Small image of a man handing a book to a women across a counter.

At the Circulating Library

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837–1901

Publication Year: 1859

All the fiction titles published in the year 1859:

  1. Nehemiah Adams.  Catharine.  1 vol.  London: Knight and Son.
  2. Hamilton Aidé.  Confidences.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  3. Gustave Aimard.  The Chief of the Aucas: or, The Foster-Brothers.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  4. Anonymous.  Ebb and Flow: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  5. Anonymous.  Beverley Priory, with Rescues from Lucknow: A Tale.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  6. Anonymous.  The Bishop's Little Daughter.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  7. Anonymous.  A Life-Long Story: or, Am I my Sister's Keeper? Facts and Phases for the Times. Dedicated to the Women of England.  1 vol.  London: Simpkin.
  8. Anonymous.  Ready Work for Willing Hands: or, The Story of Edith Allison.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  9. Anonymous.  Roses and Thorns: or, Five Tales of the Start in Life.  1 vol.  London: James Hogg.
  10. Anonymous.  Tales of Military Life.  1 vol.  London: S. P. C. K..
  11. Francis Claudius Armstrong.  The Lily of Devon: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  12. John Hervey Ashworth.  The Young Curate: or, The Quicksands of Life.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  13. Emma Willsher Atkinson.  Extremes.  2 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  14. Mrs. Atkyns.  Murder Will Out: A Story of Real Life.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  15. Sarah Schoonmaker Baker.  The Babes in the Basket: or, Daph and her Charge.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  16. Honoré de Balzac.  Eugénie Grandet.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  17. Honoré de Balzac.  Balthazar: or, Science and Love.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  18. Ellen Barlee.  Helen Lindsay: or, The Trial of Faith. A Novel by a Clergyman's Daughter.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  19. Jane Carr Bateman.  Who is to Have It?: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  20. Beatrice Batty.  The Mill in the Valley: A Tale of German Rural Life.  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  21. Catherine Douglas Bell.  The Children's Mirror: or, Which is my likeness?.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  22. Catherine Douglas Bell.  Home Sunshine.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy.
  23. Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards.  Charlie and Ernest: or, Play and Work. A Story of Hazlehurst School.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas.
  24. Matilda Barbara Betham-Edwards.  Now or Never: A Novel.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas.
  25. John Stanyan Bigg.  Alfred Staunton: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  26. Mrs. Ph. Solms Boosey.  The Morning of Life.  2 vol.  London: Charles Westerton.
  27. Anne Bowman.  The Kangaroo Hunters: or, Adventures in the Bush.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  28. Anne Bowman.  The Boy Voyagers: or, The Pirates of the East.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  29. Edward Bradley.  Happy Hours: At Wynford Grange. A Story for Children.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  30. Francis Frederick Brandt.  Frank Marland's Manuscripts: or, Memoirs of a Modern Templar.  1 vol.  London: Hope.
  31. Cecilia Lucy Brightwell.  Palissy the Huguenot Potter: A True Tale.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  32. Frances Elizabeth G. Carey Brock.  Home Memories: or, Echoes of a Mother's Voice.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  33. Mrs. Henry F. Brock.  Christmas Eve: or, The Sympathies of Life.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  34. Robert Barnabas Brough.  Ulf the Minstrel: or, The Princess Diamonduckz and the Hazel Fairy. A Dragon Story for Christmas.  1 vol.  London: Houlston and Wright.
  35. A. Morton Brown.  Peden the Prophet: A Tale of the Covenanters. Founded on Fact.  1 vol.  London: John Snow.
  36. Frances Browne.  Our Uncle the Traveller's Stories.  1 vol.  London: W. Kent and Co..
  37. BTAO "Behind the Scenes in Paris".  Behind the Scenes in Paris: or, A Tale of the Clubs and the Secret Police.  2 vol.  London: James Hogg.
  38. BTAO "Home Life".  Little May: or, Of What Use am I?.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  39. BTAO "John Hampton's Home".  My Earnings: or, The Story of Ann Ellison's Life.  1 vol.  London: Knight and Son.
