henry Cadwallader Adams. The Encombe Stories: or, Tales for Sunday Reading. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. Brave Bobby, Peter and his Pony. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. Chat in the Play-Room and Life at a Farmhouse. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. Frances Meadows: Traits of Character. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. Mrs. Gordon's Household: or, One Way of doing Good. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. The Parents' Cabinet. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. The Peasants of the Alps, and Passe-Tout: or, The New Fishing Smack. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. Tales for Boys and Girls. 1 vol.
- Anonymous. Uncle John's Adventures and Travels. 1 vol.
- James Skipp Borlase. Daring Deeds and Tales of Peril and Adventure. 1 vol.
- Frances Freeling Broderip. The Daisy and her Friends: Simple Tales and Stories for Children. 1 vol.
- W. E. Coghlan. St. George's Key: A Tale for Boys. 1 vol.
- Robert St. John Corbet. Ralph Luttrel's Fortunes: By Rail, by Road, and by Sea. A Book for Boys. 1 vol.
- ECA. Count Teleki: A Story of Jewish Life and Customs. 1 vol.
- Hannah Ransome Geldart. Mary Leigh: or, Purpose in Life. 1 vol.
- Hon. Louisa Lelias Greene. Filling Up the Chinks. 1 vol.
- Laura Jewry. The Child's Finger-Post: or, Help for the Heedless. 1 vol.
- Sarah Anne Mercier. Christabel Hope: or, The Beginnings of Life. 1 vol.
- Susanna Mary Paull. Mary Elton: or, Self-Control. 1 vol.
- Susanna Mary Paull. Pride and Principle: or, The Captain of Elvoden School. 1 vol.
- Susanna Mary Paull. Tom Watson: or, The Law of Kindness. 1 vol.
- Frances Mary Peard. One Year: or, A Story of Three Homes. 1 vol.
- Elise de Pressensé. Two Years of School Life. 1 vol.
- Susan Bogert Warner. Howards of Glen Luna. 1 vol.
- Florence Wilford. Nigel Bartram's Ideal. 1 vol.