  40. BTAO "Magdalen Stafford".  The Romance and its Hero.  2 vol.  London: Bell and Daldy.
  41. BTAO "Marian Falconer".  A Golden Year and Its Lessons of Labour.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  42. BTAO "Ruth and her Friends".  Days of Old: Three Stories from Old English History. For the Young.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  43. BTAO "The Conceited Pig".  The Bantam Family and Other Stories.  1 vol.  London: Mozley and Co..
  44. Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett.  The Golden Balance: or, The False and the Real.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  45. Hannah Dorothy Burdon.  The Fate of Folly.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  46. Charles Henry Butcher.  Sir Gilbert: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  47. Julia Clara Byrne.  Realities of Paris Life.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  48. Annie Emma Challice.  The Wife's Temptation: A Tale of Belgravia.  2 vol.  London: Charles Westerton.
  49. Sailor Charley.  The Boy's Own Sea Stories: Being the Adventures of a Sailor in the Navy, the Merchant Service, and on a Whaling Cruise.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  50. Henry Fothergill Chorley.  Roccabella: A Tale of Woman's Life.  2 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  51. Ellen Louise Clacy.  Warfare and Work: or, Life's Progress.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  52. Wilkie Collins.  The Queen of Hearts.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  53. Henry Cooke.  The Count de Perbruck: An Historical Romance.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  54. Kinahan Cornwallis.  Wreck and Ruin: or, Modern Society.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  55. Dudley Costello.  Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady: A Modern Story.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  56. Sophia Coulton.  Our Farm of Four Acres and the Money we Made by It.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  57. Samuel Alfred Cox.  Reuben Sterling: A Tale of Scottish Life.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  58. Dinah Marie Craik.  A Life for a Life.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  59. Georgiana Marion Craik.  Lost and Won.  1 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  60. Catherine Ann Crowe.  Ghosts and Family Legends: A Volume for Christmas.  1 vol.  London: Henry Colburn.
  61. George Cupples.  Hinchbridge Haunted: A Country Story.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo.
  62. George Cupples.  The Two Frigates: or, Captain Bisset's Legacy.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  63. Capt. Henry Curling.  The Miser Lord: A Sequel to "Frank Beresford".  1 vol.  London: C. J. Skeet.
  64. William Dalton.  The War Tiger: or, Adventures and Wonderful Fortunes of the Young Sea Chief and his Lad Chow. A Tale.  1 vol.  London: Griffith and Farran.
  65. Elizabeth Daniel.  Master and Pupil: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  66. Charles Dickens.  A Tale of Two Cities.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  67. John Dodd.  The Angel of the Iceberg and Other Stories and Parables: to which is added, Truth made Simple, a System of Theology for Children.  1 vol.  London: Cassell.
  68. Christiana Jane Douglas.  Onwards.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  69. Anna Harriet Drury.  Misrepresentation: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: John W. Parker.
  70. Alexandre Dumas.  The Watchmaker.  1 vol.  London: Henry Lea.
  71. Alexandre Dumas.  Taking the Bastile: or, Six Years Later. Being the Sequel to "The Memoirs of a Physician" and "The Queen's Necklace".  1 vol.  London: Thomas Hodgson.
  72. Hon. Emily Eden.  The Semi-Detached House.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  73. Hon. Eleanor Eden.  False and True.  1 vol.  London: L. Booth.
  74. Annie Edwards.  Creeds.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  75. George Eliot.  Adam Bede.  3 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  76. Sarah Stickney Ellis.  The Widow Green and Her Three Nieces.  1 vol.  London: Partridge.
  77. Mrs. Fairfield.  Stories about Birds.  1 vol.  London: Hamilton.
  78. Frederic William Farrar.  Julian Home: A Tale of College Life.  1 vol.  London: A. and C. Black.
  79. Albany de Grenier de Fonblanque.  The Man of Fortune: A Story of the Present Day.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  80. Albany de Grenier de Fonblanque.  The Family Lawyer.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  81. Rose Foot.  Blight: or, The Novel Hater. A Tale of Our Own Times.  3 vol.  London: Hope.
  82. William Bentinck Forfar.  Pentowan: or, The Adventures Of Gregory Goulden, Esq., and Tobias Penhale. A Cornish Story.  1 vol.  Helston: R. Cunnack.
  83. Francis Francis.  Newton Dogvane: A Story of English Country Life.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  84. Ludwig August von Frankl.  The Jews in the East.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  85. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell.  Round the Sofa.  2 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  86. Margaret Gatty.  Aunt Judy's Tales.  1 vol.  London: Bell and Daldy.
  87. Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker.  A Sailor's Adventures.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  88. Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Gerstäcker.  Each for Himself: or, The Two Adventurers.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  89. William Gilbert.  A Tale for the Pharisees.  1 vol.  London: Judd and Glass.
  90. Bourne Gomerie.  Sybil Grey: An Autobiography.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  91. James Grant.  Hollywood Hall: A Tale of 1715.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  92. James Grant.  Legends of the Black Watch: or, Forty-Second Highlanders.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  93. Frederick Greenwood.  The Path of Roses.  1 vol.  London: C. H. Clarke.
  94. Lucy Ellen Guernsey.  Ready Work for Willing Hands: or, The Story of Edith Allison.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  95. James Hannay.  Hearts are Trumps: An Amphibious Story.  1 vol.  London: David Bogue.
  96. Mary Jane Hope Hollings.  Ethel Woodville: or, Woman's Ministry. A Tale for the Times.  2 vol.  London: Hatchards.
  97. William Knightley Horlock.  The Master of the Hounds.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  98. Charles F. Howard.  Gilbert Midhurst, M.P..  2 vol.  London: Hope.
  99. Thomas Hughes.  The Scouring of the White Horse: or, The Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  100. Joseph Holt Ingraham.  The Prince of the House of David: or, Three Years in the Holy City.  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  101. John Cordy Jeaffreson.  Miriam Copley.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  102. Henry Gladwyn Jebb.  Out of the Depths: The Story of a Woman's Life. A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  103. Henrietta Camilla Jenkin.  Cousin Stella: or, Conflict.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  104. Laura Jewry.  Beatrice: or, Six Years of Childhood and Youth.  1 vol.  London: William Tegg.
  105. Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury.  Right or Wrong.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  106. William Johnston.  Freshfield.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  107. Elizabeth Johnston.  The Rose and the Lotus: or, Home in England and Home in India.  1 vol.  London: Bell and Daldy.
  108. Augusta Johnstone.  A Few out of Thousands: Their Sayings and Doings.  1 vol.  London: Groombridge.
  109. Sibella Jones.  Harriette Browne's School-Days: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  110. Julia Kavanagh.  Seven Years, and Other Tales.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  111. Annie Keary.  Through the Shadows.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  112. Henrietta Keddie.  The Nut-brown Maids: or, The First Hosier and his Hosen. A Family Chronicle.  1 vol.  London: John W. Parker.
  113. Conway Keith.  Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  114. Henry Kingsley.  The Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn.  3 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  115. William Henry Giles Kingston.  Old Jack: A Man-of-War's-Man and South-Sea Whaler.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  116. William Henry Giles Kingston.  Round the World: A Tale for Boys.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  117. William Henry Giles Kingston.  The Early Life of Old Jack: A Sea Tale.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  118. Mary Kirby.  Rose-Coloured Spectacles: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  119. Fanny Aikin Kortright.  The Dean: or, The Popular Preacher. A Tale.  3 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  120. Hermann Lang.  The Air-Battle: A Vision of the Future.  1 vol.  London: William Penny.
  121. John Lang.  The Ex-Wife: A Novel.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  122. John Lang.  My Friend's Wife: or, York, You're Wanted.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  123. John Lang.  The Secret Police: or, Plot and Passion.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  124. John Lang.  Botany Bay.  1 vol.  London: William Tegg.
  125. Mrs. Foster Langton.  Every Day.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  126. George Alfred Lawrence.  Sword and Gown.  1 vol.  London: John W. Parker.
  127. Caroline Woolmer Leakey.  The Broad Arrow: Being Passages from the History of Maida Gwynnham, a Lifer.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  128. Mary Charlotte Julia Leith.  Mark Dennis: or, The Engine Driver. A Tale.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  129. Charles James Lever.  Davenport Dunn: or, The Man of the Day.  1 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  130. Captain Lovesy.  Rocks and Shoals: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Charles Westerton.
  131. Edward Bulwer Lytton.  What Will He Do with It?: A Novel.  4 vol.  Edinburgh: Blackwood.
  132. Margaret Mackay.  False Appearances.  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  133. Susan Swain Madders.  Mabel Owen: An Autobiography.  2 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  134. Anne Manning.  Deborah's Diary: A Sequel to "Mary Powell".  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  135. Anne Manning.  Poplar House Academy.  2 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  136. Catherine Marsh.  English Hearts and English Hands: or, The Railway and the Trenches.  1 vol.  London: James Nisbet.
  137. William Withey Mathews.  The Two Homes.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  138. William Hamilton Maxwell.  Erin-go-brah: or, Irish Life Pictures.  2 vol.  London: Bentley.
  139. Samuel Ralph Townshend Mayer.  Amy Fairfax: or, Bearing and Forbearing, the Lesson of Life. A Novelette.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  140. Julia Melville.  Georgie Barrington: A Tale.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  141. George Meredith.  The Ordeal of Richard Feverel: A History of Father and Son.  3 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  142. Thomas Miller.  The British Wolf-Hunters: A Tale of England in the Olden Time.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  143. John Mills.  The Flyers of the Hunt.  1 vol.  London: The Field Office.
  144. Edward Money.  The Wife and the Ward: or, A Life's Error.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  145. Albert Julius Mott.  Trust for Trust: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  146. John Mason Neale.  The Exiles of the Cebenna: A Journal Written during the Decian Persecution, by Aurelius Gratianus, Priest of the Church of Arles; and Now done into English.  1 vol.  London: J. H. and J. Parker.
  147. John Mason Neale.  The Lazar-House of Leros: A Tale of the Eastern Church in the Seventeenth Cetury.  1 vol.  London: J. H. and J. Parker.
  148. John Mason Neale.  The Lily of Tiflis: A Sketch from Georgian Church History.  1 vol.  London: J. H. and J. Parker.
  149. Margaret Oliphant.  Agnes Hopetoun's Schools and Holidays: The Experiences of a Little Girl.  1 vol.  London: Macmillan.
  150. Emily Owen.  Raised to the Peerage: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  151. Henry Owgan.  My First Romance and Other Tales.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  152. Harriett Agnes Page.  The Parson and the Poor: A Tale of Hazelwood.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  153. Francis Edward Paget.  The Curate of Cumberworth: and the Vicar of Roost. Tales.  1 vol.  London: Joseph Masters.
  154. Julia S. H. Pardoe.  A Life Struggle.  2 vol.  London: L. Booth.
  155. Mrs. Hastings Parker.  Bentley Priory.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  156. Harriet Parr.  Against Wind and Tide.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  157. Harriet Parr.  Hawksview: A Family History of our own Times.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  158. Gertrude Parsons.  George Morton, the Boy and the Man: Tales.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.
  159. Gertrude Parsons.  Emma's Cross: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: James Burns.
  160. James Payn.  The Foster Brothers: Being a History of the School and College Life of Two Young Men.  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  161. Lady Charlotte Maria Pepys.  Female Influence.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  162. E. Perring.  The Village School.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  163. William Pickersgill.  Washington Grange: An Autobiography.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  164. Rose Macqueen Piddington.  The Last of the Cavaliers.  3 vol.  London: Bentley.
  165. William Platt.  Betty Westminster: or, The Worship of Wealth. A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  166. Lady Emily Ponsonby.  A Mother's Trial.  1 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  167. Marguerite Agnes Power.  Nelly Carew.  2 vol.  London: Saunders and Otley.
  168. Elizabeth Proby.  The Dennes of Daundelyonn.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  169. Rev. James Pycroft.  Twenty Years in the Church: An Autobiography.  1 vol.  London: L. Booth.
  170. Noell Radecliffe.  The Lees of Blendon Hall: An Autobiography.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  171. John Edmund Reade.  Wait and Hope: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  172. Charles Reade.  Love me Little, Love me Long: A Tale.  2 vol.  London: Trübner.
  173. William Winwood Reade.  Charlotte and Myra: A Puzzle in Six Bits.  1 vol.  London: Trübner.
  174. Capt. Mayne Reid.  Oçeola.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  175. D. Richmond.  Helena Bertram: A Tale for the Young.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  176. Leitch Ritchie.  Winter Evenings.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  177. Frederick William Robinson.  Woodleigh.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  178. Hercules Robinson.  Harry Evelyn: or, Romance of the Atlantic. A Naval Novel, Founded on Facts.  1 vol.  London: James Blackwood.
  179. William Russell.  Recollections of a Detective Police-Officer. Second Series.  1 vol.  London: W. Kent and Co..
  180. Elizabeth Sara Sheppard.  Almost a Heroine.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  181. Anne Maria Carter Smith.  Aggesden Vicarage: or, Bridget Storey's First Charge. A Tale for the Young.  2 vol.  London: John W. Parker.
  182. Caroline Mary Smith.  The Verneys: or, Chaos Dispelled. A Tale of Genius and Religion.  1 vol.  London: Arthur Hall.
  183. Thomas Solly.  The Campbells: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  184. Georgiana Margaret Sterne.  My Village Neighbours: A Tale.  1 vol.  London: T. C. Newby.
  185. Harriet Beecher Stowe.  The Minister's Wooing.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  186. Elizabeth Strutt.  The Curate and the Rector: A Domestic Story.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  187. Charles Benjamin Tayler.  The Fool's Pence, and Other Narratives of Every-day Life.  1 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  188. William Makepeace Thackeray.  The Virginians: A Tale of the Last Century.  2 vol.  London: Bradbury and Evans.
  189. William Moy Thomas.  When the Snow Falls.  2 vol.  London: Sampson Low.
  190. Julia Augusta Tilt.  Millicent Neville: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: L. Booth.
  191. Anthony Trollope.  The Bertrams: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Chapman and Hall.
  192. Charlotte Maria Tucker.  Old Friends with New Faces.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  193. Charlotte Maria Tucker.  Whispering Unseen: or, Be Ye Doers of the Word and not Hearers Only.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  194. Charlotte Maria Tucker.  Daybreak in Britain.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..
  195. Edward Tracy Turnerelli.  A Night in a Haunted House!: A Tale of Facts.  1 vol.  London: Ward and Lock.
  196. Mary Theresa Vidal.  Ellen Raymond: or, Ups and Downs.  3 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  197. Annie Webb.  Marco Griffi, the Italian Patriot.  1 vol.  London: Bentley.
  198. Marion Eliza Weir.  Patience to Work and Patience to Wait.  1 vol.  Edinburgh: Nelson and Sons.
  199. William Gorman Wills.  Life's Foreshadowings: A Novel.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  200. William Wilson.  A Good Time Coming.  3 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  201. Henry Schütz Wilson.  The Three Paths: A Novel.  2 vol.  London: Hurst and Blackett.
  202. Jane Anne Winscom.  Onward: or, The Mountain Clamberers. A Tale of Progress.  1 vol.  London: Seeley.
  203. Eliza Winstanley.  Shifting Scenes in Theatrical Life.  1 vol.  London: Routledge.
  204. John Richard de Capel Wise.  The Cousins' Courtship.  2 vol.  London: Smith, Elder.
  205. Elizabeth Youatt.  Hannah Lee: or, Rest for the Weary.  1 vol.  London: R. T. S..